The majority of Muddy Run does tend to kid together within a two-week period. During the summer, they reduce the grain or provide it every other couple of days just to keep the goats used to coming for food. If there isand sometimes there areany goat which needs more frequent trimming, this is done at de-worming or feeding time (when the goats are easier to catch at the feeder). They focused on deep, big boned billies and feminine nannies. We cull any goat that fails our criteria, some years it will be 1% and some years, more. Each one of these ranches have purchased their, original stock from the Foundation Sawyer Ranches and are dedicated to continuing to improve. The forage is affected by the weather, too, which then in turn can affect the birth rate of the goats. When Kensing left that farm, he brought away 15 does and one buck. Just about daily Tamara walks with her goats for hours a day allowing them to forage while she photographs the landscape. The American Livestock Breeders Association has listed the Spanish goat as endangered. However, since that time Koy Adcock trusted Darla Mucha to continue the legacy of Koy Ranch genetics and sold her entire FOUNDATION KOY RANCH HERD to Darla Mucha. Story by Eugene Bradshaw, October 2010.Eugene Bradshaw passed away on March 9, 2014. History of Concharty Herd by Tamara Pittman-Breckinridge, 2020. Low birth weights and ease of calving. Spanish goats were just for meat, so those were the ones for eating. The Valera is a longer and taller breed with longer hair coats. Our breeds can be found on the Conservation Priority List (CPL), and are being monitored to ensure their survival. The Kensings breed for kidding in January and wean the bucklings in April. That buck was from the Valera strain. He continued to maintain his herd, but suffered a great loss when roaming dogs killed off the remaining herd of over 100 goats.There are now approximately 75 Baylis goats remaining.History of Baylis herd from Justin Pitts, Gurney Davis, and Phil Sponenberg, January 2008. Muddy Run Farm provides mineral blocks with selenium to compensate for the low levels of selenium in Central Virginias soil. This makes this Baylis strain in dire need of conservation as they are some of the few remaining animals that are specifically adapted to the climate in the southeastern states.Predators werent a great problem in the area. Ask the questions that will give you the answers needed to make sure the goats you are purchasing are the goats you want to take home! Barron's Spanish Goat Farm Valera Spanish Goats, Demorest, Georgia. These bloodline histories were told to us by the breeders themselves where possible. They are both straight Valera. Photographs and videos can support the Verification process but SGLLC is committed to legitimate tracking of breeder to seller in order to ensure the purity of the goats genetics. Herbs & minerals are mixed in preparations that are used to heal the earth. One day Mrs. Pape, grandchildren in tow, was horrified to find 16 kids killed by eight eagles who were perched at the water troughs. Named after Rob Baylis, Eastabutchie, MississippiRob Baylis was born in the early part of the 20th century. Weinheimer would add a billy here and there if he found a better one.The herd was closed completely from the 1980s to 2004.In 2004, the Weinheimers added some Kensing bloodline as an outcross. Most often Certified Spanish Goat Breeders wanting to continue DNA Registrations of their goats will select out these traits before DNA Registration. Verified and Certified Spanish Goat Breeders please list your FOR SALE information using this link: FOR SALE APPLICATION. Their herd is comprised of a variety of colors, and includes slight variations in horn shapes, some curving slightly, some rising straight.The success of the Papes?Spanish herd is only marred by one thingpredators.Bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes, eagles, buzzards, and hawks have all taken their toll on the herd. Each bloodline has a sample of five females and one male. Edwin also said, We made it a point to never waverfrom our belief that the quality of our herd was paramount, that we would never sell anythingthat we wouldnt want to keep for ourselves if we could, and to constantly strive forimprovement. Their coats cover a broad rangethey sport a variety of colors and color patterns, and the guard hairs and amount of cashmere vary from goat to goat. Two big, beautiful bucks from a Sonora breeder (no longer in the business), and some bucks from Bill Brown (now deceased) in Menard. Allison Ranch Black Spanish Goats have now been raised by four generations of our family and we are appreciative of all those who have visited our ranch and purchased seed stock through the years. We shear our llamas every spring, around Labor Day. Join our email list to receive farm news and promotional offers. This means the nannies had to have only two sound teats, with good utter structure, kid andraise the kids on the range, and the nannies were not culled until they lost their soundness aroundten years. improve the Sawyer genetics with their styles. The Kensings?ranch features gently-rolling hills and great expanses of oak trees. However, we do find fault with the following as it relates to SGR DNA Registration even though these factors may not hinder commercial production: More than two teats and teat tags, a split scrotum of more than 1 inch, over/under bites, roll over hooves, and too much cow-hock in the hind end (however, the cow-hock is what facilitates the speed and the ability to climb trees in the Spanish Goat Breed), Roman nose, dropping large wide ears, horns that do not curl and/or twist. Nanny kids are carefully scrutinized and the best replacements are place don feed to encourage good growth and to teach them to come when called, be around stock dogs, and handle close quarters and working chutes.After two months these nanny kids are turned out into their own pasture to await breeding. Ewes of all ages available as well. Spanish Goats often have multiple births in the form of twins, triplets, and occasionally quadruplets. Most billy Kids are castrated and later sold at auction. Verified and Certified Pure Spanish Goat Breeders are welcome to list their available Verified and DNA Registered Pure Spanish Goats on this Site. When that enterprise was abandoned, coastal grasses, brush, and trees grew up on the island. Texas was founded by Wesley E Sawyer decades ago. Their horns tend to grow more straight back than outwards, but there is only slight horn variation within their herd. Calm disposition, rapid growth, and early maturation describe the Black turkey. The other ranches are in Texas and these producers are working to. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. All three are A2/A2. Use this link to download a Blank Bill of Sale: BILL OF SALE. Low to moderate input management system females are generally from 70 up to 125 pounds and bucks are from 90 to 175 pounds. Even when more than 500 kids are born within four weeks, all kids are eartagged and recorded on the day of their birth. They are on the Critically Endangered List with the Livestock Conservancy with very few breeders nationwide. Good goat mothers are rewarded with a strong clan and allies. Kidding times have been June and December, with some changes through the years. Like many Texas ranchers, Eugene Bradshaw was born into goat ranching. Allison Ranch Discovered Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Allison Ranch.Baylis Foundation Mississippi Herd that is no longer being produced by the Bob Baylis Ranch.Bode Foundation Texas Herd that is no longer being produced by the Bode Ranch.Bradshaw Foundation Texas Herd that is no longer being produced by the Bradshaw Ranch.Concharty Discovered Texas Herd no longer in production on Herd Ranch.Devils River Foundation Texas Herd that is no longer being produced by Marvin Shurley.Kensing Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Kensing and Whitworth Family Ranches.Koy Ranch Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Koy Ranch.Lowcountry Foundation South Carolina Herd that is no longer being produced on the Coastal Island of South Carolina.Middle Valley Established Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Middle Valley Spanish Goat Ranch.Morefield Foundation Ohio Herd that is currently in production on the Morefield Ranch.Pape Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Elgin Pape Ranch.Partin Discovered Florida Herd that is no longer in production on the Doc Partin Ranch.FSG Fullblood Spanish Goat Fullblood Spanish Goat is the bloodline designation given to Herds/Goats that are a result of multiple Fullblood Spanish Goat Bloodline crosses.Sawyer Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Neely-Sawyer and Eddie-Sawyer Ranches.Smoke Ridge Foundation Montana Herd that is currently in production on the Smoke Ridge Ranch.Syfan Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Three Mill Ranch.Valera Foundation Virginia Herd that is currently in production on the Muddy Run Farm.Weinheimer Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Weinheimer Ranch.Wood Foundation Ohio Herd that is no longer in production on the Wood Ranch.Willingham (info only, not Fullblood Spanish) NOT FULLBLOOD SPANISH. We are also selectively breeding Spanish and Kiko crosses. Peter and Rosa brought in a new Spanish buck for three years (20002002) to refresh the herds bloodline. Each group consists of 300350 goats and ranges over a few hundred acres. He prefers black coats, but does not breed for color. Lambs were more expensive than goats. The herds are continually rotated, with border collies to help.Syfan uses six livestock guardian dogs and four donkeys to protect the herds. . The ranch is devoid of coyotes, which have been virtually wiped out in the area by commercial ranchers trapping efforts over the years. The Kensings?goats forage on weeds. We acknowledge a few goats that are Fullblood Spanish may get by, but we are more sure that we will keep ongoing cross-breeding out of the gene pool. Billy kids that are not good enough quality for breeding are altered. Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year-round. The assortment of colors was amazing! Since Rosa is from Spain, Spanish goats seemed a natural fit! Free choice minerals are always available, and hay in the winter is offered. Foundation bloodlines are the original herds that make up the foundation of the Spanish Goat Breed genetics as well as any discovered herds that have been in isolation and show a distinct phenotypical and genetic contribution to the breed. Become a Member of The Livestock Conservancy. Outside the winter season, the goats are fed the mixed feed while lactating. Appearances can be different even within the same bloodline as a result of management and region; two herds from the same bloodline that have seed stock genetics from the same breeder may have very different looking goats as a result of the owners region and management style. Some of the Spanish goats most prominent traits are: high frequency of pregnancies, great maternal instincts, hardiness, and essential good health. Their diet is naturalthe land offers Live Oak, Shin Oak, and many varieties of brush. Muddy Run Farm, set in the historic Virginia Piedmont, is home to goats, llamas, donkeys and horses. The above description of the Koy Ranch Bloodline was written by Koy Adcock in 2009. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. Predators include mountain lions, bobcats, foxes, raccoons, and eagles, and the Adcocks have had some success in keeping them under control.The Adcocks cull heavily. Good, attentive mom. However, as the President for the American Meat Goat Association, Shurley is able to stay well-informed on the studies and trends of meat goats in the United States. There are no natural water sources for the goats, so they drink from troughs. The farm grows and bales hay onsite, which includes fescue, orchard grass, and clover. Goats Need the Proper Dosages Goats can very easily and quickly overdose on medications. The dogs couldnt catch the crows, or keep up with all of them. If quality hay is not available, supplements of 16-20% protein are recommended. Spanish Goats, LLC has a clear Mission: Safeguarding Genetic Diversity of the Spanish Goat Breed through Preservation and Promotion in Partnership with Spanish Goat Breeders. They kept most of the original does from the original herd at the farm until their death. We decided to take a giant step and create an interactive Breeder Website and Database that combines All Things Pure Spanish Goats into SPANISH GOATS, LLC. Sparkle Britches is in the SSMA Choctaw Conservation Program. Good breeding stock was rarely if ever sold, it was kept to increase the herd.Before Mrs. Hunt passed away, she asked her family to watch over her black Spanish goats, and her daughter Koy and her husband Jim Adcock loyally continue to maintain and improve the herd, which had grown to approximately 400 goats by 2009.Koy Ranch goats are bred for many attributes: conformation, mothering ability, tight udders, width of frame including width of horn placement, longevity, and color. Some of the Baylis goats were sold by Rob Baylis to conservation breeders. Photographs and videos can support the Verification process but SGLLC is committed to legitimate tracking of breeder to seller in order to ensure the purity of the goats genetics. History of the Muddy Run herd/Valera strain by Peter Schechter and Rosa Peuch, October 2008. The Spanish goats are in Hill Country?#151;a hilly area that is dry, rocky, and quite open, where Live Oaks, Shin Oaks, Mesquite, Yucca, and cacti grow amongst other shrubs and forage. Their original Valera buck sired the herd from 1996 until its death in 2001. Rock piles help.Breeding takes place in November, but neither males nor females are bred until they are 18 months old. Predation is fought through Wildlife Services employees, private aerial services, observations in sign and livestock behavior, and diligence on the part of the rancher. The hope of Spanish Goats, LLC is thatthe Bloodline continues to be an option for meat producers and the Certified Breeders continue intheir commitment to stay true to the genetics while putting their personal stamp on them. He wants numbers, and has participated in goat performance tests since 1995. Purebred rams of multiple ages and bloodlines available. Adriel - 2 year old ewe with scours. The goats could forage at will, and move on as needed. Despite a nannys conformation, she is no good without a live kid. The Papes find that jennies stay more focused if not in pairs, but sometimes will run ragged protecting the herd and still have difficulty keeping coyotes at bay. And have also added some heavily-cashmered Syfan goats, and some Smoke Ridge.The Morefields have been pleased that in their recollection, theyve never had a bad mom in their herd. Anatolians, Maremmas, and crosses thereof, guard the goats at home or off property at weed projects, at approximately one dog per 100 goats.Nearly one third of the doe herd is Fullblood Spanish, and every few years those does are bred to a Fullblood Spanish buck to make a new batch of mother goats. The entire Smoke Ridge doeherd is sorted into groups of approximately 75 animals, and a single buck is put with each group for three and a half weeks. John Moody out of IA raised his Sawyers on grass without shelters all year long. At the advice of our Technical Advisors, Spanish Goats, LLC relies upon a descriptive approach provided by the individual bloodline producers when defining the Spanish goat breed. Price $400, Specifically bred for the superior traits in both breeds. They also have some old goats that they keep for life at the farm: these older goats kid just as often but usually only have one kid. Both needed to support and build muscle mass. He knew that very often that first generation of crossbreeding is very impressive, but as time goes on the crossbreeds may not prove to be everything hoped. The Spanish Meat Goat Association has not been able to identify other Valera goats in Virginia. The next kidding will be Valera over Baylis does. He attributes the fact that in 30 years he never had to worm his goats to his feeding technique. They are good foragers with an active but not flighty temperament and are not aggressive with people. We keep nannies until they can no longer raise their kids. The does weigh about 150 lbs at adulthood in good body condition. 2. The herd has not had any significant problem with hooves, which are kept trimmed and checked to avoid mud packing. Roy Weinheimer, like many Texans of his time, raised Angora goats for mohair, and kept his Spanish goats for feeding the family. ?Live Oaks and Shin Oaks factor greatly into their diets, and Robert Kensing keeps an eye on the Shin Oaks to make sure that the goats do not eat them all down to the roots. Michael continues to own and manage the Middle Valley Spanish Goat herd on this ranch in the same manner. He sought to breed goats with good coats, and more hair. The fleece strand of six inches and longer makes for a nice workable length. The bird will dress out at about 85% of its weight. Temperatures often reach 105 or 110 degrees in the summertime, which the goats seem to enjoy. The selection process for our herd is the ability to travel long distances to water and forage, medium to large frames, good legs, no excess hair, rounded horns widely spaced, good utter size for twins but not overly large that may result in injury or the inability of kids to nurse. In his final years Rob Baylis began to suffer from Alzheimers disease. Mr. Stallworth passed away in late 2014. 2 yr Nanny and doe kid, 5 year old nanny and twin bucks, long yearling billy. They then added the now-famous Cocoa from the Wood herd as a herd sire. The Kensings obliged him, and ensured that their herd included mostly brown bucks to sell. Salt blocks or loose salt powder are also provided regularly. Bakers and pastry chefs are familiar with the use of duck eggs, and the outstanding quality they provide. These billies can be DNA Registered GOLD. Original Story by Ed Sawyer, February 2008 ~ Updated by Donna Askew 2022, The Smoke Ridge herd was started in 1991 with a small group of Spanish does acquired through Texas auctions. The additions were bucks. These bloodlines bring outstanding qualities: hardiness, ruggedness, and the ability to thrive in difficult environments. Kensing has worked hard to control the cacti and Mesquite on his ranch. If a Low Country/Baylis Dam is bred to a Low Country Sire the offspring is Low Country/ Fullblood Spanish Goat it is not 3/4 Low Country. We keep nannies until they can no longer raise their kids. The Morefields started their herd when they brought home some Spanish wethers from Ann Wood in 2002. Horns lacking twist can reveal swiss dairy breeding, smaller horns can reveal Boer, Nubian or Angora influences. I take the goats around and let them graze and browse on neighboring land when possible, and thats their favorite activity. That luxury no longer exists, and predation is a constant battle. Additional pictures/videos available. Smoke Ridge deworms their goats twice per year, one month before kidding and one month before breeding.The original goats were trained to electric fences, subsequent generations were raised with them from birth. She is a gaited 4 year old open mare. Around the time that Kensing moved to Menard, meat goat ranchers in Texas were getting excited about imported breeds, specifically Boer goats. Located on the Cumberland Plateau in NE Tennessee, our goats eat well in thick vegetation these mountain have to offer. They also have some old goats that they keep for life at the farm: these older goats kid just as often but usually only have one kid.Like most Spanish goats, Muddy Run goats are disease-free, sturdy, and long-living. Please contact: Julie von Merz at 512-217-7845 or julievonmerz@gmail.comPosted November 7, 2022, Watkins Farm ~ Bridgeport, TX ~ SGR Gold Certified Syfan Breeder ~ Mike Watkins ~ Watkins Farm has Two 1 year old and Two 6 month old males available and Three 6 month old females. Here are the breed conformation guidelines for Spanish Goats put forward by The Livestock Conservancy. 1 was here. Our livestock and poultry are raised on pasture, getting their nutrients from the earth the way it was intended. The goats avoid eating the latter, but they will sometimes tiptoe in to eat the Prickly Pear fruit. The Kensing bucks weight in at 100 lbs when immature at eight months of age, and 175 lbs when full grown. They dont make those anymore! Barbados Blackbelly rams are hearty survivors that adapt well to a variety of habitats including marginal pasture overrun with brush and invasive plants. This male and his sonwho looks exactly like the original Valera buck purchased in 1996have sired much of their present herd. $3,000 Have been trained and shown as calves and yearlings. For sale - 6 month old Guernsey bull calf. Our first pair came from OldHoltwood Farm in Silk Hope, NC. I personally have been to allthree Sawyer ranches and saw distinct similarities. But the Papes wont give up yet, and continue to do their best to conserve this endangered breed.History of Pape herd from Shirley Pape, February 2008. Does wean an average of 1.9 kids each.Smoke Ridge primarily raises Spanish/Boer and Spanish/Savannah crosses for meat production, but maintains Fullblood Spanish does and bucks to keep the genepool available for the herd. Wood herd as a herd sire choice minerals are mixed in preparations that are used to heal earth. 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