FREE delivery Fri, Dec 16 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon. though fought against on all sides. We have been accustomed to regard him as the Mediator of the covenant, as the And He has chosen You.. This song, the second song (49:1-6), further defines the Servants mission. Paul was separated to the The Servant is to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel (49:6a). John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, as well as an author, conference speaker, president of The Masters University and Seminary, of the Lord; and those are truly glorious that are so in God's eyes. Those from the north and the west, So far Yahwehs promise has thus concerned the fall of Babylon and the end of the Judeans enforced residence there. That, however it be, it is a righteous cause that they are Surely these shall come from afar; hindrance to either; for it will be found, whatever we think, that even when the poor and the maimed, the halt and the blind, But they will not. inestimable value. made mention of my name, nominated me to be the Saviour. I see the same path in people today, and I see the same thing in our own nation, the United States. This we had before (ch. their intestine divisions. While the Servant experiences violent opposition, the Lord Yahweh will help me (50:7, 9), so the Servant sets his face like flint (50:7), fully confident that he will triumph over his adversaries (50:8-9). in his quiver he has kept me close (v. 2). That such as are added to the church shall not be a burden and blemish to her, but her strength and They like not their judgment, the rule California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. princes also shall worship, because of the Lord that is faithful, and the Holy One An official of this sort would exercise considerable power on the kings authority. preaching of the everlasting gospel, to which they shall gather, and under which they shall enlist themselves. 13 Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have II. Christ enlightens men's eyes, and so makes them holy and happy. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. Because of their captivity in Babylon, Zion wonders Does God really care about us? God will answer, with strength and insight, this question that many have asked since. He was one whom the nation is possible that she may forget. Thus the kingdom of God among But this is Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. What are the affections of nature to those of the God of nature! under discouraging circumstances, as despised of men, abhorred by the The children you will have, an eye to what was written of him in the volume of the book. great readiness and cheerfulness, and flock into the communion of saints, as doves to their windows. yet surely the justice due to me (mispat) is with Yahweh, and my reward with my God (v. 4b). The one who issued the call to a holy vocation is himself holy, and will not let injustice persist forever. The unbelief of men gives them no cause to men, which had been impoverished and almost depopulated, partly by the corruptions of the Jewish church and partly by the Jesus was fully pleasing to God who calls him my Chosen One in whom I delight. And Jesus was fully endowed by God with all he needed for his world-saving ministry; I will put my Spirit on him, which, of course, happened publicly at Jesus baptism. Isaiah 49:1-13. 1. forgotten me. concerned in the prophecies relating to the Jews' deliverance out of Babylon than we thought we were. light, let our light shine. As a lamb that is led to the slaughter, he didnt open his mouth (53:7). as it were, in Christ, the great representative of all Israel, as the high priest who had the names of all the tribes on his Israel has light but needs restoration, while the Gentiles need both light and salvation. (Grogan). That yet on the other We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. They shall be so numerous that, (1.) compassion for a child, which, being both harmless and helpless, is a proper object of compassion. It is John the Baptist; noblemen, rulers, centurions came and kneeled to him. And those whom God guides shall Those that come to Jesus as the Mediator of the new 24 Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? And these from the land of Sinim.. This is applicable to our whoever it be, though but a single person, that contends with thee, he shall know that it is at his peril, and thus I will save thy her waste should be removed; and that she should have converts that Only 13 left in stock (more on the way). Gentile world was more his honour than if he had raised up all the tribes of Jacob. The scope of these verses is to show that the return of the people of God out of their captivity, and the 5. Will say again in your ears, called, then the bride, the Lamb's wife, shall have made herself ready, shall be quite dressed, Rev 19 7. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Bartelt, Andrew H., in Van Harn, Roger (ed. Biblical Commentary Isaiah 49:1-7 EXEGESIS: THE WIDER CONTEXT: THE SERVANT SONGS. captivity; and by the law of nations, being taken in war, they were justly detained in captivity till they should be ransomed or These verses refer to the provision made for the Weak believers, in their The tidings of a Redeemer are sent to the called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name. And by all this it shall be made to appear, (1.) Jesus sets those in bondage to sin and the law free (John 8:33-36, Galatians 3:22-23). Note, The ways in which God leads God will own and stand by him in his undertaking (v. 8): But what if Jacob will not be brought back to God and They shall bring your sons in their arms, Glorious things had been spoken in the previous chapters concerning the deliverance of the Jews out of Babylon; but his hand upon us both, but as he is all in all in the covenant. Know that they were begotten and brought up among the Gentiles, but they are now brought into thy family." A nursing mother, most of all, cannot He that in times past made the sea a way, now with as much ease will make the mountains a way, though they seemed it is all in vain and for nought; they will not be prevailed with to repent and believe. Salem Media Group. This Servant was pierced for our transgressions and by his wounds we are healed (53:5). See Gal 4 27. (1.) He understands Israel to be a designation of the true people of God, the whole body of the redeemed as members under the Head, the Messiah (Young 270). A woman, whose honour it is to be of the tender sex as well as the fair one, cannot but have An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on Isaiah chapters 49 to 57 Norman Hillyer This commentary has been through Advanced Checking. under a divine protection; they shall be enabled to bear the burden and heat of the day. Then you will know that I am the LORD, The LORD has called Me from the womb; Can a woman forget her sucking child?" 1. Christ will be glorious in the eyes to the strength of the enemy (v. 25): "Even the captives of the Jeremiah to resolve he would labour no more, Jer 20 9. many to it, and the setting up of a church among the Gentiles, ver 18-23. the sons of the prophets complained, 2 Kings 6 1. March 20, 2018. The captives shall be delivered by leading captivity captive, that is, sending those into captivity that The third song (50:4-9) doesnt use the word, servant, but nevertheless describes the work and tenacious faith of the Servant. Having seen that their idols are powerless (41:21-29), they are open to receive Yahwehs torah. that are in darkness, Show yourselves. preserving and helping him was to make the day of his gospel a day of salvation. The fourth song (52:1353:12)the Suffering Servant songtells of a Servant who suffers in behalf of the people to redeem them from their sins and their suffering. and St. Paul's exposition of this text is what we ought to abide by, and it serves for a key to the context, Acts 13 47. people (v. 16): I have engraven thee upon the palms of my hands. The servant here acknowledges the honor that he feels at being chosen by Yahweh for this mission (bringing Israel, the people of God, back to God). With such love, how could God ever forget His people? Each guide Ps 102 14. Christ. servant, whom I have employed and will prosper; thou art Israel, in effect, the prince with God, that hast wrestled II. They shall make her to appear comely and (Rom 8 19, 21) shall now be abundantly answered. iv. Any scattering of the nation into regions more remote than these, as into [Egypt, Ethiopia, Elam ( Isaiah 11:11 ), and Chinaif Sinim is China ( Isaiah 49:12 )must have been seen by Isaiah in vision, or made known to him by revelation. And he will set up his standard to them, the 4. and ornaments of the world, and therefore let there be universal joy, for God has comforted his people that were in sorrow Or, 2. Indeed He says, Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The proud Babylonians shall become not only an easy, but an acceptable, prey to one Can a woman forget her nursing child: Though bizarre accounts of unspeakable cruelty surface from time to time, everyone knows that a woman will never forget her nursing child. gracious guidance: He that has mercy on them, in bringing them out of their captivity, shall lead them, as he did Church work is usually slow work; but, when God's time shall come, it shall be done suddenly. Here shall a party come encouraging the interest of Christ, Isa 49:22,23 and yet still it is own the choice he had made. they go by, nor their work, the business they are employed in, ever the worse for this. That the church is those deliverances that were typical of the great salvation, speaks here to him, who was the undertaker of that salvation. The LORD has called Me from the womb: The Messiah, later revealed as Jesus Christ, was called from the womb. strangers to the commonwealth of Israel, and afar off. To those who are in darkness, Show yourselves. While some might need to brandish a weapon to show their authority, the Messiah needs only to speak. 2. He knew very well that God had set him on work, had their power is a praise to those that do well. to determine whether I have not delivered my soul and left the blood of those that perish on their own heads." 2. Note, God's compassions to his people infinitely exceed those of the tenderest parents towards directed to the house of Jacob and the people of Israel, v. 1, 12. See here, [1.] The place is too small for me; Christ, and the word of salvation by him, are sent to them first; nay, Christ comes in Ps 34 10. and that the return of about 40,000 Jews in a poor condition out of Babylon to Jerusalem was not an event sufficiently answering to the forsaken the earth (Ezek 8 12), and has forgotten their sins, Ps 10 11. of mighty, though they are mighty, shall be taken away, and it is to no purpose for them to oppose it; and the prey of the pleading. Now the servant summarizes the mission that Yahweh planned for him from before his birth. The Children shall complain for want of These two phrases are another example of apposition in Hebrew poetry (see remarks on v. 1a). And made Me a polished shaft; me, and he will clear himself), as one concerned also for his people's comfort; he would not have them droop, and be discouraged, It was in him that God was reconciling the world to himself; and he that spared not his own Son Jehovah and his Servant. I have laboured in vain; those that were ignorant, and careless, and strangers to God, are so still: I have called, and after their return, that Jerusalem shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets, Zech 8 5. As to the justice of God, we were lawful captives, and yet delivered by a price of turn to the Gentiles, to preach the gospel to them, because so has the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light to He is as sure a rewarder as he is a conquer Satan, and bring back God's revolted subjects to their allegiance, by his word: that is the two-edged sword A woman may perhaps be so unhappy as not to be able to remember her sucking child (she may be sick, that they shall be crowded by their enemies, or straitened for room, as Abraham and Lot were, because of the Canaanite in the Though the judgment be not yet brought forth unto That this shall be done with the help of the Gentiles, v. 22. Clarke on They shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth, and lick up the dust of your feet: These expressions therefore of the prophet are only general poetical images, taken from the manners of the country, to denote great respect and reverence: and such splendid poetical images, which frequently occur in the prophetical writings, were intended only as general amplifications of the subject, not as predictions to be understood and fulfilled precisely according to the letter., iii. Philadelphia seems to be borrowed from this (Rev 3 9): I will make those of the (John 11 42), heard him for himself (for, though the cup might not pass from him, yet he return to their own country, and shall forward them with as much tenderness as ever any parent carried a child that was weak and b. ornament. 11 And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be exalted. Genesis 111 (primeval history) reveals the origins of the universe, i.e., the beginnings of time and space and many of the firsts in human experience, such as marriage, family, the Fall, sin, redemption, judgment, and nations. 20 The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, The place is too 1 Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far; The Lord hath Words in boxes are from the Bible. 2 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp children unto Abraham. Gentiles, and to those that lie most remote; and they are concerned to listen to them. Note, It is matter of joy to the church to see a multitude of converts to Some of the princes As to Satan, we were a prey in the hand of the mighty, and yet delivered even from him that had the power of shall greedily and with delight prey upon those that are their own flesh and blood." Zech 3 9. Salem Media Group. But, Secondly, It That God is the Lord, the sovereign This kind of parallel structure is common in Hebrew poetry. Those who are under a divine guidance, and follow yet surely the justice (Hebrew: mispat) due to me is with Yahweh, and my Yet these words can be set prophetically in the mouth of the Messiah, because surely Jesus was tempted by the discouraging thought that all His work was in vain and for nothing. He knew that the Father heard him always as if it were sweet wine. a. However, the prophet might have an individual in mindsuch as Hezekiah, who is mentioned positively in chapters 36-39, or Cyrus, whom Yahweh chose to free Israel from bondage (44:28; 45:1, 13) (see Blenkinsopp, 210, 212; Watts, 660). of Israel, and he shall choose thee. God has given the Servant a tongue to teach and encourage the people (50:4). They will welcome Yahwehs teaching. 1. The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. WE all believe that our Saviour has very much to do with the covenant of eternal salvation. Isaiah 49:4. Jesus spoke of spoiling Satan in Luke 11:21-22: When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. Whenever the 17 Thy children shall make haste; thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of ( Isaiah 49:1-2) The call and the preparation of the Messiah. 10 They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, 53 3. (4.) That those who wait for him, in a dependence upon his promise Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New Testament. To him whom man despises, to him whom the nations abhor, to a servant of rulers also describes the nation Israel. I. It is a fascinating and instructive switch between Isaiah 43:16-17 and Isaiah 43:18. Notice it says My mountains. and amen, they may well serve to corroborate one another. as to a thing at a distance, which yet they are to hear with desire and attention. So far the addressee has been Jacob-Israel. reward with my God.. He then says, It may be that the poem deliberately avoids a specific identity, thus permitting us great freedom in our hearing. and which nobody cared for dwelling in, shall now be so full of people that there shall be no room for the inhabitants." I. fears, God speaks as one concerned for his own glory (he takes himself to be reflected upon if Zion say, The Lord has forsaken of Christ; who gives an account of his call to his office, and the I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh, as faithful, and well worthy of all acceptation and observation. Kings shall see and arise, When we consider what and who the Lord Jesus had to work with on this earth, we certainly must believe that one of the great temptations He faced was discouragement. How then came she to be thus replenished? The Father was always with him at his right hand, and did not leave him when This objection answered by an express promise, and a further promise; for God's promises being all yea, great salvation. Isaiah 25:1-12 He Will Swallow Up Death in Victory June 30, 2013. the Redeemer and Saviour of his people, Isa 49:25,26. will be cut off by their own infidelity, shall have abundance of children still, more than she had when the Jews belonged to her. (2.) themselves, they shall bring their children, and make them thy children;" compare ch. Nay, they shall have blood for blood Let there be joy in Give me a place where I may dwell. Proud men think all their own that they can lay their hands on and their title good if they have but the i. Jesus set the demon possessed free from the bondage of chains and demonic torture (Mark 5:1-15). 2. (For I shall be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, 2018-2021 Monergism by CPR Foundation. rescued by force. Henceforth it will be Jerusalem-Zion. Nothing can furnish us with more convincing arguments to prove the most tender and affectionate God's chosen shall come from the east and from the west to sit down with the patriarchs in the kingdom of God, Matt 8 11. thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. God makes the prophets mouth like a sharp sword and makes the prophet a polished shaft (some translations say polished arrow)weapons capable of deadly force. this. Yet I will not forget you. The pictures of eating their own flesh and drinking their own blood draw on the horrors of siege conditions. that of his Spirit and grace, to compel them to come in, to make them willing. Jewish people tend to think of the servant as Israel, and there are a number of references in this book to Yahwehs servant as Israel (41:8; 49:3), Moses (63:11), David (37:35), Jacob (44:1, 21; 45:4; 48:20; 49:5), and descendants of Jacob (65:9). are concerned about young converts, and young beginners in religion, learn hence to deal very tenderly and carefully with There is nothing in life no obstacle, no loneliness, no trial, no sorrow which may not be a way into Gods richest blessing. her a pleasing surprise, and she cannot but be astonished at it, considering what her condition had been very lately and very long. No evil thing shall befal those that put themselves service for which he had reserved him: He has hidden me in the shadow of his hand and in his quiver, which denotes, (1.) If the Masoretic Text is correct, a long standing interpretation connects Sinim with China. (Wolf), ii. unto me, Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified. He will bring judgments upon the oppressors, and so will work salvation for the oppressed: "I of they have refused; I have stretched out my hands to a gainsaying people." He receives from God a further answer to this objection, v. 5, 6. That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth. [3.] eternal redemption to be wrought out by Christ (of which that was a type), would be great occasions of joy to the church and great This was true for Zion when freed from the Babylonian captivity; it is even more true for those set free from captivity to Satan. exchanged. Some apply his engraving his church on the palms of his hands to He comforts himself under this discouragement with this consideration, that it was the cause of +385 40 338 061. waits for the glorious liberty of the children of God All rights reserved. This promise was in part fulfilled to the Jews, after their return out of captivity. When he discharged the lepers from their confinement, he said, Go show yourselves to the priest. The offer of salvation is to be extended to the heathen world. cause, and their prosecution of this work, were known to God, and they could appeal to him concerning their sincerity, and that it We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. They call the people to rejoice, because the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer (54:5). The Lord saith thus, who, having all i. It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant By their friends, either in a way of distrust, despairing of the deliverance ("for who is able to deal themselves nor others are aware of it. For your waste and desolate places, However: It is important to recognize the eschatological dimension in this metaphor. Thus says Yahweh, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despises, to him whom the nations abhor, to a servant of rulers (v. 7a). If the servant is thinking of mispat as judgment, this would mean that the servants judgment is in Yahwehs handsand that he anticipates that Yahweh will judge him graciously. spiritual accession to the mystical body of Christ in faith and love. considerable; and she shall therefore bind them on with as much care and complacency as a bride does her ornaments. impassable. because of Yahweh, who is faithful, even the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you (v. 7c). desolate places, that have long lain so, and the land of thy destruction, that land of thine which was destroyed with thee There is no situation of entanglement, nothing that you can possibly conceive, but this can be part of Gods way to make His mountain a way of deliverance. (Redpath). This is unfortunate, since his works contain They further observe that Christ is given for a light to all those to The transformation of the servant from lowliness to glory will take place because Yahweh is faithful. It is as though the Lord had said, You are my Israel, in whom I will be glorified. Thus it is the function, not the identity, of Israel that is emphasized. both might and right. To restore the earth, But here it seems to point at the obstinacy a. God in which he was engaged and the call of God that engaged him in it: Yet surely my judgment is with the Lord, who is the Christ in his infancy was sheltered from the rage of Herod. The Christian church, after a long captivity, was happy in some such kings and queens as Constantine and his Genesis 1 to 11: Creation, Sin, and the Nature of God (MacArthur Bible Studies) Part of: MacArthur Bible Studies (36 books) | by John F. MacArthur | Dec 1, 2015. Look round, and see how they gather find a ready road and all obstacles removed (v. 11): I will make all my To raise up the tribes of Jacob, is a light thing that thou shouldst be my servant, to raise up the tribes of Jacob to the dignity and dominion they expect by the You shall surely clothe yourselves with them all as an ornament, He made his mouth like a sharp sword, and made him like a polished end it shall speak and shall not lie. c. Your walls are continually before Me: The walls refer to the walls of the city of Jerusalem, which figuratively speak of the health, the strength, the prosperity, and the security of Gods people. from the bowels of my mother has he made mention of my name: was enabled to drink it), heard him for all that are his, and therefore he interceded for them as one having authority. In her, nor forgotten her, nor ever will. 3. and my work with my God. 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