One. I wonder if its just the thought of the inconvenience. There have been speculations on a few different burial places people have come up with over the years. Its one of those stories that haunts us. I live in Springfield also and lived two streets over from victims at the time of the disappearance. Im speculating of course but maybe these people know each other through the church.. No worries! It was written by me. Dreams can be a voice from the other side. Iif. Thanks for letting me know. Is it possible that the ex boyfriend and friend could have just added an extra body in the graves? From Florence (Italy). He then went into a rage and panic, and said "see what you made me do." Does any of them have any type of relation to law enforcement. She never mentions her dad being there but she comes to the conclusion from walking through the house the girls had taken there makeup off so she knows they slept there and not at her house.showing she isnt dumb or just helping her story either way but then after she says the dog cinnamon was acting funny and seeing the purses and cigs and all the vehicles being there and them not there and the lewd sexual phone calls she says she came to the conclusion they must of went to the water park so she leaves doesnt call police but cleans up a little also just to be nice. Often cases stay open indefinitely if there is no indicator of murder or other resolution. Thats a good idea, Allison. HE was the one who admitted to cleaning the glass. and the girl statement at a glance seems fine but when you dig into it deeply the things that dont add up.. the deleted phone call could have been nothing and probably was nothing. Sufficient evidence was not gathered at the time. 3) When Stacys mother came and saw the scene, she DID NOT call police first, she called friends and family and they all invaded the home, ruining the crime scene completely. A guy admitted it. She has like three or four nervous ticks going off in her face muscles when she is talking. Police said the caller had "prime knowledge of the abductions" and publicly appealed for the man to contact them, but he never did. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I dont like her. This had to be huge.. i dont understand at all how this was not an obsession for the whole dept. Below is a list of where you can find psychic expos and mind, body & spirit fairs that you don't want to miss. The light bulb on the front porch was broken, maybe on purpose? My opinion, its a great town, but this case has really bothered me since day one. Part of me suspects they might have given up. They were going to sleep in a motel near the waterpark they were going to the next morning, then they scrapped that idea and decided to stay at Janelles house. Then he would have to bring them in a car with a trunk big enough to fit them in and go to the hospital, without being noticed. Authorities were uncertain if Cox was involved in the case or if he was seeking recognition for the alleged murders by issuing false statements. Many of these nutjobs do that. But the bulb was not shattered; it was the globe. At one point, there was talk of the girls sleeping at the boys house. If you consider that all is okay, do you really start clean some ones s else house just to be nice? To say that Springfield is a crooked little town is just untrue. Our compassionate and caring team of licensed clinicians offer diverse expertise to support individuals, couples, and families to effectively navigate and manage lifes challenges. Missouri i dont really see what is so hard about that. There was no sign of a struggle in the home. They mentioned the womens cigarettes were left behind, and I knew as a kid that that was strange. Either they find themore or they dont. I wouldnt do it without police presence though, you dont want them to claim it as tainted. Go to Google Earth and type in Springfield, MO. Could someone have been watching them and knew when to call the house, to maybe spook them out of there? Cause as it stands this lead has not been dealt with.. I have theorized that the door was deliberately left unlocked in the hope the crime scene would be compromised. Springfield police supposedly interviewed Larry Hall and dismissed him as a wannabe. That had absolutely nothing to do with a dream. If one of the above posters is correct it strongly indicates it was broken on exit. Suzanne Streeter and Stacy Mc Call had planned to celebrate graduation South of Springfield, in the less urbanized area of Battlefield, at their friend Janelles house before leaving a little later as a group to a hotel in Branson. If they had waited and cleaned it up after seeing so much weird stuff inside, that would be a different story. 6) Police never wanted to check that garage despite the Hospital being willing. Strangely, at the same time, Sherryll Levitt, Suzies mom, would have stopped by the 24-hour store saying she was looking for her daughter. Not only do their families deserve closure regardless the outcome but if they are there it could have clues,DNA, any evidence who couple lead to the person responsible. Back to the phone call, obviously he had the phone number to that home. I saw this case yesterday on tv and made me wonder. I plan to speak to one of the cops assigned to the case soon. When authorities arrived there, nothing appeared to be disturbed other than the porch light . I can understand why the police wouldnt want to tear up a perfectly good parking garage for no reason, but removing a core sample really wouldnt do much damage. I dont see any reason not to dig up the stupid concrete. Interesting to read what the locals believe happened, and why theres a cover up. Good Luck, and May God soon bring peace to all who cared for these three missing ladies. I hope they find some answers for Stacys moms sake. One interesting thing I discovered is that Suzie always parked in the carport, always, it was her spot. Equally, the tip came not from anyone connected with a burial but somebody professing . If it was under construction it would have been easy,especially if it was a city worker or someone who had access to the cement to hide something,or someone there. Why? I completely agree. I moved to Springfield 6 days after these women disappeared. Victims know their killers and collateral damage can happen. He is still haunted by their disappearance and the fact that he never got to patch things up with them. This is where we will bury them.No one. (KY3) - Monday marks 29 years since the disappearance of three women from Springfield, a cold case known as "The Springfield Three." On June 7, 1992, Suzie Streeter,. I just know I believe that man Cox did it. Having just watched the related episode on the program Disappeared I google the case, as there is a 4 year difference from the program to today, to find out the update on what they had found at the car park. I fear I will be researching this and become more frustrated with the lack of action by the authorities why doesnt anyone ever utilize the FBI? And who was the man who called the house? Springfield Psychological provides psychoeducational testing to determine if an individual has an exceptionality and if special services are needed, Emotional Problems such as sadness, worry, fear, and anger can drain a childs motivation to learn. Springfield is very crooked town now and always has been. The broken bulb is the first new information I have seen. Sometimes it was MASH other times it would be General Hospital. The only spiritual community in Berlin t More . As far as the answering machine, i myself have accidently deleted my own messeges, so its NOT unreasonable to think someone would listen to someone elses answering machine and not know how to save it. the families are probably thinking every single day what if they are there in the garage?. But After reading Bridgette s comments i am surprised. Thanks for your comments, and welcome to my blog! I have done so many searches to verify this information in just cant come up with anything solid Im curious how did you come up with the date of Construction, Sorry that reply was to go to someone else. I get your point, and it sounds absolutely reasonable. Thanks for commenting, Claire, and welcome to my blog! I really dont understand the reluctance by the police to dig the spot. One theory is that Sherrill let Cinnamon out in the back to go to the bathroom, the perp used the dog as an excuse to knock on the front door and gained entry that way. This holiday has always been about community and bringing people together. 3: What Happened to the Springfield Three? I used to know Springfield around that time as I had family living there and my grandmother and other family still lives close to there. If it ends up not being human remains, the hospital is eliminated. I cant see the friends being involved, but since you put it that way, their behaviour was a bit strange. The porch lady account is not likely valid. I have heard people say its suspicious that they cleaned up the glass outside. They had motive, no alibi, and they are your most likely culprits. This relative did tell Stacys mom about it. A professional and the other guy in prison. Suzanne graduated from Kickapoo High School during the evening of June 6, 1992. Hard to be optimistic about any new clues after all this time but I guess there is hope until we know. Theyve refused to have a core sample taken from the concreteeven though the engineer offered to pay for it. So they propably can t trust dna tests also because it s science . I think the guys those boys were moving drugs for were concerned they might try to deal their way out of trouble and were told to either eliminate the witness against them or deal with harsh consequences. All of these years and they still havent dug up that parking garage! Why not drill down and take a core sample of the area in question? Im out of the country until June, so cant call, but I can chat on email if that helps. My 12 year old self would have never believed that 23 years later we would still have no idea what happened to Suzy, Stacey and Sherrill. Supposably he was around the area prior to their disappearance I cant remember if he was working with a company building the garage or contracted to do some work for them or what but I know he had a uniform that they said would make him look like possibly a utility person reading meters which would have given him access to the house nobody would look twice at that. Suzanne Elizabeth Suzie Streeter was born on March 9, 1973 (she was 19 in 1992), was 511, weighed 46 pounds, had shoulder-length blonde hair and brown eyes. Awesome Inc. theme. Sorry its taken me so long to reply. The meeting was brief, but for me there was an energy transfer. Concerning me more is that it was a new residence for the girls. They do that all the time on bridges and roadways when they repair them. I know someone who graduated in the same class from a different high school in the area. Or its possible he moved the bodies when it was close to time they put the concrete down. Could the police confirm that the 8 am phone call existed and if It was actually from a pervert? This case has been a strong interest of mine since it happened in 1992, soon to be a quarter century. Just finished watching the disappeared episode and reading the comments here. It is replaceable. 'Disappearance of the 'Springfield Three'On June 6, 1992, McCall, 18, and Streeter, 19, attended a party after their graduation from Kickapoo High School, according to Webb. just did not have sufficient monies to carry this case forward. 3. are they even trying anymore. Where are the three missing women from Springfield Missouri? I just wanted to acknowledge your comments regarding the brother, Bartt. The other two men live free in Wabash, Indiana, Larrys home town. Stacys mom will call again twice. Are you willing to chat with me? Many bodies have been recovered in forests. This case drives me crazy. The Hollow The police holding this up is soooo strange. Look at who DID know the teen girls were at home. AND going through the house, rummaging through their purses. In one TV interview on YOUTUBE I heard a reporter say that Theres a reason this hasnt been solved. That kind of says police to me. I dont understand why the interrogation of Cox would stop? Then cover the bodies with dirt in a way that the construction workers coming in the morning wouldnt have noticed that the place had been disturbed during the night With their being no sign of forced entry into the home, no broken/open windows, no kicked-in doors and none of the locks on the doors or windows were busted, I have to believe the suspects were willingly let in the house. Personally I think it was some one close to the family that knew Suzie was not going to be home. Have the police investigated the people/relatives that stayed at Jannelles house, which were the reason why Stacy and Suzie supposedly went to Suzies s house, where It is assumed the kidnapping occurred? I wonder if its possible to start a petition there and circulate it on the Internet. I do not think the hospital parking lot has anything to do with this as there were just way too any woods around there that were easier and many still open lead and zinc mines that have never been sealed. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. When I moved to town, the rumor I heard immediately was that they had been killed by her ex who was involved in some shady business, and that they were buried under the PFI store on Battlefield, which was under construction at that time. Nowadays with social media the public can really put pressure on them. You may ask anything, but understand all information comes to and through her from an intuitive perspective. Im going to Florence for the first time next April! It is possible to take core sample with a large headed drill. Those ladies deserve better than this.Thanks for listening and please keep us posted. Interesting questions, Beth. The police officers then ask that the streets are cleaned of beer cans. Just adding some other thoughts that have lingered about this case. In late 2005, a man by the name of Tim Gray read about my vision on a website and offered to help. This man uses this same science to find bodies at ground zero it worked then why would it not 10yrs later. As for Stacy . I was researching the serial killer Jeremy Bryan Jones from N.E. phone records would show something if it was nothing and the lead meant nothing?? 5. All of their personal belongings, including cars and purses, were left behind. Who could kidnap three women at the same time in broad daylight without anyone seeing anything? While the teenager was still in the house, the phone rang. We were scared to think three women could just disappear with no trace. I would assume.. hay something isnt right here, call the police Then deleting the message, (even if it was an accident deleting it who goes into someone elses home no one is there and they play their answering machine messages.. 2022 Ozarks True Crime. George Washington Amabel Williams-Ellis What are you implying? Janelle takes Suzanne and Stacy for a walk of about 700 m in the countryside. [3] It is assumed they arrived, because their clothing, jewelry, purses and vehicles were all present at the house the next day. The Springfield Three: A Small-Town Disappearance, "Three Missing Women: Ten Years Later Part 1 of 5", "Decades-Old Evidence May be Future of Missing Women Case", "Three Missing Women: Ten Years Later Part 3 of 5", "Missing Missouri women legally declared dead", "Pokin Around: 3 missing women; here, then suddenly nowhere", "25 years after three Springfield women went missing, the tips still trickle in", "Suspect drops hints about missing women", "Pt. Suzie appeared to be distressed. All original content on this site Copyright Psychic Lynn. People who pull gold teeth out of corpses will do anything. Why has this not been done? Sometimes ticks show up when we are nervous. The case has been featured on shows such as 48 Hours and America's Most Wanted. I dont see any comments on here about another suspect, Gerald Carnahan. What if we could get a petition going that would allow us to dig or requires police to investigate that spot, something about those lines. Although, it wouldnt be absolutely crazy if they were killed a little early and the bodies were moved around before their final place. The timetable being early morning. Whatever keeps the pressure on the PD. On December 31, 1992, a man called the America's Most Wanted hotline with information about the women's disappearances, but the call was disconnected when the switchboard operator attempted to link up with Springfield investigators. First of all my biggest question lies with the person that last seen them alive and the person that cleaned up the mess is this one in the same? SPRINGFIELD, Mo. Also, dogs get really nervous and disturbed when they see their owners fainted, a fact that could well account for the yorkshires restlessness. We'll talk about a boy who tells the haunting story of seeing the women in what locals . Episode and reading the comments here of murder or other resolution who graduated in the house the! 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