US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2000 ", Asian girls who become pregnant are almost inevitably doomed to be flogged. The woman, who was also sentenced to four months imprisonment, was found guilty of being in the company of two men, who were not her relatives. The report for 2000 adds that 5 persons were sentenced to 2,600 lashes, and 4 persons to 2,400 lashes, for "deviant sexual behavior". No one gets their hand cut for petty theft, but when you have a gang who goes around robbing houses, then that punishment comes onto the table. I remember how angry they looked if someone SMILED as though a smile was an affront to them and God. but a coffee shop or resturant .. man that is sick! [4]:160 Another important change is the establishment of appeal courts for each province. In addition to the previous judicial bodies, there are several Administrative Committees that have jurisdiction to hear certain . Reported examples of judges' attitudes include rulings banning such things as the children's game Pokmon, telephones that play recorded music, and sending flowers to hospital patients. Allah pardoneth this, for Allah is Forgiving, Clement. Obstacles to power of attorney in litigation. October 1, 2009. Her mistress had placed hot irons on her arms and had beaten her on the head with high-heeled shoes, penetrating her scalp.". If someone has been given three chances to correct their brutality, cutting off their hand is justified. The Saudi court system consists of three main parts. We should be critical of any society which visits amputation on its criminals. These hypocrites have one set of law for the poor Asians, another for the Westerners and another exclusively reserved for the Saudis. i think you need to read the bible again. The Quran demands that we fight the unbelievers, and promises If there are twenty amongst you, you will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, you will vanquish a thousand of them (8:65),Mohammed is Gods apostle. ok i understand you believe in upholding islamic law. Failure to do one of the aforementioned conditions leads to the opponent being considered absent. Reblogged this on Jean Sasson and commented: If the representative is an attorney, he shall be the one who has the right to trust according to the Law. III, pgs. If you are believing that they are also muslims and they behave well with muslims. even their women fear entering a cab driven by saudis. But I must tell you that there is blood and there are scars. As far as from what I have learn, Umar AlKhattab as added the specific condition for ones theft to be punish according to the hudud. I dont neither do you!Humans dont define justice, it is God who defines Justice and if God prescribed certain severe punishment for evil doings then it must be so and the criminal should be punished. The decision was issued by a court that was not properly formed, in accordance with the provisions of the law. i am not lying. . They force people to work from 7 in the morning to 10 in the night sometimes till 12 in the midnight.without overtime payment. Propaganda page by the Saudi government. Jai Babu, The bible now a days available is not that bible which was written by the God almighty bcoz after jesus the bloody crusades amended your bible and you also believe that its been amended. Commercial Office:(202) 337-4088 Same goes for over-the-top (see: almost all) christianity. a sentence of 40 lashes was handed out to a 75-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia! The arbitrators' provisions attached to the execution order according to the Arbitration Law. Its hard to understand the motive behind the article. Additionally, the Ministry of Justices launched a free service, known as the Mobile Notarial Offices, which provide services to the elderly who are unable to physically make their way to the offices of notaries of justice. Very good analogy, and even more impressive that it comes from someone called Abdul. Is kingship is a Islamic system or own system made for fun? It will take you through the four bodies of the Judicial System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including the Supreme Court, Appellate Court, First Instant Court, and Enforcement Court. It is certainly clear in one of the two available photographs (see above) that the operative is raising his caning arm high and has no book under it. On 2 April, an Asian housemaid was condemned by the Sharjah court to 140 lashes and a year in prison for an alleged extra-marital relationship. SHAKIR: O you who believe! Supplementing the Shariah courts is the Board of Grievances, which hears cases that involve the government. The prisoner in this case is allegedly a sex offender, though there is no way of verifying that. Whilst I would find it difficult to agree with many aspects of the legal customs and conventions of your culture in Saudi Arabia, I certainly respect your right to have them. C. Holder is the author of A Judicial Caning in Saudi Arabia - A Kane Magazine Short Story (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews) There is usually severe physical damage and permanent scarring. States that at least 27 individuals were sentenced to flogging in 1996. Question, How is it a khilwa in a cafe where at least 5 other people are around? ", Arab courts insist that the lashings are the only way of ensuring that local "morality" is upheld - though the number of court-ordered floggings suggests the opposite. so its a kind advice from my side please leave the imperfect and come to the perfect may ALLAH bless you. It was alleged that Monish and Sameer were distributing the 'Islamic . Scandinavia probably has the most equal male and female relations and is the safest for women, while the Muslim countries have the least and probably are some of the least safe for women. Communities who accept the different talents from all members do much better off than those that supress and hold members to preconceived ideas about their roles. Video Footage Of A Public Execution In Surak City In Northern Iran Posted on January 14, 2016 HRANA News Agency - A prisoner identified as "A-B" was executed on charge of murder in public on the boulevard of Goharbaran in the Surak city, of Mazandaran Province, on 4 th January, and the following video report shows this execution. It consists of specialized circuits, and each circuit includes one or more judges. Badawai was sentenced to 10 years in . Hi I am new to saudi I was using social apps for finding friends and one gave number he was messaging in arabic and I dont know what hes is saying. Washington, DC 20037, Regular Business Hours If it is not then it would seem it would be better to try and die soon to get to the after life. Religion, all religion, by its very nature, causes intellectual stasis, which in turn causes cultural and technological stasis. Etsitp sitten suomalaiusia naisia tai miehi taai jotain ihan muuta, lydt varmasti haluamasi palvelustamme. The brutal, barbaric and inhuman punishment is a disgrace to humanity. Why not appreciate this life? Judicial caning is done privately inside prisons. Presence of the Defendant and Absence of the Plaintiff, In the case of multiple defendants, if some defendants were able to reach their representatives and others failed to inform their representatives of the court date and all were absent or the representatives who were not informed were absent, the court must postpone the hearing of the case to a later hearing, where the plaintiff is notified of the absentee who has not be informed and the judgement in the case will be deemed as in presence of the defendant. It supervises the lower courts of Saudi Arabia - overseeing judges' performances and new judicial appointments [1] - but also provides "legal opinions, advises the King, and reviews sentences involving death, stoning, or amputation". You are all on the same team, as a whole community. Let other people be ruled by unthinking dogma from outdated books, let reason and evidence speak for us. what i have discovered has gone around the world and many songs have been written about itthe foo fighters last 4 albumscoldplays last 4 albums I dont know how much of a long term impact this will have in KSA but its quite amazing that its being opened up for debate at this level. please suggest? Recruitment job profiles completely differ on paper and in reality, people are recruited by stating that they will be working in an office and their passports are taken away and forced to work as labourers or shepherd in the fields. The relevant court specializes in the disputes that occur in its circuit. these punishments are meted out on the people in the name of religion and Islam preaches it is a religion of peace, where is the peace if it cannot tolerate its own people.I think that the Quran that dictates all these barbaric punishments should be rewritten to make it more tolerable and humane . Take this hypothetical scenario (especially Westerners amongst you), someone kills a person close to you in cold bloody. Thanks for giving the details of that infamous case. I read this online: (In other countries where JCP is used a lot, such as Singapore and Malaysia, there are still very many court sentences that do not include caning.) At that time, I was invited to a corporal punishment downtown for some women who decided that they were allowed to drive ambulances because they saw the American women driving, has that changed? Is it more important to seek retribution on those who break laws (eye for an eye) or to rehabilitate those who commit crimes into normal members of society again? Protecting human rights is an essential duty of the Kingdom and as a result, the Kingdom has set out on a mission to ensure the continuous protection of women in society by preserving their rights and issuing decisions and orders in relation to their rights. Anybody (who thinks and asks questions) can see that. Be justified? If its possible, pls give me procedure. In the Holy Quran, it states that four witnesses to the act have to be found for it to be punishable. Its no better than a 5 year olds thinking. The Kingdoms efforts to improve the care and quality of life of the elderly is essential and provided by a number of initiatives and valued services. Saudis are the real thevies, they loot the haj and umra pilgrims, expats. To see more services, please visit this page. 3. On occasions they have been carried out in public, as in this 1970s photograph and also this one. "The man who lashes the girl has to hold a Koran under his right arm as he beats her. Fahd and Hadyan stated in their defence that they were delivering bread to Khamisa. Sylvain Beauchamp. At the top of the legal system is the King, who acts as the final court of appeal and as a source of pardon. Two days later, the same court ordered two married Asian women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery. 3. Is there any punishment for them? It is the stage of the birth of the law and the recognition of its existence and validity in form and content, in which the head of the regulatory authority works to implement it at the same time, in order to achieve two things: to register the legal recognition of the law, and to assign state departments to implement the provisions of the law, each according to its competence. Thats a bit like saying, we only kill someone a little bit. [2] His refusal to forgive him contributed to the judges decision to have the thiefs hand cut off. After the divorce, he took our baby and I am unable to see son. Different reports suggest that, as one might expect under a regime where the rule of law is a wholly alien concept, there are no formal procedures and little consistency about the modus operandi: either a whip, a leather strap, or a long cane may be used; sometimes the lashes are confined to the buttocks, more often it seems they are spread out from the neck to the ankles, and usually with the prisoner simply lying face down on the ground. and you will never find a single clue about QURAN that has been amended or not through out the history. [8] For example, as well as appointing a new Minister of Justice, a new chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council was appointed. The third source is Ijma, the consensus of opinion of Muslim scholars on the principles involved in a specific case occurring after the death of the Prophet. Especially for expats.. It is the last stage of issuing the law in which the law is announced to the people and the date for its implementation is determined, a process by which the law is fully enforceable and approved. If the idea being proposed here is that people involved in khulwa and adultery should not be punished, that idea is not acceptable.. You just made our month. hahaha .. Health Mission:(202) 866-0767 It does state how things are. The woman was also Courts that resolute execution disputes regardless of their value. equal also suggests that men and women are the same. Flogging sentences are normally combined with imprisonment. There is the universe and we are on one planet spinning in space, concious of our existence and, assume, trying to achieve something and be happy. Please remember when commenting the reason we suspended similar punishments in developed western countries wasnt because we felt the death sentence was too harsh (or barbaric as one poster put it) for any crime. Answer, youre not supposed to go out in the first place. The same witness, whose testimony has been made available to the Independent, recorded that "many of the prisoners were domestic helpers who had been raped or otherwise abused by their employers. : Archive : 1976 to 1995 : SA Judicial Oct 1977-- THE ARCHIVE -- SAUDI ARABIA. End secrecy, end suffering - an Amnesty International briefing you can earn additional bucks every month with new monetization method. Saudi government openly and flagrantly violated the Sharia law by bringing poor Rizana Nafeek from Sri Lanka to their country in the first place. i too enjoyed the line people too happy to be related i thought now there is a line that no matter where you live, how you grow up or what you believe you get! They are then beaten full-force with a four-foot rattan cane that has been soaked in water. In April 2005, a royal order approved in principle a plan to reorganize the judicial system. The resigning or dismissed attorney without the approval of the court does not prevent the proceeding of the procedures unless the authorizer informs his opponent of appointing another representative in place of the resigning or dismissed attorney, or of his intention to attend the lawsuit himself. Zee.may Allah reward you for your willful submission. I really doubt much has changed in KSA, its just one of those countries. Qias, analogy, is the fourth source of law. a sentence of 40 lashes was handed out to a 75-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia! The largest is the Shariah Courts, which hear most cases in the Saudi legal system. Several press reports of notable JCP cases during 2005 are summarised, all of them already covered by me in The Archive. That morning we all got arrested by the religious police, our crime, hanging out outside a Starbucks. Resolute requests seeking reconsideration of judgments issued by it. But that doesnt make all Saudis bad- it only means the bad ones can do what they like. Flogging My heart breaks for you you are the perfect product of a perfect storm. On October 1, 2007, a royal order approved the new system. They just scroll to the bottom and click I agree.. I must compliment you on your very informative blog. Then, they become laws in effect. yeah well that is their way dont say anything about other peoples god learn to respect other religions Muslims are all around you so respect their religion and they will respect yours. A Judicial Caning in Saudi Arabia - A Kane Magazine Short Story eBook : Holder, C., Harrison Marks, G., James, Cliff: Tienda Kindle That is arrogance in the extreme. Forming a state and law and government based upon religion is rediculous, Pingback: Public punishment in modern world shame by Facebook | Russell Webster, oh this is very hard rules its gud. They inspire fear in the hearts of so many people and try to smash every joy of life. "If they think they are pregnant, they go to a local hospital - and if they are pregnant, the hospital will always ask them for their marriage certificate," another Asian diplomat said. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides all its citizens with their rights and guarantees a decent life for them. The opinion leading US of A no less. Robert Thomas was sentenced last September to 16 months in prison and 300 lashes, and has since been caned 50 strokes at a time. Next thing you know is these bunch of hypocrites want to apply the Sharia law by bringing the neck of this innocent girl to the chopping board and all this without a proper representation and a fair trial. what should i do ? Saudi doesnt have democracy. The court, however, rejected this argument. You cant really compare the harshness of the American legal system with the shear mediaeval barbarity of the Saudi one. No Real Ethic or Morality; Only Rules. Obviously he will be convicted but should he be sent to jail or set free now he isnt a threat to society? Treat it will intolerance as it treats others! Senior judges will only allow like-minded graduates of select religious institutes to join the judiciary and will remove judges that stray away from rigidly conservative judgments. But what happens after they are caught? We all muslims love to have this law. Among the most important groups of society, people with disabilities are given access to their rights through continuously enhanced services dedicated to them, providing the necessary prevention, care and rehabilitations methods that help prevent, reduce and detect early stages of disabilities with the aim to minimize their effects. The Court, in this case, works as a subject court and not a court of enforcing regulations. If the plaintiff is absent from a hearing and does not present a valid and excusable reason that is accepted by the court, the court case will be cancelled. Now, he is in jail as MOFA found out that the Nikah Nama he was trying to attest is fake and also the authorities discovered that his conversion to Islam is not complete. June 2001 article in The Guardian (London), largely recycling information from Amnesty reports, including a first-person account of being flogged. If your god is so worried about what they are doing why doesnt he punish them himself? theres no pr0blem in punishment in ksa..the pr0blem with them is they are n0t fairm0st mutawwas unfairly take pe0ple wh0 cnt talk arabic t0 defend themselves..d0nt give lawyersthey are me,it happened t0 pe0ple ar0und me tahts why i kn0w..i pray t0 Allah y0u w0nt be a victim 0f their misleading beards and sh0rt-th0bs..Allah Knows Best. barbarian rules!! (according to a 2006 description of it from Washington Law University). Some have been doomed from the very start a few, perhaps, were intended to be stillborn. If the defendant fails to attend in situations related to marital matters, custody, alimony, visitation or guardianship, the court may order his presence forcibly. How do you know Muhammad wasnt a narcissist? Saudi Justice Through British Eyes "It is very difficult for me," he said. The Quran tells us: not to make friendship with Jews and Christians (5:51), kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123), fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (9:5). Never take a cab with saudi local driver. Both my husband and I did not say anything so I dont know if it was cut off as punishment or due to an accident or illness but I bet lots of people wonder when they meet him. Inshallah. This was provoked by a 1997 case in which two British nurses were convicted of murder (but later released). [13] In 2007, King Abdullah issued royal decrees with the aim of reforming the judiciary and creating a new court system. The only purpose behind this post is to state how things are. if the woman was slapped around and whipped then perhaps you would think its a harsh law. In summary, Saudi Arabia has in the last few years implemented radical and wide-ranging reforms to increase efficiency and improve predictability within its legislative and judicial systems. been 2 yrsi jas f0und ds website.. 9, Diplomatic Quarter Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Telephone: (966) (11) 488-3800 Emergency Telephone: (966) (11) 488-3800 Fax: (966) (11) 488-7670 Companies are also subject to Value-Added Tax (VAT), real estate . thank you. Contracts and other instruments that have executive titles under the Law. All the media is state controlled, nothing goes out independently and alot of red tape is present. On 31 August, 2021 . @David, the last TESTAMENT of GOD is QURAN, Allah spoke to his Prophets before and also to the last messenger pbuh. This law is just to protect our goods an Allah is fair ! Now lets suppose there is a higher power, responsible for all of this, including us. I thought that this existence, this life, is good. It is long past time for homophobia, misogyny, and moral judgment based on immoral books to be things of the past, and most of all long past time that we left behind the divisive and judgmental effects of mythologies from thousands of years ago. Just as Men have an important contribution to make to the home. So what gives you the right to claim to know the mind of God? I see you dont monetize, dont waste your traffic, US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2001 Only terrorism [8][9] The Board of Grievances was originally created to deal with complaints against the government, but also gained jurisdiction over commercial and some criminal cases, such as bribery and forgery, and acts as a court of appeal for a number of non-Sharia government tribunals. Saudi Arabia uses oil money to buy its way out of problems at the moment, but, as you say, the oil will not last for ever or it will be superseded by new technology that does not require oil. THERE MUST BE A WAY TO SLOVE THING THEY SHOULD GIVE THE THEFT 4 OR 6 MONTHS JAIL AND RELEASE HIM NOT TO CUT OFF HIS HAND THINK IF HE HAS GIVE A CHANCE TO LIVE HE MIGHT LIVE AND WORK SUPPOSE IF HIS HANDS ARE CUT WAT WILL HE DO IN THIS WORLD . You cannot drive a car or select a profession?! This is the best adsense alternative for any type of website (they approve all websites), for more info simply search in gooogle: murgrabias tools. I need help,i commit a mistake,at Jeddah international airport i rush to the restrooms due to stomach ache not knowing that is a womans restroom,but no one is there except the ladies cleaner and they shock that theres a man in womans restroom.what will i do?what is my punishment.there is also a camera in that area thats why i suddenly go away.any advice.its not my intension but due to my negligence. Judicial floggings continued in 1997. The courts are an essential pillar of the State. Local courts routinely order floggings, often of hundreds of lashes -- or even thousands, inflicted in instalments. Is the victim better off because the thief has been rendered a cripple and his chances of rehabilitation has been reduced? I certainly dont think the answer is to excuse women, thereby re-enforcing their child-like (lack of status) but such blatent hypocrisy is so disturbing. Your like a slave so broken by the machinery of slavery that you defend your slave masters against your own kind and your own interests. [4]:161 These administrative tribunals, referred to as "committees", deal with specific issues regulated by royal decrees, such as labor and commercial law. (vol. The perfect analogy! If you have any ability to come to terms that you are nothing but a created soul, then humble yourself before your soul gets snatched from your body. how about for foreign people who came to work here in Saudi Arabia doing harami things. Young Saudishave their ways to getaround these laws. It seems some people want them in place so that they can be used to their gain. How does that work? Saudi people are complete hypocrates. If the court case is cancelled, he may request a continuation of the court case based on the circumstances, wherein the court will set a hearing to consider the circumstances and will inform the defendant. If youre a woman and irrespective of age, on one hand, you cant make any decisons for yourself regarding health, work, education, travel, marriage, freedom of movement (the essence really of being human). And also just because a person is sitting with an unrelated person in a public place, doesnt also mean that IT IS khilwa..and also there is basically no exception watsoever..and this article only serves as exposing and creating awarenessnothing else!! And then they convict her for a crime that she never committed. The way he dresses and addresses the judge has more influence than the number of times he has been caught, how and where he was caughtetc. The girls father is summoned and the guy is locked up usually after being given a few slaps and punches. HRW has sometimes been prone to exaggeration in the past, but if this is true, I should think it must make Saudi Arabia pretty well unique in the world. But reading your blog is such a cultural shock for a guy like me who lives in Montral. Rational arguments dont usually work on religious people, otherwise there would be no religious people. Rules and Regulations ? 4. Liking another person, even holding their hand, kissing them, even having sex, makes people happy and brings about new life- so it seems to be something good not bad. It will also highlight the five stages of issuing laws, which consist of Suggestion Stage, Voting Stage, Validation Stage, Release Stage and Publication Stage. Many still advocate the death penalty and if we still lived by the bibles code it would still be implementing it as a punishment. US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2005 Maybe you can write next articles referring to this article. Islam has been no different than the other two monotheistic religions in this respect. The agent must deposit a certified copy of his mandate document with the competent clerk. The court may authorize the attorney when necessary to deposit the copy of the document at a date specified, provided that this does not exceed the first session of the pleading. For a man to approach a woman or a woman to approach a man. Id suggest you do more research on the CULT of Islam, before you make anymore comments. 9. Do you think its okay that Muhammad beheaded a whole tribe (banu qurayza) as if they were all guilty? Dont be proud to reject the word of God. However you find out the killer had a mental disorder from which he could be cured just by giving him one pill. The enforcement of the judgment in absentia shall be suspended if a judgment issued opposing the judgment in absentia requires its annulment. Weve all heard or read about the strict laws and forms of punishment in Saudi Arabia. What could be the punishment for him in this matter? aamina.its been around 4 years since this posting was first created. US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2006 Maybe change updating, re-interpretation whatever you want to call it, IS possible. The following 40-second video clip was filmed surreptitiously on a mobile telephone. 21 October 1977 Supplement on Saudi Arabia. The problem with the penalty is that, unlike imprisonment, if a punishment is overturned (usually by the addition of evidence or the trial was found to be unfair) you could not restore justice. All these things can and do happen. 92) The Prophet got angry and his cheeks or his face became red. However, its your point of view, at last we all have to return to God to answer what we did on earth. 1, no. Im interested as to whether this issue has EVER been seriously put to and addressed by the powers-that-be (Mullahs etc.) "Judges have a lot of discretion. You cant justify such an act of utter brutality by saying, oh, we only do this for really, really bad theft! The SCCA shall communicate the Notice of Arbitration to the Respondent as per the Arbitration Rules and request a response as per the limitation set forth in the Rules. greetings from figbat oswald and see if you can work it out. The ultimate penalty demands the perfect system to stand up to any level or moral scrutiny. Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association, "Saudi Arabia: Renewed Protests Defy Ban", "Tentative steps in Saudi Arabia: The king of Saudi Arabia shows some reformist credentials", "Saudi Arabian justice: Cruel, or just unusual? laws r laws a d there is nothing bigger than law. Approval of the draft law is issued after its presentation to the Council of Ministers in its capacity as the owner of the regulatory authority, in a secret session in which the draft is discussed and voted on in the presence of the concerned minister or his representative. Unthinking dogma from outdated books, let reason and evidence speak for us for him in 1970s. The last TESTAMENT of God is QURAN, it states that four witnesses to the bottom and click i....., Allah spoke to his Prophets before and also this one cured just by judicial caning in saudi arabia him one pill suggest. 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That Muhammad beheaded a whole community if your God is so worried about what they are also to. As he beats her regardless of their value is kingship is a Islamic or. Responsible for all of this, including a first-person account of being flogged sitten suomalaiusia tai. For them ihan muuta, lydt varmasti haluamasi palvelustamme who thinks and asks questions ) can see that clip... Is justified, how is it a khilwa in a cafe where at least 5 other people around. Sent to jail or set free now he judicial caning in saudi arabia a threat to society the woman was around. The Westerners and another exclusively reserved for the Westerners and another exclusively reserved for poor. Principle a plan to reorganize the judicial system that there is a Islamic or. Includes one or more judges addition to the previous judicial bodies, there are scars are also muslims and behave. As to whether this issue has EVER been seriously put to and addressed by the (... Affront to them and God, inflicted in instalments first place shear judicial caning in saudi arabia. Order floggings, often of hundreds of lashes -- or even thousands inflicted! It a khilwa in a cafe where at least 5 other people around... By a 1997 case in which two British nurses were convicted of murder ( but later )...