Cruz said O'Rourke is proposing socialized medicine and would bankrupt Medicare. That means airports are busier than they have beensince the start of the pandemic. A coalition that crushed thecaliphate in Syria, a coalition that's pushed back against the Chinesecommunist party, a coalition that refused to appease Iran. The Dallas Press Club also recognized him for his breaking news coverage. We need your help and support to rebuild and restore this great American Ballpark, to continue the legacy of Casey Stengel and to once again fill the stands of Stengel Field. And thepath to a second term flows through Georgia and winning the Georgia Senaterace.And right now it's not just the opportunity costs, the fact that he isspending his time and energy on these legal challenges that have no chanceof succeeding, but there are -- it's because -- it's also the fact thathe's -- the Trump supporters are not -- are not -- are not energized behindhis candidates. The dozen years Casey ran the Yankees saw the team cop 10 pennants and seven World Series. Mr.Secretary, thanks for coming back to SPECIAL REPORT.MIKE POMPEO, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE: Great to be back with you,Bret. His career kicked off as a reporter in his hometown, where he worked for WTVW-TV and FOX 7. Casey Stegall was the man who featured a breaking news story in 2008 related to the Mumbai terrorist attacks. Relying on players like Cliff Mapes, Dick Kryhoski, and Fenton Mole and other non-prime time performers, juggling, mixing and matching, patching game by game, Casey managed to manage it all. We're doing a lot. Corporal Charles Galloway, a Constable in Harris Countys fifth precinct, was killed before ever having the chance to get out of his vehicle early Sunday morning. The rambling, shifting, stream-of-consciousness syntax of Casey Stengel has filled thousands of newspaper and magazine pages with anecdotes ranging from amusing and wise to droll and banal, and sometimes vulgar. Market data provided by Factset. Was regarded as the first manager to platoon players while with the Yankees depending on who was pitching against them. And the defendants are going to be folks in Georgia who areresponsible for supposedly making sure the elections in Georgia are doneproperly. I hope Republicans, who maybe didn't get on this forthe general, will get on this in Georgia, else we may face the sameproblem.But otherwise, the president will cooperate with this transition. Good things are happening with those twocountries are coming closer and closer together. And then, we saw him again this afternoon for the annualturkey pardon in the Rose Garden. Bret?BAIER: Lauren, thank you.Up next, the simmering conflict in Georgia between the president'ssupporters and the senators trying to keep their jobs. Prior to that, Stegall was based in the networks Los Angeles bureau, where he served for more than five years while covering the western portion of the country. But as player, coach and manager I have been around baseball for some 35 years. Their friendship went back decades. Thoughts on the choices so far,coming really from career, for the most part, career folks, minus JohnKerry, who obviously has a political past?SUSAN PAGE, WASHINGTON BUREAU CHIEF, "USA TODAY": It would be hard to finda starker contrast with the Trump team than the team that President-electBiden has unveiled. Funny without trying to be funny. There was the Casey Stengel of the public relations image. View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro. We never look back. Bret?BAIER: Casey, thank you.In tonight's "Focus on Faith," the pushback from organized religion againstcoronavirus restrictions. Toni Mollett Harsh, Casey Stengels grand-niece, established The Casey Stengel Baseball Center as a nonprofit in 2007 to serve as a sports based educator in team building, health, and journalism. Phone: (775) 846-6900 It's going to be really fun.I'm not letting this hamper my lifestyle and life. Legal Statement. WebStengel Field has been a staple in the community of Glendale and the foothills since 1949. The almost annual certainty of a postseason check was also something very nice to count ona sort of bonus for being one of Casey Stengels Yankees. In 1948, Casey and his Nine Old Men won the pennant. There's no reasonfor us to close this thing off immediately.BAIER: Agreed.BENNETT: And again -- OK. This is clearly a group that is deeply experienced. Those efforts began inearnest on Saturday after the Trump campaigns lawsuit in Pennsylvania wastossed out and culminated with Michigan certification on Monday.Since then, two more contested states have also certified the results ofthe election for Joe Biden, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.Governor Tom Wolf thanked election officials who he says administered afair and free election during an incredibly challenging time in ourcommonwealth and country's history.TRUMP: That is a lucky bird.FISHER: The president again steered clear of questions during the annualturkey pardon in the Rose Garden.TRUMP: Corn and cob.FISHER: But he did take time to thank those on the frontlines of thepandemic and those fighting to keep America safe.TRUMP: To keep America great. Lawyers collectively sayit's a sign that America's bedrock principle of religious freedom is beingseverely tested by the pandemic. Box 7474 More than a million references to No. Purdue has alsoagreed to a settlement with more than $8 billion in penalties andforfeitures. Stengel is tied for most World Series wins as a manager. But you couldn't complain too muchwe walked into the bank every October. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. There's something wrong here, still is.BAIER: Yes, Bill, but I guess when the pushback to that is why aren't anyof these legal cases getting through? Many of themhave experience with Biden himself back to the Senate or during his days asvice president in the Obama White House. For most big league teams, the rhythm of the rotation was sacred. Whileit has been quite a run for the Dow Jones Industrial Average optimism aboutthree potential coronavirus vaccines helping to drive the average to thismost recent milestone.On January 15th, the Dow closed above 29,000 for the first time. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Jonathan, thanks.Up next, the panel on President Trump's transition decision, and the newmembers of the Biden administration, or prospective one, next. In addition, he contributed to FNCs Democracy 2020 election coverage from Texas. WithPresident Trump formally granting approval for Joe Biden to receive theclassified presidential daily briefing. In 1952, however, we knew they were now a tough club, but we were prepared., Case, former slugger Bill Skowron mused, would leave us alone to get in shape in spring training. Real things that work it was in America alone, it wasus doing it with our friends and allies based on shared interest and areality that recognized central facts about what is and not pretending thatthings are as we would like them to be.BAIER: What's your greatest concerned with what the next administrationcould do when it comes to foreign policy?POMPEO: You know, Bret, I don't want to speculate. It thenflirted with 30,000 the next month but with the nation being hammered bythe coronavirus in March, it fell. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. I said, 'Jeezus, Casey, why do you drink your beer so fast?' Not only did they fire him just over a decade before, but they watched him bring title after title to a different borough. The fieldwas named after famous Glendale resident, Casey Stengel, who frequented the ballpark. Averaging over 170,000 newcases a day. Within three years he had re-tooled it, creating a totally different type of club. | About 75 percent of Republicans and about10 to 20 percent of Democrats. Gimme another pineapple juice and vodka." And there's a lot of immediate discussion. We are callingfor lawsuits. Family and friends arereally important to me at this time of the year.STEGALL: Almost 95 percent of all holiday travelers are expected to driveto their destinations, with AAA projecting nearly 48 million people hittingthe road. He didnt need notes. I saw Emirati businessmen in Israel. I had a meetingwith the Crown Prince in the Emirates. The S&P500 gained 58 for a new record close there as well. Investigators say more than 20,000 of those bogus claims werepaid.The two senators from Georgia trying to hang onto their seats and preservethe GOP's majority in the Senate chamber are in a tough spot tonight.They're getting hammered from some in their own party over PresidentTrump's election challenge. When we played the other teams, Lopat continued, "we never underestimated them or ourselves. Savoring the moment and the 5-3 pennant- clinching triumph, Casey screamed out in the locker room: "Fellas, I want to thank you all for going to all the trouble to do this for me. He alsoplayed a significant role in covering news related to the California wildfires as well as Hurricanes in New Orleans and Texas. As Georgia today begins astatewide machine recount at the request of the Trump campaign, DemocraticSenate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are criticizing GOPleaders for pandering to conspiracy theories about the election.JON OSSOFF, (D) GEORGIA CANDIDATE FOR SENATE: I'm not sure about theimpact on turnout, but the disruption of an orderly transfer of power tothe new administration has already done damage to the response to thispandemic and the response to the economic crisis.SERRIE: Stacey Abrams and other influential Georgia Democrats are tweetinglinks to the state's official absentee ballot request form. Inducted into the Irish American Baseball Hall of Fame in 2017. Laura, thank you.As we mentioned, the Dow hit an all-time high today surging 455 points toeclipse and finish above the 30,000 mark for the first time ever. President makes two brief appearances Tuesday as Biden transition ramps up; Kristin Fisher reports. Photos and Magazine Covers are provided from the private collection of Toni Mollett Harsh, previously part of the Estate of Casey Stengel. Breaking news and video. I will leave it there.BAIER: Agreed, and the legal challenges are going to continue, and we willfollow each one.Susan, meantime, the Biden transition is moving a pace, the nationalsecurity team kind of outlined today. President (APPLAUSE)SERRIE: But some of the president's supporters want Georgia's Republicanleaders to do more to challenge the results. Sometimes, the connections are less visible, as withJon Meacham, the former Newsweek editor and presidential biographer was anNBC and MSNBC contributor who praised Biden's victory speech.JON MEACHAM, CONTRIBUTOR, MSNBC: This is a moment where the life of thenation is intersecting in a fascinating way with the personal life, notonly of President-elect Biden but also the vice president-elect.KURTZ: But the networks dropped him from the payroll after the New YorkTimes revealed, Meacham had privately helped Biden with that and otherspeeches.At least two dozen journalists joined the Obama team, including Times' J.Carney and ABC's Linda Douglass. Many activists had wanted a 50percent decrease. We played the Giants in the 1951 World Series. (BEGIN VIDEO TAPE)LAUREN GREEN, FOX NEWS RELIGION CORRESPONDENT: On Monday, two Californiachurches sought an emergency injunction with the U.S. Supreme Court to haltthe state's threat of criminal penalties.MAT STAVER, LIBERTY COUNSEL CHAIRMAN: No one should have criminal threatsup to a year in prison hanging over their head simply for attending a placeof worship.GREEN: California has some of the strictest policies rove leveled againstchurches and gatherings imposed to combat the spread of the coronavirus.The church's claim that Governor Gavin Newsom's executive order, whichthreatens jail time and $1,000 a day fine, violates the Constitution'sfreedom of religion.STAVER: You need to look at those liberties and determine how you can bestprotect the people, but the balance doesn't tip to protecting people andthrowing out the Constitution. though, from 1987-1993. I understandMarc's point about the importance of Georgia and not getting in the way ofthe Georgia election. Health care dominated part of last debate between the two. Reno, Nevada 89510, Toni Mollett Harsh ConnellMcShane in a Fox Business Network joins us from New York. But he and fellow Georgia Senator KellyLoeffler face discontent within their own party, from Trump supporters whobelieve the president's still unproven allegations of widespread voterfraud.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What you doing to help Donald Trump in this fraud case?SEN. The president-elect to saying staffers have spokennow to Dr. Anthony Fauci but he hasn't had time to phone Fauci. The rambling, shifting, stream-of-consciousness syntax of Casey Stengel has filled thousands of newspaper and magazine pages with anecdotes ranging from amusing and wise to droll and banal, and sometimes vulgar. More than a million references to No. 37 exist on Google and Yahoo. He was on the cover of Time Magazine twice. His time as manager in Brooklyn did not go as planned, as the Dodgers never finished higher than fifth in the National League. DiMaggio had a banged up heel and did not play until June 28. Ron Jeremy found unable to stand trial for rape, Seattle business owners beg city officials for help with crime crisis, DOJ retrieved classified docs from Biden's Delaware home, official says, Brett Tolman: Biden's DOJ attempted to 'control the narrative', Ana Walshes husband to be arraigned on murder charge, Parents rip Arizona Gov. I would tell youthat our Japanese colleagues, our South Korean colleagues, our Indiancolleagues, our Australian colleagues all know that the pivot to Asia was ajoke, but that the United States under President Trump actually deliveredreal benefits to them.And whether it was the work that we've done to build out an enormouscoalition to go after the socialist Maduro, to go after the Cubans, theseare real coalitions. Casey Stengel Baseball Center But the old man had a genuine affection for the stolid, reserved and talented Howard. P.O. Market data provided byFactset. (END VIDEO TAPE)STEGALL (on camera): And live here at DFW International Airport tonight,the nation's fourth busiest when it comes to overall passenger traffic,officials are predicting that the Thanksgiving volume will be down about 35percent here than it was in 2019. is Shepard smith married or gay And so he has a path to a second term, but it's in 2024. A farmer has 19 sheep All but 7 die How many are left? He never said too much of anything to anyone. If they revertback to the 2016 way of thinking on the Middle East, that peace goesthrough Ramallah, that you can't -- detente with Iran is the key to peacerather than an obstacle to peace with Arab-Israeli peace, then they aregoing to fail, and all this progress we are having will stop.BAIER: All right, panel, thank you very much, we appreciate it, a littleshorter because of the interview.When we come back, helping those in need this time of year. Platooning was known to exist as early as the turn of the twentieth century, but Stengel re-popularized it again in the fifties. That is the sign of tyranny.GREEN: California is one of 25 states where houses of worship have takenlegal actions over restrictions on gatherings. And everybody who joinedthe Abraham Accords will see the benefits for their own people.So, I am highly confident that many, many more nations will ultimatelychoose to do the right thing and recognize Israel as the rightful homelandof the Jewish people.BAIER: When you -- when you speak about Iran, you've talked about themaximum pressure campaign and how it has been effective in your words. In 2021 the winners were Kevin Cash in the American League and Gabe Kapler in the National League. Rhythm of the president 's supporters want Georgia 's Republicanleaders to do more to challenge the casey stengel fox news heel did. 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