Elected officials fill their roles on a part-time basis. Private parties or firms entering a contract to perform said service shall carry public liability and property damage insurance, in an amount acceptable to the board of township trustees, and shall present proper evidence of such insurance to the board. The board of township trustees of a township may expend money for providing and maintaining services and facilities for senior citizens. (A) The boards of township trustees of one or more townships and the legislative authorities of one or more municipal corporations, or the legislative authorities of two or more municipal corporations, or the boards of township trustees of two or more townships, may, by adoption of a joint resolution by a majority of the members of each board of township trustees and by a majority of the members of the legislative authority of each municipal corporation, create a joint fire district comprising all or any portions of the municipal corporations and all or any portions of the townships as are mutually agreed upon. (A) If a board of township trustees by a unanimous vote or, in the event of the unavoidable absence of one trustee, by an affirmative vote of two trustees adopts a resolution declaring that an emergency exists that threatens life or property within the unincorporated territory of the township or that such an emergency is imminent, the board may exercise the powers described in divisions (A)(1) and (2) and (B) of this section during the emergency for a period of time not exceeding six months following the adoption of the resolution. 6500 Taylor Road, Suite ABlacklick, OH 43004. (C) When the number of townships or municipal corporations comprising a joint police district is reduced to one, the joint police district ceases to exist by operation of law, and the funds, credits, and property remaining after apportionments to withdrawing townships or municipal corporations shall be assumed by the one remaining township or municipal corporation. If a river or stream coincides with the boundary of two townships, either of the townships may construct, rebuild, or repair a footbridge across that river or stream at its own expense and subject to section 505.47 of the Revised Code. (A) The board of township trustees may establish all necessary rules to guard against the occurrence of fires and to protect the property and lives of the citizens against damage and accidents, and may, with the approval of the specifications by the prosecuting attorney or, if the township has adopted limited home rule government under Chapter 504. of the Revised Code, with the approval of the specifications by the township's law director, purchase, lease, lease with an option to purchase, or otherwise provide any fire apparatus, mechanical resuscitators, underwater rescue and recovery equipment, or other fire equipment, appliances, materials, fire hydrants, and water supply for fire-fighting and fire and rescue purposes that seems advisable to the board. A board of township trustees that grants or lends moneys to a political subdivision for this purpose shall expressly state the terms of the grant or loan agreement in a written memorandum. "Transient vendor" does not include any person who represents any entity exempted from taxation under section 5709.04 of the Revised Code, or any person licensed under Chapter 4707. of the Revised Code. The board also may appropriate general revenue fund moneys for any other expenses it considers necessary that are related to any potential or pending annexation actions. In order to obtain police protection, or to obtain additional police protection, any township may enter into a contract with one or more townships, municipal corporations, park districts created pursuant to section 511.18 or 1545.01 of the Revised Code, county sheriffs, joint police districts, or with a governmental entity of an adjoining state upon any terms that are agreed to by them, for services of police departments or use of police equipment, or the interchange of the service of police departments or use of police equipment within the several territories of the contracting subdivisions, if the contract is first authorized by respective boards of township trustees or other legislative bodies. Each day of continued violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense. A board of township trustees may procure and pay all or any part of the cost of group life insurance to insure the lives of officers and employees of the township. "There will be no stepping down based on. The board may remove, by resolution, its emergency medical service organization from the jurisdiction of the state board of emergency medical, fire, and transportation services. The professional fee for the physical examination shall be paid for by the board of township trustees. (2)(a) If a board of township trustees enters into a contract with an independent contractor under division (A)(1) of this section, the contract may provide that the independent contractor is the exclusive provider of any or all of the services described in that division for the township or the waste disposal district. (C) Such regulations and orders may be enforced where traffic control devices conforming to section 4511.09 of the Revised Code are prominently displayed. In lieu of creating the position of township building inspector, the board may assign the duties of the inspector to an existing township officer who is certified pursuant to division (E) of section 3781.10 of the Revised Code. Fines collected under that division shall be paid into the waste collection fund established under division (A) of section 505.31 of the Revised Code. The resolution authorizing the issuance of the securities shall provide for amounts sufficient to pay the interest on and principal of the securities. Learn all about how townships began, view the Ohio townships map and township websites, what townships do, how elections are run, and much more! When the number of townships and municipal corporations constituting a district is reduced to one, the district ceases to exist by operation of law, and the funds, credits, and property remaining after apportionments to withdrawing municipal corporations or townships shall be assumed by the one remaining township or municipal corporation. The board shall review the written objection and may revise the estimated assessment before adopting the resolution. Regularly scheduled Trustee meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the Jackson Township Community Center located at 3263 U.S. Route 50, Williamsburg, Ohio. The board may expend moneys from the fund only for the purposes for which the assessments were levied. The consideration for the contracts and leases shall be rental or royalty as is prescribed by the board, and shall be payable, as prescribed in the contract or lease, at least once a year to the township fiscal officer, who shall give a receipt for the amount and deposit it in the township general fund. The minimum acceptable price shall not be lower than the minimum price established for the public auction. If payment of the bill is not received within thirty days, the township fiscal officer or joint police district treasurer shall send a notice by certified mail to the manager and to the owner, if different, of the real estate of which the commercial establishment is a part, or to the occupant, lessee, agent, or tenant and to the owner, if different, of the real estate of which the residence is a part, indicating that failure to pay the bill within thirty days, or to show just cause why the bill should not be paid, will result in the assessment of a lien upon the real estate in the amount of the bill. The notice required by this section shall also be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the township once a week for three consecutive weeks or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code. The administrator shall be the administrative head of the township under the direction and supervision of the board and shall hold office at the pleasure of the board. (C) No person shall violate any building regulation the board adopts under division (A) of section 505.75 of the Revised Code. Neither this section nor any other section of the Revised Code requires, or shall be construed to require, that the fire chief be a resident of the township or fire district. When there is reason to believe there is collusion or combination among bidders, the bids of those concerned shall be rejected. A board of township trustees of any township that contains a local school district in which is located a tax exempt, state-owned lodge, may, by resolution, use the proceeds of the tax imposed under section 505.56 of the Revised Code for the benefit of such district if the board determines and states in such resolution that the existence of such lodge creates a serious financial burden on such district. (2) "Facility" means a proposed new or expanded major concentrated animal feeding facility. When the estimated cost to purchase fire apparatus, mechanical resuscitators, underwater rescue and recovery equipment, or other fire equipment, appliances, materials, fire hydrants, buildings, or fire-alarm communications equipment or services exceeds fifty thousand dollars, the contract shall be let by competitive bidding. Otherwise, a board shall adopt a written policy before first holding a credit card account. To keep pace with the demands of changing times, the functions, duties, and obligations of the township have changed over the years. (1) "Goods" means goods, wares, services, merchandise, periodicals, and other articles or publications. Written By Steve Sievers. The Ohio Township Association is a statewide organizationdedicated to promoting and preserving Ohio townships and township governmentthrough educational materials, forums, and lobbying efforts. (B) If a junk motor vehicle is located on public property, the board of township trustees may provide in the resolution for the immediate removal of the vehicle. Semiannual reports on the use of the expenditures shall be made to the board of trustees by the chief officer implementing the joint agreement, or the chief officer or board of directors of the private, nonprofit organizations. Interim Police Chief Chad Guist, a Perry Police Department sergeant, has been on the job since mid-August. The board shall devise plans for the maintenance and improvement of the park and award all contracts for maintenance and improvement in the manner provided by the law governing township trustees in awarding contracts for public improvements. When the township has property, including motor vehicles, road machinery, equipment, and tools, that the board, by resolution, finds is not needed for public use, is obsolete, or is unfit for the use for which it was acquired, the board may sell and convey that property or otherwise dispose of it in accordance with this section. No resolution shall restrict the operation of a scrap metal processing facility licensed under authority of sections 4737.05 to 4737.12 of the Revised Code; the operation as a motor vehicle salvage dealer, salvage motor vehicle auction, or salvage motor vehicle pool of a person licensed under Chapter 4738. of the Revised Code; or the provision of towing and recovery services conducted under sections 4513.60 to 4513.63 of the Revised Code, including the storage and disposal of junk motor vehicles removed from public or private property in accordance with those sections. (C) Pending a final decision on a request to remove a trustee, or in lieu of or in addition to removing a trustee, the court may order any appropriate relief under division (B) of section 5810.01 of the Revised Code that is necessary to protect the trust property or the interests of the beneficiaries. In levying an assessment by the method described in division (B)(2) of this section, the board may consider the number of boats or other watercraft capable of being docked or stored or otherwise capable of using the facility upon which the assessment is levied, or any other factor that is reasonably related to the benefits directly or indirectly derived from maintenance or improvement of waterways. (D) As used in this section, "undedicated road" means a road that has not been approved and accepted by the board of county commissioners and is not a part of the state, county, or township road systems as provided in section 5535.01 of the Revised Code. Fairfield Township Employee April 23, 2021. If the board posts the notice on its web site, it may eliminate the second notice otherwise required to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the township, provided that the first notice published in such newspaper meets all of the following requirements: (1) It is published at least two weeks before the opening of bids. German Township has about 36 square miles of land with a population of approximately 3,000. Petitioners showed up in numbers to support the removal and. After adoption of the resolution, the board shall publish, in a newspaper of general circulation in the township, notice of its intent to donate unneeded, obsolete, or unfit-for-use township property to eligible nonprofit organizations. (C) A board of trustees that enters into a lease-purchase agreement under this section may do any of the following with the property that is the subject of the agreement: (1) If the property is personal property, assign the board's rights to that property; (2) Grant the lessor a security interest in the property; (3) If the property is real property, grant leases, easements, or licenses for underlying land or facilities under the board's control for terms not exceeding five years beyond the final term of the lease-purchase agreement. (B) That resolution provides for a uniform maximum monthly or yearly payment amount for each officer or employee to cover themselves and their immediate dependents, beyond which the township will not reimburse the officer or employee. Matt Johnston (330) 509-5303 MattJ@knoxtownship.org. Copyright 2023 - Ohio Township Association. (2) If the board fails to prepare a written, dated statement in accordance with division (F)(1) of this section within seventy-five days of receiving the initial written notification by certified mail from the person, the person instead shall file with the application for a permit to install for the facility a notarized affidavit declaring that the person has met the criteria established in this section and that a written, dated statement was not received by the person from the board. Jackson Township Trustees Meeting January 24 @ 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm. The cease-and-desist order shall be served personally upon the owner, operator, manager, or other person in charge of the premises immediately after its issuance by the officer. If the trustees find that any agency or organization receiving funds pursuant to this division uses them for any purpose not clearly a public purpose authorized by this division and by the trustees or fails to comply with accounting and reporting requirements under Chapter 117. of the Revised Code, the trustees shall withhold further payments of such funds to such agency or organization. Therefore, the Ohio Trust Code (Section 5807.06 (B) ) only permits the removal of a trustee by a court if the trustee has committed a serious breach of trust; if there are co-trustees who cannot cooperate to administer the trust; or if the trustee is unfit or unwilling to administer the trust effectively, or has failed to do so. The cost of the contract may be paid for from the township general fund or from funds received pursuant to the passage of a levy authorized pursuant to division (J) or (JJ) of section 5705.19 and section 5705.25 of the Revised Code. Meeting Times. ohio removal of township trustee. Beginning in March of 2022, the OTA will be hosting monthly workshops to help further educate and provide resources to township trustees on pertinent topics. (C) The township fiscal officer may deduct from a township employee's salary or wages the amount authorized to be paid by the employee for one or more qualified benefits available under section 125 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 26 U.S.C. (b) Whoever violates division (A)(2)(a)(ii) of this section shall be fined one hundred fifty dollars for the first offense and five hundred dollars for each subsequent offense. Subject to the limitation in division (A) of section 5739.08 of the Revised Code, a board of township trustees may by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, levy an excise tax on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. He earned his baccalaureate from Ohio University, MBA from Tiffin University, and . (b) The criminal records check indicates that the person previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any of the offenses described in division (C)(1) of this section. Two-thirds of the joint police district board members constitutes a quorum. If the property owner objects to the final assessment for the property levied in the resolution, the owner may appeal the final assessment under Chapter 2506. of the Revised Code. This unit of local government eventually spread as far west as the Rocky Mountains. The amount of group life insurance coverage provided by the board to insure the lives of officers of the township shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars per officer. Trustee Greene County - Xenia Township (937)271-1687. The proceeds of the sale shall be paid to the fiscal officer of the township and credited to the township general fund, except that, in the case of a joint police district, the proceeds of a sale shall be paid to the treasurer of the joint police district board and credited to the appropriate fund according to agreement of the participating townships and municipal corporations. (E) If the fiscal officer retains general possession and control of the credit card account and presentation instruments related to the account including cards and checks, and the board authorizes an officer, employee, or appointee to use a credit card, the fiscal officer may use a system to sign out credit cards to the authorized users. (c) The board of township trustees retains the original affidavit for the board's records and furnishes the remaining two copies of the affidavit to the motor vehicle salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility. The board of trustees shall certify each resolution adopted under division (B)(2) of this section and the county auditor's certification under division (B)(3) of this section to the board of elections in accordance with section 5705.19 of the Revised Code. The Ohio Trust Code only permits the removal of a trustee by a court: if the trustee has committed a serious breach of trust; if there a co-trustees who cannot cooperate to administer the trust; or if the trustee is unfit or unwilling to administer the trust. Sr. Citizen Trash Removal: May 10th, 11th, & 12th from 7am to 3pm. As used in this section, "the county auditor's appraised value" and "estimated effective rate" have the same meanings as in section 5705.01 of the Revised Code. The moneys in the fund shall be used for the payment of the costs of the management, maintenance, and operation of ambulance and emergency medical services in the district. The cost of providing such office space shall be paid out of funds in the township treasury. Any such order becomes effective under division (B)(2) of this section. If a representative is known when the resolution is adopted, the resolution shall provide contact information such as the representative's name, address, and telephone number. (C) The training the parking enforcement officers shall receive shall include instruction in general administrative rules and procedures governing the parking enforcement unit, the role of the judicial system as it relates to parking regulation and enforcement, proper techniques and methods relating to the enforcement of parking laws, human interaction skills, and first aid. It is one of five German Townships in the state of Ohio. (Opinions of Attorney General June 14, 1944) The township trustee must reside within the township as provided in Article 6, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana. (B) A township may enter into an agreement with one or more other townships or municipal corporations to issue on behalf of those townships or municipal corporations the securities described in division (A) of this section. If the township police district imposes a tax, any territory proposed for addition to the district shall become part of the district only after all of the following have occurred: (1) Adoption by two-thirds vote of the board of township trustees of a resolution approving the expansion of the territorial limits of the district; (2) Adoption by a two-thirds vote of the board of township trustees of a resolution recommending the extension of the tax to the additional territory; (3) The board requests and obtains from the county auditor the information required for a tax levy under section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, in the same manner required under that section, except that the levy's annual collections shall be estimated assuming that the additional territory has been added to the township police district. (2) Expenditures of a district for the services of ambulance service organizations or emergency medical service organizations, whether pursuant to contract or otherwise, are lawful expenditures, regardless of whether the district or the party with which it contracts charges additional fees to users of the services. Chapter 5571 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. The chief of police may appoint parking enforcement officers who agree to serve for nominal compensation, and persons with physical disabilities may receive appointments as parking enforcement officers. In case of removal or suspension of an appointee by the board of township trustees of a township police district or the joint police district board, that appointee may appeal the decision of either board to the court of common pleas of the county in which the district is situated to determine the sufficiency of the cause of removal or suspension. Becomes effective under division ( B ) ( 2 ) `` Facility '' means a new... Only for the physical examination shall be paid out of funds in the state Ohio. In numbers to support the removal and 330 ) 509-5303 MattJ @ knoxtownship.org be... Physical examination shall be paid out of funds in the township treasury members! Police district board members constitutes a quorum such order becomes effective under division ( B (! German township has about 36 square miles of land with a population of approximately 3,000 removal: may,... Is one of five german Townships in the township treasury, services merchandise... 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