Get the latest chatter, from Kensington Palace and beyond, straight to your inbox. During their sentencing hearing, in December 2005, the federal prosecutor asked for 11 to 14 years each for Eric, Chas, and Spencer, and 14 to 17 years for Warren, deeming him the leader, organizer, and recruiter. So I kind of go, That would be pretty crazy, wouldn't it? He said, Yeah, that would be kind of crazy. I then said, You know, why don't you look into it more and we'll go from there? Just like very unofficial.. The F.B.I. And so I see Warren go back. They jump in the van and peel out around the loop.. [Warren's] like, Come on up, Eric remembers. Like, they were doing something serious, talking about the heist, going over the plan, and somebody would make a joke. We had a few pitchers, feeling each other out. The painting is a kaleidoscope of images, including what appears to be a computer, a cell phone, a bong, the Transylvania library, and loose sheets of notepaper, floating above a desiccated one-eyed young man in a watch cap, kicking back on a beat-up couch with a blue dog on his lap. The reality however was rather more mundane, he sensed that his studies were little more than a continuation of his high school. Two weeks into his stay, Reinhard, an ardent ornithologist, whose works draw inspiration from late Dutch-American abstract expressionist Willem de Kooning, feels that his greatest artistic asset is his versatility. Not what I expected, not what I wanted it to be, Warren says. Im not going to lie. Warren and Spencer readied themselves early without waking the others, silently showering, shaving, and putting the finishing touches on their outfits. That was the point all along. "It's often considered a mistake in the art world to have multiple styles, but I have to go wherever my inspiration takes me. On the morning of December 16, Warrens carefully scripted plan began to unravel almost immediately. Hosted by I was born in Lexington, Kentucky and was raised by my wonderful parents in what was a largely carefree and happy childhood. They got security around that? Nonchalantly, very nonchalantly, I mean, just kind of shooting it between us. Gicle print on Hahnemuhle Photo Paper (Matt 210gr) 2021 Limited edition of 25, all prints are signed and numbered. Eric rented a proper bedroom upstairs, while Spencer moved back into the dorms at Transylvania. Inside were the books, wrapped in sheets and pillowcases. I cant really get into too much specifics, Eric says, but we were doing all kinds of little scams: making fake IDs, making little things here and there. In the fall of 2003, Warren left for the University of Kentucky on a full athletic scholarship, eager to take his game to the next level, and with vague plans of getting into politics. 's all-time most significant art-theft cases. Honored to share the PRHBTN fest with you - your mural being the main attraction of course. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Eric rented a proper bedroom upstairs, while Spencer moved back into the dorms at Transylvania. He topped off his new living quarters with the last of his worldly belongings: a large-screen television, a DVD player, and a Sony PlayStation. Through it all, I never stopped making art. Spencer called himself Mr. Stephens. For added anonymity, Warren bleached his hair blond that night. Late one Thursday afternoon in mid-February, the two friends bought a bag of weed and drove the 700 miles to Manhattan in Spencers Acura Legend. Mass Market Paperback. The meeting was scheduled for the next morning on the southern edge of Central Park near the Plaza Hotel. Spencer believed it was an insurmountable problem. is parked in front of the library and the four are in 1st Position at bottom of stairs of library.. Spencer, meanwhile, was short, wiry, distant, and in many ways Warren's opposite: an over-scheduled, over-achieving, diamond-tipped drill of a kid who excelled at whatever he set himself to. At 11 the next morning, Chas slipped the G.T.A.V. The partnership flourished, with Warren as the face of the operation and Eric in charge of ID production, until the two had an argument over $2,000 that went missing from Eric's drawer. Warren had been convinced after spotting a suspicious man loitering near the yellow bungalowwhen he stepped outside, the man disappeared into an unmarked white van with tinted windows and sped off. Only by committing a felony could they ensure that they would never end up living back in the sterile, suburban world of the subdivisions. Warren introduced himself as Mr. Williams. Along the way a stoned Spencer read aloud from the purloined first edition of On the Origin of Species, particularly fascinated by the section on how the ears of domesticated animals have drooped over generations due to the disuse of the muscles of the ear from the animals not being much alarmed by danger.. Afterward, they returned to the Hilton for an early night. Despite the differing temperamentsand the disapproval of Spencer's parentsthe two were best friends from the age of eight, a friendship that revolved largely around soccer. Barry described himself as an older man with a long ponytail and said he'd be wearing a green scarf. I showed artistic ability from a young age and was selected to attend SCAPA in the fourth grade. And that's when I came up. I took my zip ties and I put them around her feet and put them around her arms. It was about at that point that Gooch remembers Warren saying, Quit struggling, B.J., or do you want to feel more pain?. The three then take the staff-only elevator down to the bottom floor and escape out the west fire exit. Twelve million dollars, just sitting there? Back at Warrens that afternoon, the boys were transfixed by local coverage of the Transy Book Heist.. By early November the boys were selling fake IDs at a hundred dollars apiece, and had apparently branched out into more lucrative identity manipulations. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. The press invariably described them as good boys from good familiesupper-middle-class kids afforded every opportunity, the ones with the most to lose. Seeing something in the wayward Warren, the preppy grifter pitched him the idea of selling fake Kentucky driver's licenses in the U.K. dorms. 2023 Cond Nast. Spencer elected not to consider his consequent incarceration as the loss of his best years, but rather sought to salvage his fledgling artist career by utilising his time to develop his practice and to consider new methods and media. Improvising on the plan, he kicked Eric and Warren out on the street, believing three men in a gray minivan would draw too much attention. He's probably thinking I blamed him for [stealing] the money, which I never really did. By that point Warren, Eric, and Spencer knew for certain they were going down. I still feel like I have a long way to go to reach my full potential, and I think Jamaica will be an integral step in that direction., American visual artist Spencer Reinhard, an artist-in-residence at Blue Macaw in Boscobel, St. Mary, The ornithologist in Spencer Reinhard takes gaze. The reaction to the plan was generally positiveshortly after Thanksgiving, they moved forward. He said his name was John. onto nearby Fourth Street and careened through traffic before stopping a mile farther on, in front of a predominantly black housing project. This story was recently documented in the feature film American Animals. The whole operation would have to be completed by 12:30 P.M., as the boys say Chas needed to return the Dodge Caravan to his mother in time for her to sell it, and Spencer and Eric had to get to their final exams in sociology and tennis, respectively. Warren went up to the third floor to meet Gooch, while Eric waited downstairs for him to call. The thieves left no fingerprints behind, and there were almost no witnesses. The painting, in digital form, would become a popular screen saver on the F.B.I. The stun guns Warren had ordered never arrived, so he drove around town and returned with a Black Cobra Stun Pen, and had Spencer zap him and Eric to test its knockdown power. Warren and Chas left the other two and staggered to the nearby China Club, a tacky West Side nightclub, which they knew about from the famous Rick James episode of Chappelle's Show. By far the most common theory was that the heist had been just a frat prank that spun way out of control. As she was heading toward a display case, Gooch felt a tingling on her right arm and collapsed to the floor. After a brief discussion they chose Chas Allen, a handsome, clean-cut U.K. business major who had started the lawn-care company with Eric the previous summer. When Warren arrived, he saw a man fitting that description seated with three other men. No response. Oct 16, 2018. The investigation of the Transy Book Heist came to an explosive end on the morning of February 11, 2005, as a SWAT unit broke down the front door of the yellow bungalow with a battering ram, blasting stun grenades throughout the building. Phase 3 is the escape, which involves switching the G.T.A.V. As reported by People, poor planning and a fumbling execution including one member, Reinhard, leaving his home phone number at an action house eventually led to their capture. Just days before their arrests the three even took in a movie: Oceans 12. Though she couldn't recall much else about her assailants, one odd detail stood out. As far as they could see, there were only two ways out: either getting away with the crime or getting arrested for it. I had so few distractions to take me away from my work, and only by bettering myself could escape the belief that I was losing my best years. After a short wait, a young Christies employee, Melanie Halloran, came out to apologize, as Mr. Leckey, due to an impending public auction, would be unable to see them. Realizing that the only way out was through the main floor, they took the elevator up once again and carried the books into a back stairwell that led to another exit. Titled A Plan to Fail, it was part of a series he had done on the crime for a local art gallery while out on bond. [This librarian] doesn't know what we're carrying, but she's like, Where did these kids come from? Eric says. He was also less cordial and more agitated in person, asking Gooch soon after arriving if he could invite a friend along to see the books. Spencer Reinhard, Warren Lipka, Eric Borsuk and Charles Allen II were all between the ages of 19 and 20 at the time of the robbery. The severity of the requested sentences was predicated on the dual propositions that, although the Audubon volumes had never been physically removed from the library, according to the letter of the law they were nonetheless stolenincreasing the monetary value of the crimeand that the Black Cobra Stun Pen used to subdue B. J. Gooch not only inflicted physical harm but was in actuality a dangerous weapon. Worse still for the defendants, B. J. Gooch's ordeal had become a cause clbre among librarians, many of whom wrote letters to the judge arguing against leniency. The banality of assessments, passing courses for the sake of progression and limited intellectual stimulation meant that Spencers time at university was far removed from his hoped for experience. Forensically examining Instagram accounts, interviews, and police reports, author Kathleen Hale reconstructs their relationship, and ultimately Petitos murder. So I walk off happy, come back to the States, and blow Spencers mind.. He was still enrolled, but only nominally, and remained on the fringes of campus life. It was just funny because we've been in a lot of places that they've been, Eric says. In the morning, Warren says, he left two messages with Leckeys secretary and two more that afternoon. Failure to plan is planning to fail because if you don't plan anything, you might as well not plan at all. Built over old tobacco fields in the 80s, they feature ponds with fountains, cookie-cutter brick Colonial houses, street names like Ironbridge Drive and Turnberry Lane, and regulations authorizing penalties for unkempt yards and tacky lawn Santas. Churchill's statement can be agreed with. For Spencer it all started with a series of mild disappointments. Phase 2 ends when the loot is loaded into the G.T.A.V. Writing from, Warren sent B. J. Gooch an e-mail confirming Beckman's December 16 appointment at the Rare Book Room to view the Audubons and a few other items. Warren, under an alias, would make an appointment with Gooch for that afternoon to view the books they wanted to steal. The truth is, but for one obvious, big mistakethe trip to Christie'sthey probably would have gotten away with it, a Lexington police detective told me. The boys readily agreed, and she escorted them through the offices to a small conference room. When they arrived on campus in the replacement G.T.A.V., they couldnt find a parking space anywhere near the library. Phase 1 begins at the bungalow when all four get into what Warren designated the G.T.A.V., or the Go-to-and-Away-Vehicle, all disguised as old men. In high school, Warren, a lanky six-footer with a mop of brown hair, was a popular jock and a class clown who delighted his classmates by bear-hugging his nemesis, the dean of students, at graduation. His malaise was likely exacerbated by his parents impending divorce amid his mothers allegations that his father, Big Warren, the celebrated coach of the universitys womens soccer team, had gambled the family into bankruptcy. When Eric let him in on the plan, Chas mocked the three as deluded potheads, he recalls. agents poured in over the wreckage. After a quick powwow in the stacks, the conspirators decided to abort the mission for the time being and retreated to the bungalow. Far from being social outcasts, they had been popular athletes, and two were on some form of college scholarship. In the early evening, they say they smoked some celebratory Kentucky Bluegrass weed they had stashed away for the occasion. Both boys were spitting images of Mr. Stephens and Mr. Williams. Before, in college, growing up, we were being funneled into this mundane, nickel-and-dime existence. Waiting for the law to snatch them was nerve-racking, but they went on with their lives as if nothing had been amiss. And I pledged a fraternity, but I really didn't get into that too much. Over the phone and by e-mail, Beckman had asked to view, among other items, a first edition of Charles Darwins On the Origin of Species and four double-size folios of John James Audubons Birds of America. The L.P.D. Lifting a technique straight from the film Reservoir Dogs, Warren assigned code names based on color. A painting by Reinhard, a gifted artist, may offer some clues. Eric and Chas dropped Warren and Spencer off around the corner from Christies. Spencer had underestimated his friends resolve. Inside were the books, wrapped in sheets and pillowcases. The others spent time in the library, too, taking notes on staff routines and viable escape routes. Once the boys were inside the library, students stared at the ridiculous old-man disguises. And Eric calls to him. A witness had written down a license-plate number, but it was way off. agent discovered the stolen books, all undamaged, as well as the five-page typed plan for the heist, an accounting ledger, wigs, instructions for opening a Swiss bank account, and stun guns, which had apparently arrived after the robbery. It had been agreed that Warren, with his smooth talk, and Spencer, with his artistic knowledge, would go to the meeting. It gave me an excellent opportunity to learn Spanish. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. (Because Spencer was a Transy student, he risked being recognized in the library.) That night they had dinner at a Japanese restaurant, followed by drinks at the hotel bar, where Warren chummed up to an Iraq veteran, Spencer almost started a brawl after knocking a table full of drinks over, and Eric picked up a middle-aged Brazilian tourist. But even at that point, it became apparent that Warren and Spencer wouldnt be able to pull it off alone. In the fall of 2004, Warren Lipka moved into the unfinished basement. He was told to look for a bearded, heavyset man in a solid-blue sweater. Mr. Beckman now wanted these books appraised. They were 20 steps ahead [of the librarian]. As she inspected the items, Halloran dutifully took notes, then asked a few questions regarding their provenance, which Spencer answered as best he could under the circumstances. They simply ignored him, and the four returned to Lexington. In the fall of 2004, Warren Lipka moved into the unfinished basement. Chas promised to return to pick them up in another car after dropping the minivan off at his moms house. But before long they were put to chase once again, this time by two local thugs. So we get the passport from the dude, plane tickets. Quote tagged! It immediately had kind of sparked my imagination, like a fantasy., O.K., so we're sitting in the car, smoking weed, Warren recalls, and then Spencer said, I just took a tour in that library, and there's shit sitting there you wouldn't believe. I'd heard about them before, but I didn't know anything about them. In the early evening, they say they smoked some celebratory Kentucky Bluegrass weed they had stashed away for the occasion. believing that they had escaped with next to nothing. The ground floor quickly filled with shouting cops, screaming young women, and a few dazed men in boxer shorts. Quit struggling, B.J., or do you want to feel more pain? she remembered the man saying. Faced with overwhelming evidence, they all eventually confessed. Suddenly without Eric's mock-ups, software, and equipment, Warren thought of Spencer. Spencer called himself Mr. Stephens. None the less, still super stoked Lex Art League accepted 3 of my artworks. One evening it occurred to Spencer that they had used the Walter Beckman Yahoo account to contact both Christies and Gooch. American Animals brings to the silver screen the story of the Transy Book Heist of 2004, where four students tried to steal $12 million worth of arts and books from the Special Collections Library . Warren also ordered four stun guns over the Internet. as we left we were going to make an anonymous phone call so they knew she was up here, Eric continues. But even at that point, it became apparent that Warren and Spencer wouldn't be able to pull it off alone. By signing up you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. part of a series on Honesty Chas not only lived in the yellow bungalow but also was a part owner of it with his father, a prominent Lexington real-estate investor. The truth is, but for one big mistake, they probably would have gotten away with it, an L.P.D. All Rights Reserved. Spencer drives me out to Lexington [Blue Grass Airport] on a Friday. The other was short and quiet, wearing a yellow jacket two sizes too large and a matching scarf. In a duffel bag by his bed an F.B.I. That was the plan. Whilst Spencers life path may have been unorthodox at times one can only but admire what it has led him to. I see Warren and Eric bust out of the back door, Spencer says, describing what he saw unfold from his lookout position. onto nearby Fourth Street and careened through traffic before stopping a mile farther on, in front of a predominantly black housing project. computers in the Lexington field office. With each taking one end of the Audubons, they made their way to the staff-only elevator. American Animals is a 2018 heist film written and directed by Bart Layton.Starring Evan Peters, Barry Keoghan, Blake Jenner, Jared Abrahamson, and Ann Dowd, it follows four college friends who plan a heist of their library.It tells the story of an actual heist which took place at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky in 2004.. American Animals premiered at the 2018 Sundance Film . We spoke about his paintings, especially A Plan to Fail. Cant have any of this documented. But after stewing in the magnitude of the potential dollar amount involved, and once convinced of the ease of the heist, the logic of the appraisal, and the legitimacy of Warrens Amsterdam connections, they say, he threw his lot in with the others. The severity of the requested sentences was predicated on the dual propositions that, although the Audubon volumes had never been physically removed from the library, according to the letter of the law they were nonetheless stolenincreasing the monetary value of the crimeand that the Black Cobra Stun Pen used to subdue B. J. Gooch not only inflicted physical harm but was in actuality a dangerous weapon. Worse still for the defendants, B. J. Goochs ordeal had become a cause clbre among librarians, many of whom wrote letters to the judge arguing against leniency. Warren sectioned off a bedroom by hanging bedsheets from the rafters and furnished it with an old mattress and a tangerine easy chair he had picked up from Goodwill. Warren had run up the side of the hill and frantically ran off. . Ezra Millers Messiah Delusions: Inside. And then they came up with the issue of getting these appraised. I was surprised he didn't.. Oh, yeah, he almost got shot, says Eric, laughing. Before, in college, growing up, we were being funneled into this mundane, nickel-and-dime existence. Even if we wanted to, they won't let us. To have time to properly apply the disguises, he tried to reschedule his art-history final for later in the day on the 16th, but was unsuccessful. They take you in the Special Collections and show you these books, Spencer remembers, including Transy's prized Birds of America, by John James Audubon, a four-volume set of life-size engravings the pioneer wildlife artist completed in London in 1838. Bam. After the Halloran interview the F.B.I. They checked into the Hilton Hotel in Midtown, Warren signing in under the nom de guerre Harry Ballsania name backed up with one of their fake Kentucky drivers licensesand paying in cash. After the Halloran interview the F.B.I. The two boys sought cover from the cops in the sprawling grounds of the housing projects. I know the collection is extensive and anything you think I might be interested in seeing, by all means, share, he wrote. The meeting lasted no more than 15 minutes, but still, it was a turning point because the men explained to Warren a crucial step of selling rare books, stolen or otherwise: appraisal by a legitimate auction house. Waiting for the law to snatch them was nerve-racking, but they went on with their lives as if nothing had been amiss. I'm not going to lie. We need to just get over this stuff, Eric tells me, explaining how Warren re-entered his life after their falling-out the previous semester. Like Barry, the men were immediately put off by Warrens youth, and even more so by the fact that he hadnt brought any of the books with him to Amsterdam. All rights reserved. Like if we ever get caught, we're talking about international issues, way past interstate commerce or whatever the hell it is.. Us three, we were much thicker than he was.) And what Chas likely didn't know was that, for Warren, Eric, and Spencer, the actual appraisal and sale of the stolen books had become irrelevant to the mission. What I found incredibly valuable about prison was the multiculturalism. Only by committing a felony could they ensure that they would never end up living back in the sterile, suburban world of the subdivisions. On the second-floor landing, Chas, in high-end flannel pajamas and thinking they were being robbed, pulled out a derringer, only to drop the weapon at the last moment. Back at Warren's later that afternoon, the boys were transfixed by local coverage of the Transy Book Heist. According to the news, it appeared that neither Gooch nor anyone else was able to provide the police with an accurate description of the boys. Warren had run up the side of the hill and frantically ran off. Um. They had reserved a room in the same Midtown Hilton that Spencer and Warren had stayed in nearly a year earlier. Nothing panned out until mid-January, when, following a federal subpoena, Yahoo delivered all the data on its servers related to the address. Improvising on the plan, he kicked Eric and Warren out on the street, believing three men in a gray minivan would draw too much attention. What they would tell me, then, is their version of eventsand the only complete account of the planning, execution, and aftermath of the heist. Still shaken from her ordeal, Gooch, in her 50s, told police that shortly after entering the Rare Book Room with the two men she had been struck on the arm with a Taserlike weapon, her hands and feet were bound with zip ties, and a wool cap was pulled over her eyes. 5 The British Bank Robber Foiled By His Own Handwriting. By that point Warren, Eric, and Spencer knew for certain they were going down. Choose your favorite reinhard art prints from 2,323 available designs. That was the plan. He then explains: "And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared that he would overburden them by transgression and disbelief. For example, if you want to go on a vacation, you should first decide where you are going and how much money you have . ). I developed techniques that no one that I know of has done. A few minutes later, a short, dark-haired young man, also dressed in a winter coat, cap, and gloves, entered the library. I found incredibly valuable about prison was the multiculturalism they knew she was here... Kind of go, that would be kind of crazy Hale reconstructs relationship! By signing up you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement at moms! Screaming young women, and Spencer knew for certain they were going to make an phone. The occasion interviews, and Spencer wouldnt be able to pull it off alone 'd heard about.... Would make a joke Grass Airport ] on a Friday they jump in the early evening, they they. 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