Needless to say, I was, Andrew Hacker wrote Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, Unequal, and in it he says, From Slavery through the present, the nation has never opened its doors sufficiently enough to give black Americans a chance to become full citizens. (2009). Although most of time they do it unintentional, they can develop tendencies toward acting in some ways that suggest their subculture is a superior to all others. Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. Furthermore, these issues are discussed because they are constantly the debatable topics in the workplace. I had the phrase I don't see colour coined. I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time. In this essay, I will base on seven topics and the reviews of week two to week eleven for sharing my learning in this course and what other knowledge about certain topics I know. This paper is going to deal with a few of those characteristics. Diversity in the workplace encompasses much more than the topic of race. When I was 11, my summer camp did a workshop on diversity and to be completely honest I went into the workshop thinking I was going to be the one schooling all the financially and social privileged kids on how it really was near the bottom of the barrel. Diversity issues in the workplace are common that some employees who are well-spoken and advantageous tends to abuse those who are different and underprivileged. Diversity is a part of what makes America great. DIVS 1301 Diversity in the Workplace - Reflection Diversity in the workplace the Diversity in the health care industry is very essential and as such nurses must be aware of multicultural . Everyone is unique in their own way because knowing the fact that you can show your true colors, is what brings peoples attention to wanting to get to know one another and know more about that unique individual. I believe that all students can learn and that learning is a lifelong process that can be achieved with students, parents, and the community. When beginning this course, I had little knowledge of the depth of diversity found in our world today. A managers guide to solving problems and turning diversity into a competitive advantage. All students deserve to be treated fairly as individuals. When I first heard this phrase I was convinced the officer and the city workers were just worried for my friends, who happened to be African-American and Latino, and I as a whole and just chose me out of the group to speak to. Todays most business primary concern is retaining workforce diversity. While diversity itself is not value-laden term, the way that people react to diversity is driven by values, attitudes, beliefs, and so on. Also I have learned that, I learned that Minorities and women can suffer diversity bias in such forms as job and pay discrimination. With my lack of background knowledge concerning diversity, I would say that my level of cultural competence was nearly non-existent. their way of working or should change their way of working by thinking ahead and using a structure to suit an activity. I have learned that discrimination still runs in different forms and. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. I will focus my reflection on the Diversity in the work place. Cultural values and beliefs provide a framework for people to make assumptions about and respond to their situations and or circumstances. Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. Major corporations have encountered issues concerning diversity in the work place. Her findings show that existence of the Jim Crow laws have yet to fully disappear from society like many believe they have, when it fact, the restrictions of the Jim Crow era have merely been reinvented in the form of the United States federal justice system. I am a white-passing Native American female, who lived in a city which has a predominantly, 63.7 percent, Black population.. As Michelle Alexander writes, As a criminal, you have scarcely more rights, and arguably less respect, than a black man living in Alabama at the height of Jim Crow (2010: 2)., Diversity has many faces that range from gender, culture, ethnicity, race, economic status, physical abilities, and many more, and this can be a problem that can affect many people who are employed or looking for employment in society because they are being judged or discriminated against for their differences. 2. Please do not consider any experiences or accomplishments that would normally appear on a resume. 4 DIVERSITY REFLECTION I have not only experienced diversity in my personal life but in my professional life as well. Diversity around the workplace makes the environment interesting that creates an opportunities to discover different ideas and perceptions. White people have these privileges given to them by the society in which they live in. The similarities and differences that exist between you and your work community may have an impact on your work. The story of the conflict between Cindy and Dr. Jones is an excellent case to analyze the elements of conflict and conflict management. When an employer understands and values differences among their employees, the company can gain many valuable assets. When I am told about our national heritage or about civilization, I am shown that people of my color made it what it is. Allowing diversity in the workplace could increase work morale, attendance, customers, and efficiency and create a less stressful environment for employees. "Difficult goals direct our attention to the task at hand and away from irrelevant distractions," and "lead us to discover strategies that help us perform the job or task more efficiently" (Robins, 2010, p.69)., In this course, I have learned many new things about the business environment. Management. Having a group of divergent employees, better prepares a business for interacting with the many different types of customers they will serve. This means that I know how to play the game in order to get the things that I need. However, there are instances where it can be departmental. He then added that without diversity the chicken plant would not be as successful as it has been in our town. I never looked at myself as privileged because of how I grew up, with a single mom, on the WIC program, and with no money to spare. Everyone around you will have similarities and differences, there is a reason we are all individual people, we are all different and have something different to offer. You do what your told and move on. Starting with the basic question what is this workplace diversity .It is an environment created by individuals with wide range of characteristics and experiences which may include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, capability, and sexual orientation. But if business took the time to understand the importance of differences in people so many doors could open for the employers and employees. Workforce diversity acknowledges the reality that people differ in many ways, visible or invisible, mainly age, gender, marital status, social status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, personality, ethnicity and culture (Kossek, Lobel & Brown, 2005). The same society taught them to be ignorant and unawareness of these privileges. Diversity entails the way employees perceive themselves and others affecting the way they interact with others in a working environment. As far as I can tell, my African American coworkers, friends, and acquaintances with whom I come into daily or frequent contact in this particular time, place and time of work cannot count on most of these conditions. Although some differences might have been overlooked in the past, understanding roles they play in an organizations success has successfully put diversity on the spotlight. In todays era managers are challenged daily with disputes like ethics, diversity, working in teams, privacy, sexual harassment, and handling differences. A diverse workplace would look like when employees are collaborating. It begins by examining the concept of diversity and the drivers for it, and then, drawing on examples from the current literature, reviews the different benefits and challenges of managing diversity in the workplace. This will consequently bring employees to develop their skills and increase satisfaction with work place. Foreign-born visible minorities and aboriginals are overrated in the bottom 20% of income earners and underrated in the top 20%. Workplace Diversity-An all Inclusive Workforce This paper will better explain who I am and focus on the key assessments that I felt were important to me. Introduction In order to manage people; the first thing that I would do would to identify all employees workplace attitudes. This reflection paper was an extension of this learning, and provided a deep introspection about leadership concepts; how did I, how am I, and how can I apply this knowledge in my workplace. Even though there are individual differences exist among people, still they should be treated fairly in the workplace. The name given to this denial was Jim Crow and today even with Barack Obama, a black man, as the President of the this great nation, African Americans are still not treated as equals to whites by continually recreating Jim Crow through the federal justice system. Organizations have to recognize the benefits of diversity and, Humans are unique in so many ways that each have their own personality, skills, knowledge, and attributes that varies from one another. Discrimination is most often related to race. Although Americas ideals have radically changed over the decades, white privilege still runs rampant. Essay on Diversity in the Workplace Expert Writers. Analysis A diverse workforce is a reflection of a changing world and marketplace. After completing this assessment, I learned that I am a diversity realist. Retrieved from Oya Aytemiz Seymen (2006), according to Fleury (1999) explains cultural diversity management as an . I can truly be innocent until proven, Reflective Essay: Diversity In The Workplace. Organizations have to recognize the benefits of diversity and, Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the past few years. Recognizing the importance of diversity in the organization and effectively manage to ensure the organization and its valuable diverse employees are growing hand in hand. Also, because the immigrants, who were from different cultures, were a fairly new concept back then, people did not understand each other. Diversity plays a major factor in bringing an environmental friendly atmosphere. 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DIVERSITY-REFLECTION PAPER.docx from PHYS 1114 at University of Science & Technology, Bannu. This paper serves to illustrate how diversity in the workplace can affect businesses. Also I have learned that Inclusion drives the business case for diversity. In a majority of diversity training programs, curriculums seek to minimize open . I believe in respecting others the way they are without discriminating anyone by what means. After each employee completed their own assessment, I would then carefully evaluate each assessment to get a general idea of each persons preferred workplace attitude. 5 advantages of cultural diversity in workplace are pointed out in this page. The composition of people from different backgrounds constitutes diversity. In a workplace there are standards and policies in place to decrease the chances of a person being discriminated against. Every person in his crew brings a unique set of skills to the table, something that would not be possible if everyone was from the same cultural background. Introduction: Employers who are able to accept and make appropriate allowances for their workers differences are likely to have happier employees, as a result., Diversity is a very important part in today 's workforce. As I make the move into management I plan on applying what I have learned about diversity management and how as stated in (Canas & Sondak, 2014)creates not only a competitive, For this particular study, the researcher is instrumental to the measurement of the impact of diversity training. Asians, on the. When considering the diversity of the class members, we will celebrate the uniqueness that the differences contribute. It's about being different, so in a workplace, it's about the acceptance of all races. As such, it results in positive benefits that enable the society to live harmoniously. This multicultural world brings out the potential on improvement and efficient, but also comes with that are the challenges. This multicultural world brings out the potential on improvement and efficient, but also comes with that are the challenges. I have chosen those conditions that I think in my case attach somewhat more to skin-color privilege than to class, religion, ethnic status, or geographic location, though of course all these other factors are intricately intertwined. I work in the banking industry and diversity is important because on a daily basis I deal with not only other employees, but a large client base of diverse people., 1. Diversity in the workforce is an important commodity in todays society. And as members of these various groups struggled for recognition, they developed a new sense of pride in what made them distinctive., Diversity brings equality into the work placement. 9. Workplace diversity is different characteristic in employees that make them different from one another. When an employer understands and values differences among their employees, the company can gain many valuable assets. There, diversity in the workplace is a topic, which will require sufficient research in order to address the problems that come with it hence enhancing good performance in the organizations. 3.When and if the client brings it up. Retrieved June 17, 2010 from, Globalization taking place in the business world today has led to increased workforce diversity as employees from different cultural backgrounds are brought together. The characteristics that will be discussed are ethnicity, gender, age, religion, and occupation. 5. When a company lacks diversity, it misses out on the benefits and opportunities that it would potentially receive if it fully embraced diversity. I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented. By providing awareness on how white privilege works and how it can be detrimental in the attempt to gain racial equity for individuals of color, this concept can work to improve racial equity by establishing educational programs that inform individuals on white privilege and ending political policies that serve as a measure to oppress individuals of color., I decided to try to work on myself at least by identifying some of the daily effects of white privilege in my life. Also, having employees and students from different cultures will enable the school or company curb cultural and language barriers. This is significant because diversity at workplace in the past were mostly consisted of white males. When I first heard this phrase I was convinced the officer and the city workers were just worried for my friends, who happened to be African-American and Latino, and I as a whole and just chose me out of the group to speak to. The textbook, Week 5: Learning Team Reflection As a general rule, in society, whites are still regarded as the most powerful and most successful. This wave of multiculturalism is here to stay and cannot be ignored by the present workers or students that are preparing to take charge of the future workforce. In this system being white is a norm and dominant power. A person can be disseminated agonist for their age, disability, gender, religion, or even for being pregnant. I am a white-passing Native American female, who lived in a city which has a predominantly, 63.7 percent, Black population.. Now, as a society, we have managed a great amount of diversity through implementing laws and allowing global experiences that has created corporate culture a thing for the future and limitation of opportunities based on your dimensions a thing of the past. I truly believe this would allow me to be a successful manager and would allow me to capitalize on my political skills within the. The diversity in the workplace is essential for meeting needs of clients of health care organizations but, in actuality, Diversity entails the way employees perceive themselves and others affecting the way they interact with others in a working environment. Since the founding of the United States, African Americans have been denied citizenship that was deemed essential to the foundation (Alexander 2010: 1). Having a wide range of cultural backgrounds are useful in the diverse costumer case that the every parts of the world have. The ways in which diversity can impact on work and work relationships: Many organizations have recognized that the workforce is changing and they are working to create a work environment in which diversity and difference are valued and in which employees can work to their fullest. Different people have their own different backgrounds, believes, culture, race, religion and perception. Having realized how pertinent workplace discrimination is globally, this paper will give a broad look into the various ways that diversity is displayed in the workplace. That resource is my mind. If I want to, I can be pretty sure of nding a publisher for this piece on white privilege. Caucasians, who benefit most from the white privilege system in the United States, are more likely to be blinded to the existence of privilege system and take these privileges for granted it. The first resource was the handout provided for this assignment; White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh. Discrimination goes far beyond color of skin. MGT/311 Organizational Development With this incredibly wide range of characteristics, which when mixed in a company atmosphere lead to a diverse workplace, it is easy to believe that issues and disagreements can easily arise. Blacks, are also, underrepresented in professional roles like physicians, surgeons, pharmacists, etc. Devry University. In this diversity in the workplace paper we will focus on discrimination in the workplace, federal and state legislations regarding workplace discriminations, the responsibilities of human service manager to handle the issues, and the effects of such discrimination on development and management of human resources., Globalization taking place in the business world today has led to increased workforce diversity as employees from different cultural backgrounds are brought together. I chose to observe a supervisor at the local chicken plant. Some of the strengths of diversity training for new employees are its ability to create in them a positive idea of the organization and foster the idea of belonging. If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area which I can afford and in which I would want to live. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. More importantly, handling differences and diversity is the current situations in the workplace. 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