The Civil War hit Appalachia harder than almost any other region. But the legend of Bigfoot a common figure in mountain folklore began in 1958 in Humboldt County, California. Heritage, Mythology, Folklore, the Tuatha D Danann, Fairy Faith, Irish or Celtic Paganism. By telling these ghost stories, through mediums known and not yet known, the elder voices of Appalachia live on. In the early 1900s, the lumber and coal industries made inroads into Appalachia. In Georgia, the stories of the, Many ghost stories and legends have their origins in real life hardship and tragedy. The Sheriff of Mason County, George Johnson stated that he believed the sightings were due to usually large herons. i) Dont walk under a ladder. The Fair Folk. ~Nicholas Culpeper, 1640 Folk medicine is a tradition of treating sickness by herbs, ethnic foods, Cocoa Gravy There are countless popular Appalachian music artists that have recorded and performed Appalachian folk music. Prior to the 20th century, Bigfoot was known by names like Sasquatch (a Salish word meaning wild-men) or Yeti (in Himalayan folklore). They began hearing noises such as scratching, knocks on the walls, and chains being dragged across the floor, says Pat Fitzhugh, an author and historian who has written two books about the events that occurred on the Bell farm. Dont walk under a ladder. Remember that waterfalls and rocky summits can be dangerous. Legend says that the local Native American tribes waited for the full moon to drive the Moon-Eyed People from their underground caves. When Smith was a boy, he says he had his own run-in with Bigfoot. Indeed, some social workers risked their lives braving rough mountain roads, swollen streams, and treacherous bridges to reach these isolated families. As European settlers arrived in the . Robert L Smith, a wildlife biologist told reporters that the descriptions from the sightings fit the sandhill crane. And between the Great Smoky Mountains and the Cumberland, a hilly region called the Ridge and Valleystretches from central Alabama up to New York State. After moving to Knoxville in middle school, her mom slowly introduced her to all things outdoors, including backpacking, hiking, camping, and biking. Never close a knife you didnt open, or youll have bad luck for 7 years. Clannish and fiercely independent, these settlers had rebelled against restrictive laws b. . The Appalachian culture is known to be full of myths, legends and ghost stories which might scare off visitors to this region. For instance, trained nurses taught families about personal hygiene and homemaking skills. Many Appalachians just wanted to stay out of the fight altogether and ended up attacked by both sides. Many parts of Appalachia today rely on tourism, deep-pocketed retirees, and second homeowners. Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom and is often portrayed with an owl as a companion. These stories varied in their details both regionally and between families living in the same community. After Johnston experienced the spirit first-hand, word quickly began to spread. The Moon-Eyed People. The Fair Folk, often times referred to as the Little People, in traditional Scot-Irish folklore include leprechauns, sprites, and others. READ MORE: The 7 Best Caves & Caverns in North Carolina. Since settling in the mountains in the 18th and 19th centuries, Appalachian people have developed a unique blend of cultures that has its own way of thinking. The animalor whatever it isis large and covered in dark fur. If I had to pick one Id say that the most commonly held thought is that the monster is a fun and interesting bit of folklore, says Smith. The Brown Mountain Overlook, Wisemans View Overlook, and Lost Cove Cliffs Overlook are the most popular places to see them. But the discovery of gold in north Georgia accelerated the forced removal of the Cherokees by the United States government. Your baby has to fall off the bed before their first birthday. According to the Gettysburg Times, Yoder and Enochs claimed to have seen a very large bird with large red eyes.. Charlie Poole (1892-1931) was a pioneering performer from Appalachia who played the . Stories, quotes and anecdotes from Appalachia. Therefore, many ghost stories, songs, superstitions, and folk remedies considered Appalachian folklore can actually be traced back to places like Scotland or Ireland. Appalachian ghost stories about mining accidents. Newspapers dubbed the creature Mothman. She saw someone peeking in their window watching her. Today, on the main road into town, there is a sign that reads Welcome to Flatwoods: Home of the Green Monster. The UFO sightingor whatever that wasis in the past but not forgotten. The Folklore Podcast. 1880s-1950s era. The moonlight was shining through its hair. Throughout the southern Appalachian mountains, from Georgia to North Carolina, strange stone structures have been unearthed and discovered. The Wendigo is a creature, sometimes referred to as an evil spirit, that is said to be 15 feet tall with a body that is thin, with skin pulled so tight that its bones are visible. in Tennessee and North Carolina have some of the tallest peaks (Mount Mitchell in North Carolina is the highest Appalachian peak at 6,684 feet). 51. Over the following year, the oddities continued. When they arrived at the site of the lights crash, they saw a pulsing red light and a 10-foot-tall creature with twisted hands and a glowing green face that seemed to levitate off the ground. Others say, " Hillfolk Hoodoo ," " Mountain Conjure ", or just " the Work. The boys rushed home where they told their story and got accompanied by other local children to the farm to locate whatever had been spotted. Although skirmishes with the Cherokees occurred from time to time, many early settlers learned to co-exist. Here are 50 Best Folklore Podcasts worth listening to in 2023. Hold your feet up when youre crossing a railroad track, or youll lose your boyfriend. But not every story of the Brown Mountain Lights is steeped in superstition. Smith says that one cold November night he was riding his bike home after dark when he heard a friend run up behind him. Dive deeper at your own risk. One episode each month features a special guest from the field of folklore. Some came as curiosity seekers and some as skeptics trying to debunk what the Bells were experiencing. The first reported sighting of the Brown Mountain Lights was in 1913 by a fisherman who claimed to see odd red lights dancing above the horizon. Is it a bear? Between the Blue Ridge and the fall line, a rolling plateau known as the Piedmont takes up large portions of Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia. . Wampus Cat. early Appalachian settlers included Native Americans, newly arrived European whites and Africans, all living in close proximity. 8:30pm - 10:30pm. Dont forget to stop at The Spot along the way, where youll find alien-themed sandwiches and Flatwoods Monster souvenirs. Some of these legends existed way long before the contemporary stories of Bigfoot. g) Dont do any canning or gardening during your period. Another legend from the Appalachian Mountain is about the moon-eyed people. But show a Southerner a photo of a Cool Whip container and we immediately think, "Oh . 09 Jan 2023 23:26:24 These settlers were already a superstitious group. She kept herself too pure for the devil to . Staurolite crystals? . In America, the elves are earthly beings who are dressed in green. This is a large American crane almost as tall as a man with a seven-foot wingspan that has reddish colouring around the eyes. When I stop, it stops. Spooked, Smith took a shortcut home through his grandparents backyard. Some of these communities were once very isolated from the outside world. The Appalachian region is made up of several blended together cultures since the 18th and 19th centuries. A folklorist on the Scottish isle of Arran told writer Moyra Doorly that "the fairies left when electricity came." As modern people . They were met with a horrible smell and, according to local reports, saw slight heat waves in the air. Authorities didnt find much, says Smith. Your heart pounds in your chest and you realize, jarringly, that the sounds of the forest have died. Or you happen to catch something out of the corner of your eye and you swear its a ghost. Additionally, Appalachias abundance of coal became crucial to post-Civil War industrialization. These women served as the community's doctor and midwife. old-timey Appalachian culture long gone, or a sanitized version of a once hard existence. Hang a horseshoe upside down to keep good luck from running out. Traditional folklore themes from around the world. It was in these mountains and hills that the traditional European belief in the "Fair Folk," "Good Folk," "Gentry," "Little People," etc. Fiddlers, accompanied by banjo and dulcimer, would play humorous and plaintive ballads reminding the settlers of their homelands. Traditional bluegrass music is still played by old and young acts on community radio stations. 47 were here. We are always working to improve this website for our users. Though scientists have not been able to determine what causes the lights, ball lightning and naturally occurring mountain gases are two widely accepted theories. They think it might even be pre-Cherokee.. ohthewitchery: Brought to you mostly by my grandparents, but also by my family at large. k) Never give someone a set of knives as a gift. As a result, the mortality rate soared. Migrating from the low valleys into the creek branches, sub-valleys, and steep hillsides, families toiled on rocky terrain not ideal for farming. Custom boutique photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings The figure made terrifying hissing sounds and glided towards them which made Lemon drop his flashlight making the group run for safety. 1. While playing football at the playground of the Flatwoods school, theyd witnessed a bright UFO streak across the sky and land on the property of a local farmer. He said, something is following me. Ralph claimed that he had extra-terrestrial encounters on Brown Mountain and made a trip with aliens to their home planet of Venus in 1965. In fact, West Virginia was founded by Virginia mountaineers who didnt agree with Southern secession. Subsequently, how this character reacts teaches lessons about this societys moral codes. You can also celebrate the Appalachian myth at the annualMothman Festival, which typically happens on the third weekend in September. And the Mothman sightings continued. The museum is home to a statue that was found at the confluence of the Valley and Hiwassee Rivers in the early 1800s. Chase did acknowledge that new Jack tales were surfacing in other parts of Appalachia, specifically in . Indeed, some social workers risked their lives braving rough mountain roads, swollen streams, and treacherous bridges to reach these isolated families. Hence, mill towns and railroads sprung up seemingly overnight. Cooking took place in large stone fireplaces. Have you ever stopped yourself before walking under a ladder? She would often focus on Johns daughter Betsy Bell, pulling the sheets off her bed, or even physically harming her with kicks, punches, and scratches. The story of the Bell Witch is one of the most popular examples of Appalachian Mountain folklore, and it began in Robertson County, Tennessee. Appalachian Granny Magic The Appalachian Granny Magic Tradition of Witchcraft is one that is only recently being heard of. Back in 1966, Point Pleasant, West Virginialocated at the confluence of the Ohio and Kanawha Riverswas a sleepy town of a couple thousand people. Recorded accounts of Brown Mountain Light sightings happened throughout the 20th century, especially as the Linville area gained access to electricity. Appalachian Coal, Lumber, and Ghost Stories. When I move, it moves. It . Appalachian culture is known for superstitions and legends like these. When I asked my Tennessee-based family about the most common Appalachian superstitions, I was shocked by how many we still practice today. For instance, trained nurses taught families about personal hygiene and homemaking skills. These fairy tales, combined with regional events, also shaped Appalachian folklore. A mining settlement in Appalachia is described as being unfit for pigs to live in, Welsh weavers make cloth for enslaved people, a monster is defeated by a medicine-girl, a Welsh criminal marries an "Indian Princess," Lakota men who witnessed Wounded Knee re-enact the massacre in Cardiff, and . Many lives were lost. 15 reviews. However, it is believed that this was a meteor that had fallen off the sky and the round object was an owl. Often you hear of fairy circles or rings of mushrooms; some beliefs suggest that it's a sign of good luck or . They were warned as the monsters would come and carry them off to be killed. Whether our collective imaginations are running wild or were really sensing something otherworldly, stories of ghosts, UFOs, terrifying man-sized animals, and other hair-raising tales abound in these Blue Ridge Mountains. It was invented by white people to justify their own beliefs in the lights that were seen from the Mountains. Some rock structures date way back to the. Appalachian Granny Witch Remedies (of course, folks, use your common sense, and see a doctor when needed!) Dont do any canning or gardening on your period. At the same time, Cherokees learned to adopt civilized ways of life, such as individual farming, business ownership, and their own syllabary and newspaper. The Mothman is a humanoid creature that was reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 15th 1966 to December 15th 1967 as per the West Virginia folklore. African-Americans leaving the South during the Great Migration were recruited by the mining companies, especially in Central Appalachia. Bluegrass songs claim that the lights are the ghost of a slave searching for his lost master. The Virginia and Tennessee valleys were major battle sites. If you give them to newlyweds, it will cut their love. READ MORE:The 20 Best Fall Festivals in Georgia. Starvation, poverty and malnutrition were common. Cherokee Death Cat) is a large cat similar to a mountain lion or cougar, with tan-yellow fur, six legs, and large yellow eyes. Whatever they heard or saw in the dark woods. Appalachian Remedies . Hold your breath when you pass a cemetery, or youll be the next to die. In the mid-20th century, the UFO movement began to influence the Brown Mountain lights story. Sightings continued, and in 1922 the U.S. Geological Society investigated, determining that the Brown Mountain Lights were really just the headlights of cars or passing trains. This is just one of many old folklore tells handed down from generation to generation. The Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee and North Carolina have some of the tallest peaks (Mount Mitchell in North Carolina is the highest Appalachian peak at 6,684 feet). Lets journey into this ancient, rugged land to find out. Formed roughly 480 million years ago, the mountains are over five times as old as the taller, more rugged Rocky Mountains. But a major flood in 1916 changed that theory. Of course, ysical and cultural isolation kept many of these Appalachian folklore traditions alive well into the 20th century. . This legend centers around the Bell family. His words call to mind the misty 'hollers' and breathtaking views . Virgin forests provided plentiful building materials. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Stay on marked trails, take only pictures, pack out your trash, and be considerate of others who share the trails and parks you explore. Some call it " Backwoods Magic ". First, Spanish and French explorers pushed into Appalachia as early as the 1500s. Jane Goodall has even weighed in on Bigfoots existence, telling reporters that she wants to believe that Bigfoot is real. But even now, traces of traditional Appalachian culture can be seen. Bigfoot, Brown Mountain Lights, and the Bell Witch. Are these mysteries folklore or fact? Needless to say, I made a hasty departure home.. Not to mention lingering health problems, severe pollution, and broken promises of health benefits and pensions. Behavior and Characteristics: This creature has a loud "war cry.". Maybe youve even sped up on a mountain road at night, thinking you see glowing red eyes in the woods? It made national headlines, says Smith. Some versions state that these are threatening creatures which were nocturnal and children were warned against saying the names. Today you can celebrate this mythical Appalachian monster at the Bigfoot Festival in Marion NC. To do this we use the anonymous data provided by cookies. Some of these known cultures by the traditional people of the Appalachian may not be widely practised in the present day, but their myths and mountain folklore were passed down through several generations. Everyone has their own opinion, about the statue, says Stalcup. Rumors quickly spread through the company, where the name Bigfoot soon caught like wildfire. According to legend, Jackson and his party set up their tents outside of the Bell home. Another ghost story about the lights includes one about a Revolutionary War soldier linked to the Civil War ghosts. In areas heavily dependent on coal mining, the industrys latter-day decline spelled economic ruin for many families and communities. Theres no doubt about Bigfoots existence in Phil Smiths eyes. Appalachian Folklore . , nearly eradicated Cherokee culture from Appalachia. Wear a buckeye in your bra to ward off rheumatism. Appalachian Tales, Remedies, & Folklore Folks who inspire me The Appalachian Tail Go To Recipes Life in Appalachia is full of Tales, Remedies, & Folklore. What was found was gathered and sent to Washington D.C. and never seen again.. Formed roughly 480 million years ago, the mountains are over five times as old as the taller, more rugged Rocky Mountains. Furthermore. It is a flesh-eating beast that is considered most active during the . I don't know about any of you that live in these areas, but I wouldn't mind some recommendations for some issues I am having. May 15-19, 22-26 & May 29-June 2. Vance Randolph, a folklorist described the wampus cat as a kind of amphibious panther which leaps into the water and swims away like a colossal mink. The lights, claim the legend, are the ghosts of grieving women still searching the mountainside for the bodies of fallen warriors. But his written account stated that he saw the lights at a consistent time every night, leading many people to believe he was actually seeing train lights in the distance. One such account came from volunteer firefighters Captain Paul Yoder and Benjamin Enochs. They brought with them colorful, Elizabethan era words and phrases one can find in the works of Shakespeare. To learn more about this Appalachian scary story, visit the Flatwoods Monster Museum in Sutton WV. Other people liked the wampus cat as a creature of Cherokee mythology. Owl Myths and Folklore . Whatever you call it, it is the enduring folk magic that haunts the hollers and lingers . And count, Ambrose Bierce Short Stories: A Tormented Journey. These are some of the Appalachian Superstitions: a) Never close a knife you did not open, or youll have bad luck for 7 years. Dont cut your babys hair before their first birthday. As time passed, the isolation of mountain life transformed the language. His son, Drew Bell approached an unknown bird perched on their fence but it flew off and was of extraordinary size. The Flatwoods monster that is also known as the Braxton County monster is an entity reported to have been sighted in the town of Flatwoods in Braxton. Jack Tales in . Foxfire and Appalshop are two well-known organizations arming Appalachias youth with multimedia tools to keep the traditional folk arts alive, while also looking toward the future. Bad Faeries Tough 9. It was nearing dusk when they saw an unidentified object in the woods. Its a fascinating turn of events for a small town like Point Pleasant., For his part, Wamsley does believe that the people of Point Pleasant encountered something out of the ordinary. Smith of Gate City, Virginia, is co-founder of the Blue Ridge Monsters and Legends Facebook Group where members come to share their stories of unexplained encounters with the hairy bi-pedal. . Elves come from Scandinavian and Celtic mythology. Though its hard to say why stories of unexplained phenomena pop up in these mountains, Rivers says that fear can easily get the best of people. Even though you probably picture a fairy as a small, angelic being with wings, in reality, the Fae Folk are comprised of many different . On their way to see the light, the boys stopped to tell their mother, Kathleen May, who asked National Guardsman Eugene Lemon to join them. e) Dont wash clothes on New Years Day or you will wash a family member out. Followed by immigrants from the British Isles (largely Scotch-Irish). Appalachian Folklore, Wives Tales, and Superstitions. Many Appalachian communities were stuck between equally violent, plundering forces. Waves of immigrant workers from places like Italy, Mexico, Germany and Eastern Europe sought work. Most recent articles appear first. People have written down and passed through the generations accounts of what this thing allegedly said, says Fitzhugh. The City of Morganton, North Carolina even recently helped to improve the Brown Mountain Overlook on North Carolina Highway 181 for the purpose of attracting curious visitors hoping to catch a glimpse of the ghost lights. READ MORE: Visiting Expedition Bigfoot Museum (AKA Sasquatch Museum) in Cherry Log, GA. Found in the Blue Ridge Mountains ofNorth Carolina, the Brown Mountain Lights are a true Appalachian mountain mystery. After attending college at ETSU and UTC, Amy moved to Nashville, where she lived and travelled in a Dodge Sprinter van for a year, before moving back to Chattanooga. My aunts are from Gatlinburg. For example, the popular Appalachian ghost story. The Appalachian Mountains hide not only mysterious creatures, phantoms, and underground bases, but also anthropological mysteries as well. Ghoulies and Ghosties and Long-Legged Beasties Difficult 10. The main theme of this course is to . Several people live around the Appalachian Mountains with their culture and traditions being moved from one generation to the other. Other stories involve wild animals. They were visiting family that still lives in the mountains & rented a cabin near them. The Ghost Story Guys Brennan Storr Subscribe. I had to, he says, and there beside the grapevines was a seven-foot creature. The Cherokee legend stated that the monster is the cat-like embodiment of a female onlooker cursed by tribal elders. Teachers taught children to read and write. Many claim that the lights seen today are the spirits of the Catawba women, still searching for their loved ones. As a result, the Civil War severely scarred the region for generations. Migrating from the low valleys into the creek branches, sub-valleys, and steep hillsides, families t, disease and malnutrition spreading. Many Appalachian communities were stuck between equally violent, plundering forces and plaintive ballads reminding settlers! Dont forget to stop at the Bigfoot Festival in Marion NC folklore tells handed down from to! By how many we still practice today creatures, phantoms, and treacherous bridges reach. Is only recently being heard of Best appalachian folklore fairies Festivals in Georgia, the Civil severely. 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