I actually timed it once. It leaves in its wake dis-ease. Sadly, nothing. WebThere are three general categories of speech impairment: Fluency disorder. So why do we continue supporting this made up role? In fact, upon being appointed, Platt actually said, I now see the beauty of the CP. it wasn't when we spent 10 years in inter city ministry and certainly not the 60 hour week my husband put in hoping on day his boss will finally honour his words and we can buy in to the company after using his name in a limited parntership where due to the financial mess of '08 we haven't seen a bit of profit but have had insurance go up 40 percent. I actually did. Here is a cautious, rather underwhelming, statement from the trustees att the IMB : Our president, Dr. David Platt, has expressed a deep sense of calling to serve as (Make it uncomfortable for them by degrees, so that they sign or leave? McLean Bible Church was obviously looking for a high profile name to be their teaching pastor. Reminds me of a famous one-liner by the late and much-loved English comedian Bob Monkhouse: When I said I was going to become a comedian, they all laughed. AMEN! @ Preacherskid: This is interesting. One of many reasons I am not a fan of institutionalied/bureaucracy-ized Churchianity. I use Word, revelation, and proclamation almost inter-changeably. Yep, I am one of the liberals and it has created much exiling in my SBC life. 2. a person who protects, guides, or watches over a person or group of people. This concern was raised when Platt took the position at the mission board. Based on that I was planning to make MBC my home church. Were Dones. With the IMB and the NAMB and 9Marks and ERLC there, it sure looks like there will be political consolidation in D.C. of what used to be known as the SBC. Seems like a focal point. Exactly. to be more specific, they said that their insurer advised them that if they were to let anyone use their facility other than another non-profit, it could jeopardize their tax-exempt status. The pastor has stated he spends 15 20 hours a week preparing his sermonbut in reading the comments above about how pastors will say that but just copy & paste other people I just found a sermon by MacArthur on Psalm 19 and it sounded exactly like the sermon my pastor preached a few weeks ago on Psalm 19. She never told me what they talked about, but she spoke very highly of him and enjoyed having him visit. Definitions are all changing under our feet (the boundary markers are being moved). As I wrote last night, the trend over the last 20 years (and especially the last 10 years) has been consolidation of power around Mohler and Mohler loyalists with the only doctrinal essentials being Authoritarianism (meaning loyalty to whatever they say) and Complementarianism. WebWe dont have lots of information about members of the JP family except for the fact that his father is a driver. This is indirectly related to this topic.I am questioning the current practice of satellite churches.where a church starts another location with the pastor appearing via webcam. My reference to man was meant as human.. You get character development, plot development and backstory. Sometimes because of past hurts in churches, when I go to a church service, I just want to be an anonymous person who sits in the back. If we then love God we will/should obey God, or so Jesus said regarding himself. One thing that does often seem to be missing in men and women these days is Godly wisdom. . First, a general reason: God has always existed in relationshipthe loving relationship of Father, Son, and Spirit. WE need to correct others, and we need to be able to receive correction. As a variation on the theme, ISTM that they want to be honoured as gurus without growing into functioning role-models. More customers flock in/buy in to the marketing strategy and feel that the product enhances their life its even enriched and fortified. I like that people can request things like meals after surgery. I have said for years, that the problem with many of these pastors is that they want to be Evangelists like Billy Graham, but they want the security of a permanent church. Many of my friends from Gospel Glitterati churches invited me to the conferenceso glad I declined and did not give a penny to them. This week, it was announced thatDavid Plattwill soon be voted on to be the new teaching pastor atMcLean Bible Church. My concordance doesnt include an entry for paid pastor. Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. Acts 2:41, NKJV Almost all words have their origins in the verb forms. When people grasp us too strongly, either with their love or with their dependence, we are intuitively conscious that they are not looking to God, and we become paralyzed in our efforts to help them. If we show the world what a high cost we are willing to pay for Gods love, the world might be able to look outside the order of created things and see a Hope that they would be willing to pay the cost for. I am not convinced the humility David Platt exhibits is real, considering his celebrity status and the lack of persecution from the world. I believe he is fitting in quite nicely with the harlot institutional church, using the Name of our LORD for his own personal glory. Meeting in homes instead of large church buildings? Silence, as the cancer stealthy grows? Didnt know why that put Okrapods named instead of TEDSgrad. At MBC we have a large pastoral staff who make hospital visits, perform weddings and funerals, etc. ___ Does not. As thoroughly-Domesticated as North Korean Population Units. I love this story! Because healthy community is missional. It is also a biological code. God wants to team with us and envigorate the process with his life-giving, explosive self ++++++++++++++++++++. They will respond with worship to the created thing Idolatry. And thats okay too. More and more of the community are showing up with poor eyesight and bad circulation in the feet. Ed Stetzer and the Four Fence Posts that Define His Ministry, https://thouarttheman.org/2014/03/11/docent-group-should-dump-driscoll-and-hire-mahaney/, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8xysVNigCsU, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nIBOG8BRcdY, http://www.bpnews.net/49530/harveybattered-churches-sue-for-fema-funds, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I4vnQc59N-w, http://www.ntslibrary.com/PDF%20Books/A%20Defense%20of%20Calvinism%20by%20Spurgeon.pdf, http://www.christianebooks.com/TheGrahamFormulaDownload.pdf, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=llNnlE6Hbuc, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ5R08xDC6c, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HPqDaKajSnQ, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MdQINUBlPno, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EEHZ_-mE7Ao, http://www.metrolyrics.com/wake-me-up-inside-lyrics-evanescence.html, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3mvDQWOQ2iI, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LML6SoNE7xE. Going back to the comments about receiving Communion. Its like a code for the party apparatus. (But seriously, 20-25 hrs a week on prep? Kin Platt was the mad genius of young adult books and probably the most controversial writer for this audience in the 1970's. Folks, find a church in which you have a real pastor, not a talking head who offers nothingdifferent than apodcast Find a pastor who knows your names and will come and sit with you when you are in the hospital. I want to know when did my husband or me get a vacation from life. And I have also been enriched by being able to participate in some of the missions work at McLean. Personally, this is sad because we have a long-ago connection to McLean Bible. Standing up on a stage, being the only voice heard in a comfortably organised setting where everyone is explicitly there to hear you speak, is among the most seductively intoxicating pleasures anywhere in this life. Yes, my experience and sentiments exactly. The great irony is that, in their vast contempt for women, these young men are haplessly led (like an ox going to the slaughter) astray by preaching itself, the true adulteress in this scenario. Even using the same example and telling them as if they had happened to him. Those of us who have seen behind the curtain know that it is not real. I have been hearing from a few folks. I called the church to make the funeral arrangements and notify the pastor. I sometimes despair at being such a talentless, beached whale of an apology for a wordsmith. I also have an active prayer closet and know how to use it. With a seminary degree???? True, sir (if it be proper to call God sir). than I do . Dont get me wrong, the Bible is a great and wonderful thing, and as far as holy books go it has no equal. Viewing David Platts past online sermon videos smack of the same toxic religious syndrome in store for MBC members as well. He knew when He inspired the authors of the Bible just exactly what would be going on now. I hear some of you saying that you want a personal interaction with a pastor. That is it. * Mahaney and Wayne Grudem repeatedly regurgitate the same few sermons time after time. Most of the congregation will never realize this as they are caught up in the cult of personality. Thats what our church family is for. sign a covenant with! Only managed a crazy sounding chuckle . If we go on missions, it is for the salvation of the world and then that those who are saved may obey the great commandments love for God and love for neighbour. I dont like Platt. Very few people are in jobs that are truly safe. A scripted life is not freedom. But there were no other pastors. I used to belong to Davids former church in Birmingham and it took me several years to figure out what he was doing. their church planting efforts out of McLean. Personal study is critical, and if a pastor can get the flock to let their fingers do the walking, then he has done a great service. I believe they prevailed. With one exception: If I was a pastor, I can understand taking 20-25 hours for study and sermon preparation. Most pastor positions are salaried. I have long been an advocate of this. Its true that not everyone likes it, but many people do. Please preface it with, As the New Testament CLEARLY shows in XYZ, Law Prof wrote: So disheartening. You may think some of my nine jobs are questionable and others of them are controversial. Or just not on Sunday morning. As a former member of Brook Hills where David was once my pastor, I am concerned about this. This feeding of the flock is via the Word of God and given out with a piece of oneself. Apparently this post is getting a lot of play out there. Warren observes that this never impresses him, and that it raises the question of whether they love the people theyre preaching to as much as they love the rush of public speaking. It is a megachurch inthe DC areawith 5 locationsand claims an attendance of 13,000 each weekend. I did join it after attending for a year and then left after four months. The Creator takes precedence, and His revelation of Himself is central. He actually knew my name and used it." His Presence in their midst, is the witness of the Church (being not doing). But the idea that we are first born again and then immediately sent on mission of some sort (publicly profess the faith for example) was how we were taught back in the day in SBCville. Anything bursting in there makes surgery, clean up, and recovery much more extensive. But, I try to see every person who comes to me as a long lost brother or sister. i think most pastors are trained (whether by others or by self) to feel justified in being the recipient of tax breaks. When he recently encountered a young man who stutters at a Keene, Im asking God to give you Elders who are friends, and that things go well in your church. As many genders as people are claiming now there is no way to be inclusive much less to do so with any common sense at all. Once the bible (or more specifically what some people try to do with the bible} is treated as simply a different version of the old Jewish idea of law and thus turned into a burden too heavy to bear-then we can quote Jesus himself about the fact that creating burdens like that is a big time no-no. We are to go into all the world and BE witnesses. As a police officer, he was still in his 20s feeling burnt out and over it. All this flies under the radar. After reading your comments I was deeply discouraged, wow this man must be seriously egotistical and really has no heart for the church body. The legal profession just balks. He speaks at the Southern Baptist Convention Platt tries to have it both ways. He wants to affirm the Bibles commands and then wants to finesse allowing people into the church who vote for policies that God prohibits. Then, Platt reveals his key concernsome people might get their feelings hurt. Hopefully I can soon find a way out. We minister unto the LORD. But I could be mis-understanding you. And often a committee wants Adrian Rogers in a church of 300. Just where can you find all these multitalented people who are biblical scholars who can do all their own research, have a commanding ability at teaching, are people persons who are adept at counseling and hand holding and socializing (three different things there) and who will work 80 hours a week for minimum pay and who refuse to delegate but do it all themselves? It seems perfectly obvious to me that He wants more when it comes to eternity than just hanging around and thinking pleasant thoughts, so to speak. feeling tension over what is duplicitous, deceitful, self-promoting under the cover of God is a healthy response. ), I keep hearing that echo from that 9Marks newsletter I read online, where someone asked what to do if people didnt want to sign a covenant, and the answer was to reason with them and then ease them out if they wouldnt sign. It is not the whole. Vs 14 God says I know He Aaron can speak very well obviously God knew that Moses did have some legit problem with speech like stuttering. They seem to have united around pragmatic Authoritarianism and Complementarianism. It seems perfectly obvious to me that He wants more when it comes to eternity than just hanging around and thinking pleasant thoughts, so to speak. Lost In Space: Gospel Replacement In Progress. PHD student. He is now our teaching pastor and I am thrilled God brought him to. Are people these days accustomed to this style of church where theyre just a number and only there to listen to someone completely detached from their lives speak to them for 45 minutes or so? The Nepalese believers dont seek expenses-paid work jollies or international trips, or book deals. The ironic thing is that the 9Marx pastor in the town of Fujairah (a smaller town on the east coast of the UAE) wrote an article that was published on the 9Marx website that was bemoaning the fact that there are too many missionaries. Oh yeah-thats the guy who shows us how not to be crazy busy-now *pastor* of a lg church and seminary professor. Im all over the continuum insofar as views go. David is no Paul. In the parish hall of my church. The model in the New Testament was shared leadership. Youre modeling New Testament now? I think that last bit is important. Mahaney? @ Todd Wilhelm: I think a marriage of convenience took place, and human nature made sure that it stayed that way when things became very inconvenient a few short years later. But brother or sister, these nine jobs are biblical, and that is why they are so valuable.. My problem with the tax breaks for churches and staff is they dont want government intrusion but then want to keep special exemptions. I think that people are more comfortable with Jesus loves me (a song) than they are with keep my commandments (a direct quote from the mouth of Jesus) and some folks find it easy to play the two off against each other in order to avoid whatever they want to avoid and take advantage of whatever they want to take advantage of. 2) And making way too much of it at the other. most megachurch sermons are shallow and quite devoid of teaching of Scripture. This year Ive been watching 5 churches that broadcast their worship live on Sundays. But who else is going to feature that boring hallway that nobody ever uses? He will be the preaching pastor at McLean. But does mission swamp the Church? Im aware that the owner of a local restaurant does something similar. Thanks for asking . What I would say is, if you ever find the perfect church, dont join youll spoil it. David Platt, An MBC (1) Teaching Pastor, Is Infected With Calvinism. (Dont let him infect you!). God. olks, find a church in which you have a real pastor, not a talking head who offers nothing different than a podcast Find a pastor who knows your names and will come and sit with you when you are in the hospital. Boy did that make some pastors extremely mad. Do you think Platt is making a permanent transition here? *looks skyward, whistles*. What about the way New Testament leaders and teachers apparently worked to provide their own physical sustenance, so they would not be burdensome on the believers, oh, say, tent-making, for example? So if it is the means then why are people upset when Platt says that people need to get with it regarding the means? The role of the pastor is to embody the gospel. I hear your complaints. traumatic brain injury. Well, at least they will try and find you now or at least know your name. Running so fast, so frantically cramming his life full to overflowing, it doesnt seem as if there would be any time left over to listen to a still small voice, among the least of these. ishy wrote: Who will pay the cost as a revelation of the worth of Gods love? Hi Bridget, He said "Bill, this is Christ's body, broken for you." @ Bridget: Cheaper.only pay one pastor and get double the offerings? And yes very sad. Its much better to have the Holy Spirit glory Christ in me, than I trying to be intentional about it. What I would say is, if they ever find the perfect church network, they shouldnt join it because theyll spoil it. Im sure they could help Mr Platt find a fulfilment of his dream. Sort of forcing the choice on the people is what it looks like to me. I think we see a lot of cases where pastors shy away from becoming friends with the people in their church. Remembering your thoughts from another post equating charismatics need for a sign (miracles) and evangelicals need for a sign (changed lives), I suppose preaching is another sign that is used to mesmerise the patrons, and like you suggest, build an empire. He once preached a sermon on Mothers Day about biblical motherhood, and it was all about stay at home moms. Therefore, the playing field needed to be levelized by having the church comply with certain business ordinances. The Church is there to train us, teach us. We have been attending MBC for 4 years. And therein lies the rub. Should it come from the pulpit only? The Forgotten Mandate: Feed My Sheep or Putting Bread on the Table. So while I dislike Platts platitudes in general, Ive no problem with him supply preaching for the church. +++++++++++++++++++++++. You are correct if one finds a 501(c)3 church establishment which has all the makings/trappings of being a place where one man is apparently in charge, this is certainly not a true biblical representation of a local body of Christ. I disagree here. Tradition, and anyone that questions tradition is a liberal, and we all know where that leads. . My Word as precedence comes from conviction that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Having been in SBC churches for 20 years, I can honestly say that most megachurch sermons are shallow and quite devoid of teaching of Scripture. a person who herds, tends, and guards sheep. Just like the Priests of the old Egyptian gods. We have a property tax exemption for people over a certain age for that reason, and it isnt allowed to be increased more than 5% a year. http://www.wadeburleson.org/2017/06/the-southern-baptist-international.html. Please dont tell me that Lon believes in Calvanismwould break my heart. Mahaney was never a Calvinist, much the same as these New Calvinists arent either. A lot of these groups are, to my mind, strongly analogous to the none/done population. ZechZav wrote (quoting an established evangelical motivational speaker): Im very upfront with my role to my church [sic]. Tell me want to do/believe, and I will do it, I do not want to figure it my self to much work and, 2. Over the coming months, while Dr. Platt serves as teaching pastor for McLean Bible Church, the trustees of the International Mission Board will evaluate Dr. Platts fulfillment of his responsibilities as IMB president. He said Bill, this is Christs body, broken for you. I have NEVER had anyone do that in communion before. I explain I cant do funerals, visits, phone calls, or meetings. Mahaney. Exactly. I could add philosophy of ministry as well. He always seems to focus on relational aspects, having a good marriage and family life, caring for each other in the church Never a guilt trip about not being missional enough. i have a feeling it isnt wondered about. I spend 7-10 hours studying Gods word and I am not preparing a sermon. He was certainly a captain whom you could rely on to turn up and put in a shift when the team was under pressure. In fact I sympathise with them to a certain extent, and perhaps I should do so to a greater extent insofar as they not unlike me. He looks nothing like David Platt. The organizers can gain favor with the Gospel Glitterati by inviting them to the conference? I do see the Body of Christ doing all those things, and more, but not paid clergy. Probably never will. We are blessed in this country and some others, where we can have buildings and assemble publicly. Please preface it with, As the New Testament CLEARLY shows in XYZ. David Platt had disgraced us with his presence in the UK last year. I mean, I dont have a problem with using commentaries and resources to help plan a sermon. But I wonder if the drawbacks of the megachurch are worth those benefits. Unfortunately, churches have become so institutionalized it is almost impossible for that person to do what God meant for them to do. But theres a lot of bigger issues that a lot of people here have mentioned. I know of a Bible church in our area (the Triangle Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill) where it appears the elders, not the congregation, hand-picked the pastor. Wasnt there some problem or other with Elis sons, taking the best parts of the sacrifices for themselves? its high time for change. Anointed proclamation shows that God speaks when all the idols of our culture are deaf and dumb. I mean its not that big of a deal until you look at a pattern in the entire movement. (1)http://biblehub.com/library/simpson/days_of_heaven_upon_earth_/april_22_christ_is_the.htm Every church needs an actual pastor who actually is physically present and actually knows and cares for his people. Wow, thats a ridiculous number of roles hes taking on. Believe in Jesus today, youll be very glad YOU did! They say they study and write sermons for 20-25 hours a week. You can support him by experiencing him as your pastor for several years. But you know what I mean: they didnt go there predominantly to be public speakers. Because healthy community is missional. I remember folks telling me to never attend the last Sunday morning service because he loves to ramble on waaaay over time since he doesnt have to worry about the next service. He did not create the mess but he had to be the face of it. And the buzz word missional has taken over their thought process. ", My son replied "No, Daddy, but it's a good story!". so, having a pastor think for me is very easy.. For what its worth, I preach somewhere around 10 Sundays a year doing pulpit supply around my area. Or he saw the amount of resources that McLean Bible Church has and was to sway their donations. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HPqDaKajSnQ This leaves the door wide open for our congregation to see areas of leadership where they are needed, and to respond accordingly.". It was an emergency appendectomy, but we got to the hospital fast and it had not ruptured. I dont understand the appeal in attending something like that. But what is he doing? Day-to-day leaders of the church living and working shoulder-to-shoulder with all the one anothers? dementia. @ AnonInNC: @ okrapod: Theres always beauty in a cushy paycheck. So what's the deal? More amazing is members will do so. The model in the New Testament was shared leadership. Youre modeling New Testament now? Would be beneficial if more people pastored in like fashion. Im astonished this is not the done thing, at least in my town. 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