An Air Force flareship kept the battle area continually lighted. Series, Other Vietnam, filed an after-action report on the Ap Bac operation which As they took their positions, they were hit with recoilless rifle fire and grenades. By 11:50 Company C 3/47th Infantry had swept the area but failed to locate any VC, however Company C, 4/47th Infantry encountered VC positions as they moved west. I yelled for a medic and one ran across the field.. It resulted in a US/ARVN victory. At one point, the VC sought to overcome the advantage of US mechanization by swarming over the actual vehicles. 17 September 1967: 3rd-47th Op TF Funston 4th-47th Inf comes afloat. The surviving members of First Platoon Bravo Company gathered, as they have the last several years, at Hellers cabin in the Willwood area to commemorate their service and remember that day. The South Vietnamese forces enjoyed a 4-1 numerical advantage in the WebOn January 2, 1963, regular army and civil guard forces of the Republic of Vietnam engaged a Viet Cong battalion at the village of Ap Bac in Dinh Tuong province, 35 miles southwest While fighting continued, part of Festa's unit were trying to evacuate their wounded. 0000002958 00000 n Guerra de Vietnam; Guerras de descolonizacin en Asia Parte de Guerra Fra: De izquierda a derecha y de arriba abajo: operaciones de combate de Estados Unidos En Ia rng, ARVN Rangers que defienden a Saign durante la Ofensiva del Tet de 1968, dos Douglas A-4 Skyhawk despus del incidente del golfo de Tonkn, ARVN recuperan Qung Tr durante la Ofensiva de The MRFA is launching our Historical Data Project (HDP), featuring as much MRF TF-117 data as possible. Out there at my place on the Willwood where things were quiet, there were no agendas, no one had to go anywhere for food. We continued to pour fire into his position and to inch forward, taking best advantage of the cover. State, Vietnam Working Group Files: Lot 67 D 54, ORG-3 WG/VN Mtgs with Other Agencies), The battle of Ap Bac was reported in the press in the United States as a Festa's track was hit, wounding his sergeant, as fire came in from the west. Battle of AP Bac II, in AP Bac Hamlet, CAN/GUIOC District, Long An Province. Harry D. Felt, Commander in Dinh Tuong province, 35 miles southwest of Saigon in the Mekong Delta. Explore a glossary of terms, manuals, statistics, historical accounts and reports, maps and articles by MRFA members. At the same time, he recalled the personnel carrier company (Company C, 5/60th) from its barren search farther to the west and began moving it toward the point of contact. - William Shakespeare, Henry V, Navy Cross recipients, Distinguished Service Cross recipients, and Medal of Honor recipients from the Navy Mobile Riverine Force and Army 9th Infantry Division. Darkness finally came to the rice paddies of Dien Thoung Province in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, but it came slowly. escaped with minor losses. Close to the perimeter, Haszard's APC was disabled by a communist hit. 7-8 September 1967: Operations in NHON TRACH against elements of 54th Viet Cong rear service group. These guys? Unit awards, medals and ribbons, and information on applying for and obtaining your medals and ribbons. The Battle of p Bc was a major battle fought on 2 January 1963 during the Vietnam War, in nh Tng Province (now part of Tin Giang Province), South Vietnam. b. Parrots Beak was 71 KM (water distance) and 43 KM (straight-line) from 13-17 June 1967: Operations in southern NHOM TRACH, including attach I-10 Headquarters. The APC operators decided to fire their canisters on each other to remove the Viet Cong, as they were too close for an APC to clear from itself. [5] Several Viet Cong who attempted to remove the .50-caliber machine gun from one of the burning tracks of Festa's unit were killed, as were others trying to storm the foxholes containing the wounded. 0000005303 00000 n Relations, World Wide Diplomatic Archives But experience had shown that at best this was an educated guess, one that all too often had proved false. Then, without pausing, they ran along the entire length of the dike, which had foxholes every five meters or so, to take out the enemy positions one by one. Suddenly enemy troops began jumping out of their holes and attempted to escape. WebThe battle of Ap Bac, Vietnam, 2007. found : Wikipedia, viewed Apr. [4], During the lull that followed, reconnaissance by fire was conducted by Wolfe's tank along the wood line to the east beyond the railway. adequately report GVN victories which Two 3rd Platoon tanks were hit, but were not disabled. Besides, the area which the artillery and air were attacking had become smaller and smaller. Explore our Navy section: awards, stories, points of interest, origin of navy terminology and much, much more! Jump-off was scheduled for 0800. The scar on his face, a wound that required more than 500 field stitches, is Hellers legacy; a reminder of the men lost and wounded and the reverberation of war. The perimeter was manned on the west by the 1st Platoon, commanded by First Lieutenant Roger A. Festa and to the east by the 3rd Platoon under Second Lieutenant Hiram M. Wolfe, IV.[3]. It took place in an area of the Mekong Delta that had been dominated by VC guerrillas. Sheehan article published that day which indicated that the South Thus the units in contact would have to finish the job. Most were shot down as the troops of Company A, seizing the break they had been waiting for, quickly overran the position. This answer is: command which never placed a Vietnamese officer above the rank of However, when they reached the For many of the Tornados, June 19 was the last day they would see each other in the war zone. [7], Following the battle, General Hay wrote a propaganda letter to the 9th Vietcong Division commander, taunting him about the communist defeat. 0000003035 00000 n They received their orders in December 66 and departed in January 1967. Thanks to Tornado Jones, these guys were ready, Heller said. Nicknamed the Tornados in honor of platoon Sergeant Johnny Tornado Jones the men knew every minute counted. [1] The mortars fired from afar while a large number of infantrymen dressed in black charged from the foliage. Since no officers could be identified among the enemy dead, except for the battalion surgeon, there was reason to suspect that these key people may have moved out earlier in the day, and possibly were some of those that had been encountered by Company B. It was fought in nh Tng Province (now part of Tin Giang Province), South (Attached ibid.) //]]>-->, Alpha Company walked into a batallion-sized ambush, said Powell resident and Army veteran Jim Heller. 0000000668 00000 n Please sign the MRFA guestbook! One thing that we found out over there, and what we didnt realize until years later, was what a friend was, he said. Neil Three American advisers were killed in the Considered small-scale action, Ap Bac was fought on January 2, 1963, in the hamlet (ap in Vietnamese) of Bac. Some rice had been found, more proof that Viet Cong had been in the area. Links to friends, affiliates and other sites you should visit! of the facts. He conceded that the South Vietnamese forces had made They also gathered to renew and refresh the bond they share with one another as a true band of brothers, one that began for many of them during basic training. young reporters representing the wire services without careful checking In order to establish a blocking force that would prevent any enemy from withdrawing ahead of our advance, it was decided that Company A, 3/60th, would utilize the helicopters beginning at 0700 to make an airmobile assault and secure a blocking position astride the most likely route of enemy withdrawal. Become a member of MRFA! Clifton, Major General He gave Alcala permission to recall his 2nd Platoon from the ambush site to the perimeter. They came to know each other. Those on the south were believed to harbor Viet Cong, and the southern platoon of Company A would attack through that area. While these operations were being carried out, the gunship, which has been constantly circling the area, reported a Viet Cong force of company size moving across the fields to the northeast. and helicopters. 10 March 1967: Commanding officer 2nd-Bde moves to Dong Tam and takes command of Dong Tam base with two battalions (3rd-Bn-60th Inf, then 5th-Bn (M) 60th Inf). Early April 1967: TF-117 Sends one RAD (with 10 boats initially) to Dong Tam to commence local riverine operations in Dong Tam area. Advancing without halting under cover of the terrific fire they were putting down, they rapidly closed up to the wooded area. However, by this time all elements of the 3/60th had closed the final assault line and were beginning to meet enemy fire. major defeat in which communist guerrillas shot up a fleet of United Then we went back to Dong Tam and then in an incredible operation the MRF moved on the battle prepared on January 4 by General Paul D. Harkins, Commander of the U.S. Seeing this, the two men following, a machine gun team, quickly jumped up and rushed the position, dispatching the Viet Cong with a burst. Explore our catalog and purchase official MRFA gear here. to the Joint Chiefs at the end of January, see Document 26. 0000002715 00000 n Battle of p Bc Trn p Bc; Part of the Vietnam War: A map of the battlefield. Funston. Instead he continued to fire white phosphorus, some of which by this time, was falling dangerously close to Company A. To further complicate matters, the area was honeycombed with small fighting positions typical of the Delta region. Sheehan in which he wrote that angry United States To the south of the position was a rubber plantation, while wooded areas were prominent to the north and west. However, for the Tigers of the 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry, and especially for Company A of that unit, what had started out as a routine walk in the sun was rapidly becoming a grim one. During the battle, 29 US air strikes delivered 29 tons of ordnance, and American artillery fired nearly 3,000 rounds. Ap Bac 01 Bill Reynolds, What a pleasant surprise to sit down for breakfast on this Veterans Day, 2007, and see the front page story in The Signal about your trip (Telegram CAP 27 July 1967: Relocate to Dong Tam. Explore artwork by members, and read historical articles and books. Alcala sent his 2nd Platoon commanded by First Lieutenant Harlan E. Short to establish an ambush along the trail at a point 1.5km north of the fire support base and approximately 350 meters west of Route 13. Operation launched in response to major Viet Cong build up in western Dinh Tuong. Farther to the north (about 30 meters) was another dike, parallel to the one behind which the dead lay. Most of the Tornados were drafted in May 1966 and went through basic training in Ft. Riley, Kansas. Continuing its advance, the company began to meet more and more fire as it crossed the open rice fields opposite a built-up area of thatched huts along a deep stream that ran across their front. Who was the American commander at Ap Bac? 19-20 June 1967: Operation CONCORDIA. For the 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry, it looked like another dry hole. Employing 0 battalions in the field for 8 days. US Took CAM/SON/BAN LONG. On January 7, the Joint Chiefs of Staff authorized Army Chief of Staff of the Secretaries of State, Travels of If you already have a web account, but need to reset it, you can do so by clicking here. other military operations being undertaken successfully by South The 261st Battalion was among the best Viet Cong units in the country, a fact attributable to its fine leadership. Thus, the battle ended. Operation Concordia was an operation conducted by the U.S. 4-6 July: Operations in GO GONG Province. February 1966: 2nd Bde Activated Fort Riley, KS. if( width > 480 ){ Mobile Riverine Force in conjunction with the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) from 1921 June 1967 against the Viet Cong (VC). Join us for our 2017 reunion by making a reservation today! They developed a deep caring for each other and their mission.. Heller paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before he continued. Explore gatherings, speakers and events. 2 June 1967: 2nd Brigade embarks aboard MRB, thus formally constituting MRF. Availability of route 4 at Ben Luc for ammo resupply. We welcome content contributions! The probe was spearheaded by a herd of fifteen belled cattle being driven across Route 13 at a point 150 meters northeast of the perimeter. document.write ("?zoneid="+zoneId+"&block=1&blockcampaign=1"); }else{ General Harkins noted that the South Thank you for stopping by. Click most pictures to enlarge. 21 May 1967: 4th Bn 47th Infantry relieved RSSZ mission, proceeds to Dong Tam and OnCon 2nd Brigade. Howitzers in direct support of each assaulting company, and under the control of the commanders concerned. We have buried your dead and taken care of your wounded from this battle.[7]. WebThe Battle of p Bc was a major battle fought on January 3, 1963, during the Vietnam War. 10 January 1967: 2nd Bde departed Oakland, CA. As Chili went through the other end of the tree line, he was shot, Zies recalled. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Afterwards, American advisers were to say that the Viet Cong soldiers at Bac and Tan Thoi were the most determined Communist fighters they had encountered in more than one year. [2] It was the first major U.S. battle of the Vietnam War using armored vehicles. There was much shouting and hollering as leaders tried to find their men, ascertain their status and reorganize for the night. We spent a lot of time evacuating the wounded, going out into rice paddies and getting shot doing that, Heller said. These were the troops of the 273d Viet Cong Regiment, who had been waiting in position in the rubber trees before moving forward under mortar fire cover,[4] wearing dark clothes. Two men had died, another 15 had been wounded, but none of these men died and only six were classed as seriously wounded. The last battle for which two living service members received the Medal of Honor was the 1967 Battle of Ap Bac in Vietnam, a spokeswoman for the Congressional It was a terrible day for the 4th of the 47th.. Web19-20 June 1967: Operation CONCORDIA. 3-10 June 1967: MRF shakedown. Initially the artillery covered the northwest, west, and southwest sides of the perimeter while aircraft attacked on a north-south axis east of Route 13. The ARVN were decisively defeated. It had proved once again that the American fighting man, when well trained and aggressive, is the finest in the world. The Viet Cong started their attack ten minutes later, and they were met with artillery fire, cluster bomb units, napalm and 500 pound bombs. The Battle of Ap Bac was the first significant engagement between tenets of North and South Vietnam. in misleading colors: It appears that the initial press reports have Two companies of the 3/60th were at the jump-off point, the 3/47th was en route but had not yet arrived, and one company of the 3/60th was sitting in the brigade area at Dong Tam without transportation. By noontime, troops of the the Wild Ones had reached and searched as far north as objective Queen without contact or major incident. Battalion severely damaged. The intent was to bring the artillery fire on the enemys positions and then advance the infantry to as close as possible under cover of this fire, crawling the last few yards in the case of Company A. After fighting its way through the houses along the stream, it arrived at a position just short of the enemys main defense line. zoneId = '8'; The operation concluded on 21 June, U.S. casualties were 46 killed and 15 sailors wounded, while claiming VC losses of 255 killed. Information, United States Department of We knew they were there. Anything and everything that couldn't fit in any of the other categories. he added along with the bad news of damage to helicopters and three From Albert's Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all! A copy of a report 16 February thru mid May 1967: 2nd brigade maintains forces operating in RSSZ in conjunction with TF-117, normally keeping one battalion committed. Finally, the battle has proven the wisdom of the axiom; once you have an enemy force in a trap, destroy it without delay. Members of 4/47 9th Infantry Division remember, reflect on life, those lost. military advisers charged today that Vietnamese infantrymen refused At 03:30 the communist fire eased; resupply of the units and evacuation of the wounded was completed during the next 75 minutes while the artillery and air strikes continued. The men were in Park County earlier this month to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Ap Bac. Become a member of MRFA! var width = jQuery(window).width(); Wiki User. Comm retrans station at RACH Kien, secure US Base midway between AO and MRB Considered small-scale action, Ap Bac was fought on January 2, 1963, in the hamlet (ap in Vietnamese) of Bac. As the men worked their way toward the enemy, they were forced to crawl over the dead of the other unit. Even though all the enemy in the immediate vicinitymore than 100 of themwere dead, there was no assurance that others might not be around, and prudence demanded being prepared for any eventuality. [5], The elements of B and C Troops move in from afar to assist their colleagues. discipline in the execution of small-unit tactics. The ambush was to be in position by 18:00. 19 August 1967: Relocate to SOIRAP?VAMCO Customarily, when major events occurred in Vietnam, there was nothing to indicate that the days operation would be other than routine. 0000007973 00000 n We looked across the field and saw a lot of For the Viet Cong, the Battle of Ap Bac marked the first time they decided to stand and fight a large South Vietnamese formation, although outnumbered by more than five to one. We dont sit around and tell war stories, we just celebrate each other and the fact that its great to be alive.. (SACSA Briefing, April 24; Department of Shakespeare said it best: For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother. Thats what these guys represent to each other. Vietnamese troops involved in the battle lacked courage. From Albert's Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all! [4] Throughout the mortar and antitank bombardment, Alcala maintained radio contact with his squadron commander, Lieutenant Colonel Sidney S. Haszard, who was located to the south. [5] By 01:00 an AC-47 Spooky gunship and a light fire team of helicopter gunships were sent to aid Wolfe's platoon. document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); and the operation is being continued. (Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Vietnam Heaviest casualties to date Co-A-4th-47th takes The letter was translated into Vietnamese, and leaflets were dropped into the communist area. All was in readiness when, suddenly, the last strafing aircraft wobbled and sprayed the line of tracked vehicles with its 20-mm. fighting and five helicopters were shot down. The paddies were mostly dry and easily supported the weight of an armored personnel carrier. WebThis was the plan finally coordinated on the evening of 1 May 1967. Keeping low, the squad moved across a short space of open grassland to a small dike, where it prepared to cover the crossing of the rest of the platoon. even at this time when American casualties are mounting. (Alert on Occasionally the throaty whine of an armored personnel carrier would rend the eerie darkness momentarily as the carrier jockeyed on the battlefield. a. MACV MDMAF concept postulated a maximum radius of 50 KM from MRB. There is no question that, had the 2nd Brigade waited until dark, the enemy force, or most of it, would have slipped out. 1. The gradual tightening of the circle around the enemy force had brought the friendly troops in close to each other; so close that the fires of one unit endangered the others. ammunition were expended. Links to friends, affiliates and other sites you should visit! [6] A relatively small engagement that had major media, political, and policy implications, the Battle of Ap Bac took place between Viet Cong (VC) and Army of the Republic of Viet Nam (ARVN) forces on January 2, 1963. try to rescue their pals. Like any engagements in war, Harkins concluded, there are days-and [6], During the battle, resupply and medical evacuation missions continued under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Paul F. Gorman of the 1st Infantry Division. A full archive of past and present "River Currents" newsletters from your friends at MRFA. Explore historical photos, gripping stories, poetry and song submitted by MRFA members. [1]:106, On the morning of 19 June 3 Companies of the 4/47th Infantry were landed 4km southeast of Cn Giuc, 2 Companies of the 3/47th Infantry were landed 1.6km south of Cn Giuc while the ARVN 2/46th Infantry was landed near Ap Bac. [1]:1067[2]:37 Artillery and air support could not be used initially due to confusion over the location of the 4/47th Platoons, but from 12:00 helicopter gunship and artillery fire began to supplement the fire from small arms and nearby patrol craft. December 1966: 2nd Coronado Conference a team of officers to Vietnam to investigate conflicting reports on Explore historical photos, gripping stories, poetry and song submitted by MRFA members. General Earle G. Wheeler to lead It was also planned to place a battery of 105-mm. As they held their cigarettes their hands shook from the terrific nervous tensions they had been under. the President, Visits by Foreign Heads 20 March 1967: 3rd Bn 47th Inf arrives at Dong Tam, 4th Bn 47th Inf operates RSSZ under OpCon Div 5th Bn (M) 60th Inf 3rd Brigade. In front of it stretched some 1,500 meters of open rice fields that were cut at 500-meter intervals by two irrigation ditches, the last of which was some 500 to 600 meters from the enemys position. Of the 63 wounded, 26 were evacuated. The Viet Cong machine gun fired five separate bursts before it was destroyed by the Americans. Wheeler Mission, Mansfield Report, Comprehensive Plan, Thompson In the background could be heard the steady beat of helicopter blades as the choppers brought in supplies and took out casualties. For the Wild Ones of the 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry, and the attached troops, the action had confirmed what they believed all along: that given the opportunity, they could whip anybody. morale-building victory. State. In addition, some men were having trouble with their rifles, due to the terrific volume of the fire they were pouring out. Saigon, January 7; Department of State, Central Files, 951K.6211/1-763) zoneId = '3'; Few people were seen, although there were many houses of mud and thatch in these densely vegetated areas. The men then began Advanced Infantry Training, a highly specialized program for their operational designation the Mekong Delta in southern Vietnam. There was a huge explosion, an artillery round probably, and I woke up back here in the states about three weeks later.. September 1966: 2nd Bde designated Army Component of (MDAF- Mekong Delta Mobile Afloat Base). 18 June 1967: Relocate to SOIRAP/VAMCO, Commence Operation CONCORDIA. We welcome content contributions! '':''); This killed the communists, but in one case, Viet Cong mortar hit simultaneously, blowing up the APC, killing one and injuring many others. By mid May this builds to full RAS at Dong Tam, while continuing operations in RSSZ, from base at Vung Tau. go of it. concluded that the operation was a failure. [2]:37, At 10:00 U.S. intelligence learned that a battalion size VC force was located east of the ARVN blocking position. startxref <<1580FEC57EE0BF4FA30A1AAA607739CA>]>> In the twilight, groups of soldiers moved about the battlefield seeking enemy survivors and collecting arms. In the first 10 minutes, 95 percent of them were killed. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Against overwhelming odds, the Viet Cong achieved their first major victory. But the most prevalent feeling now that the major, recognizable danger had passed, was one of elationhigh elation. WebThe second Battle of Bu Bng occurred during the night of 1920 March 1967 during Operation Junction City, a search and destroy mission by American military forces in Tay On January 2, 1963, regular army and civil guard forces of the Republic The Battle of p Bc was a major battle fought on January 2, 1963, during the Vietnam War.It was fought in nh Tng Province (now part of Tin Giang Province), South Vietnam.On December 28, 1962, US intelligence detected the presence of a radio transmitter along with a sizable force of National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF/Viet Cong) soldiers, There was some delay caused by problems of coordination between the two battalions, so not until after 1700 did the battalion reach and deploy on the eastern side of the final irrigation ditch. document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); 0000000939 00000 n [6], During the attempted retrieval operation, and for the next four hours, gunship fire and air strikes hit the Viet Cong from above. Thank you for stopping by. [6] The attackers were followed by a line of unarmed troops carrying ropes and wires with hooks to recover the fallen communists. [5], In the 3rd Platoon sector on the eastern side of the perimeter, Wolfe detected communist movement and requested night illumination from a 4.2-inch mortar, which revealed Viet Cong troops crossing the highway from east to west. There are consequences.. Many of their large haystacks concealed bunkers. Anything and everything that couldn't fit in any of the other categories. Operation Concordia was an operation conducted by the U.S. Diplomatic Couriers, Guide to Country Recognition and [3], Fire Support Base 20 was located in relatively flat terrain 1.5km north of the village of Ap Bau Bang and immediately west of Route 13. By 04:50 flares and tank searchlights detected that the Viet Cong were massing for an attack on the south and southeastern sides of the base. 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