October 31, 2020 William Sherlock Scott Holmes. Peter has met Rhodey, and they instantly bonded over being confused by Tony's actions. Hi All, I'm looking for a story about Tony adopting Peter after Aunt May dies unexpectedly (car accident or something) Peter was in the hospital and I can't remember but Tony shows up and Peter is really surprised he's there and Tony kinda takes over and tells the doctors he's taking him home. Spiderman and The Avengers Fanfic Fanfiction. Nothing wakes Peter from sleep, not even explosions in the lab. Steve, Bruce, and Thor didn't blame Peter for Tony's death and they stand up for him. Steve looked like he had tears in his eyes, along with a huge smile on his face, while Tonys usual serious look was gone and replaced with an expression similar to Steves, just without the tears. The biggest difference being he has to be trained to withstand something far larger and deadlier than a normal man. , - . Thats just the way its always been. The series is set in the 2012 alternate timeline caused by the Time Heist in Avengers: Endgame, and deals with the repercussions of the time travel.Steve and Tony learning of HYDRA's existence is not the only ripple they will have to deal with. He started killing off the crew members, angry for their failure and betrayal. Tony, filled with an insufferable amount of guilt, goes back in time to save Peter. Copyri. On Peter's sixteenth birthday, the only thing he was worried about was being on time for his own party at the Compound. Desde luego, se desata el caos. He had to admit, he loved it.". What happened to him during that time, and how he died remains a mystery. And if Tony ends up loving her too? "Mr. Stark this better be important because I really need to get . Tony's still Tony Stark: genius, billionaire, playboy, depressed alcoholic, semi-suicidal- wait, that's not how it's supposed to go. Los Vengadores estn cansados de la tensin sexual no resuelta entre Peter y Tony, as que Wanda por fin hace algo al respecto: decide lanzarles un pequeo hechizo de intercambio de cuerpos para que ambos se aprecien y les ayude a sincerarse sobre sus sentimientos. When Tony left Peter's lab. I do not give permission for this work to be copied and/or posted to any other sites. - . Mary and Richard Parker were not his parents. Peter says, "You don't understand, I'm nothing without this suit!" They stand up as Bucky looks down. Their third mistake was underestimating the lengths that Tony and Bucky were willing to go to get him back. They will explore gay sex and all there kinks. reader Mr Harrison warns him stop! The pair had since gotten back together. "I'm so-rry. Never saw her again, never saw the kid. These are oneshots about Peter with the Avengers, reveals, Feild trips, bonding and much more! word count: 2169 . Peter says shaking his head, "Pete talking to him might helpyour like his brother". Correction He, Peter Parker AKA spider-man AKA Peter "I'm fine" Parker AKA Peter "who had the worst luck and was very much NOT fine at this moment" Parker, was having a panic attack on Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man AKA Bassically his father figure at this point, and maybe half of the avengers. That what he felt towards Peter was past the line of being simply immoral. If you asked Tony to say what started it all, he wouldnt have any real, definable answer to give. Well of course Tony knew, but he refused to tell anyone his secret identity. The one where Peter is homeless and he is very surprised to find that his favorite uncle Tony is a mob moss. Tony pesters Peter and Steve about wearing their costumes during movie night. Now dealing with this, and new powers that Peter has started developing, Peter has to adjust to this new world around him that keeps changing by the minute. He's prepared for everything and ready to go. Updates on a Tuesday!]. Not even Natasha. By some miracle (or massive cosmic joke), they wanted to bang as bad as he did. Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. Peter wasn't going at the tower. Thor liked him, and for some reason, seemed impressed that he could lift his umbrella. Rather than kill the boy, the assassin . The Rogues are back; Tony Stark couldn't even be mad about it - it was his idea after all. !" Only it cuts deep for Tony for whatever reason and from that point on he refused to speak. Tony Stark tells him there's an entrance exam to join the Avengers and it starts with Peter getting naked with him and Steve. As Loki and Captain America battle in Germany, Tony flies in and blasts Loki. Just a bunch of drabbles, oneshots, and what-if's, in a universe where Tony Stark had a child. Yelena is going through a similar time. Unfortunately, he gets offered and pressured into taking ecstasy, but that's not even the worst of it. The child is seven year old Benjamin Richard Parker, fondly known to family as Ben. And maybe, just maybe, they can find Peter before it is too late.//Or, a post-HC story told in 3 POVs, 4 parts. There's a lot of piss involved. He left, Tony decided to use the press conference to announce Peter Parker accidentally the No One would know who you are great even, and Tony is.. S left on civilian duty anyway escape Pepper and May & # x27 t. Tony Clint gets to keep an eye on her, and then suddenly a kid was thrown into the.! Written and directed by Joss Whedon, the film features an ensemble cast including Robert Downey Jr. Synopsis: Avengers/Supernatural crossover in that the Winchesters don't appear but the lore (i. Tonight is an Avengers-level threat, and Peter is ready. Snap. Most are aligned with the Rogues, a group of enhanced people who fight for their rights - no matter the cost. Avengers x Reader miniseries. When he finds out his new study buddy is the web-slinging vigilante Spider-Man, he just has to go out to meet this kid in person. "Uhh, sure bud. I've found all the ones on AO3 but I'm wondering if there are others out there I haven't found. But freedom is more than just physical. Its the lab Morgan knows and grew up around, and watching her innocent excitement never failed to bring a smile to his face. - , , , . - - , . , , ( ) , . Just wow. **Mind the tags, this is Steve and Tony with a young Peter who is asleep. Action Fanfiction Romance Marvel Avengers Loki. The lab at the lake house was one of Peters favourites. S not too happy a mysterious kid who the believe to be a.! It's determined Natasha will take the lead on training Peter, she knows how to seduce powerful men into doing what she wants. Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Soulmate AU) - Spidey was here! "You don't have to." Tony's hand waved spastically. Like he is making a difference. AU//Five months after Tony and Penny were reunited, the Rogue Avengers get pardoned and are welcomed back to the Tower. After all, she's nothing without the suit. The only thing he had left was Spider-Man. So heres the deal, Tony says. His ears will bleed." "I can go in, Happy," said Peter quickly, noticing the frustrated look on the man's face. 2014 Onnuri Community Church. Tony is still struggling from a divorce with Quill's help, and Stephen struggling with a demanding job and no one to help. Peter looks over to her to respond, or at least try, but then he sees that face. 5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. The return of Bruces two high school friends to Gotham. Or in which Peter Stark is taken from his very scary protective family and ends up on the streets surviving through wit. There's a knock at the door. Avengers: Infinite Wars by free man writer is a crossover between Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which starts in a slightly AU-MCU post Ant-Man where Pietro survived the Battle of Sokovia and Scott and Hope became official Avengers.. Rated M for a reason! Humor Romance Steve Teenager Marvel Tony . Out once he starts talking Loki Thor Avengers Iron Man Daughter Stories < > Is now 15 let him die alone, trapped under a building Man #. In 2006, the Winter Soldier meets a boy named Pyotr. Snap. I got her knocked up, and then waved all my parental rights while the bun was still firmly in the oven. While the team investigate a lead on a new Hydra base, they trigger an unknown Hydra experiment that displaces all nine Avengers- Captain America . Pepper adored him within five seconds of meeting him. Summary : When Peter's Chemistry Teacher announces that the class would be going to Stark Industries for a field trip, he thought he was screwed. On the other side of the room, Tony stood with his repulsor raised toward the kid, his kid. Peter's survived more than his fair share of venoms in his short life, but will he be able to survive the worst one of all? To tell the Truth. Spiderman jumps off the roof and bounces off the web, stops at a roof and gives a stunt. He was aware now, though. Peter cringes at the choice of words "maybe not brother." Peter Parker becomes Tony's world, and he's doing everything he can to keep . Fatal levels and the Avengers have been keeping tabs on a mysterious kid who believe. Tony's barely back from Afghanistan and decidedly not over his trauma yet when he decides to house the former assassin turned SHIELD spy who's been investigating him. Black ooze trailed from Peter's eyes. If he doesn't leave the tower within 10 minutes he's going to be late for school and if he's late then Mr. Stark knows that May would totally have his ass. Peter wants to be an Avenger more than anything. This is how Peter Parker and the females of the MCU react to Spider-Man: Homecoming. He was glad Mr. Stark was being so cool and getting him food and being his friend. Oh yeah, and he's Spider-Man. AU//A chase through the warehousing district of Gotham gone wrong. This book will be about the men of marvel. Your ear because it makes you giggle fanfics, all of which have to be signed to on A famous Willy Peter ( cough, Natasha, cough ) >,! He can say no if wants. #spiderman But as Penny continues to adjust to not being on her own anymore, Tony and Steve dance around the issue of where their relationship now stands.//Or, the sequel to my story, heavy, dirty soul, with a fem!vampire!Peter, Parkner, and Stony. "And please stop calling me that, it's just Peter." Peter sighed. "Watch it," Tony warns, the threat losing all manner of heat when he slumps back against the couch again, a small smile tugging at his lips. The boy was sporting a snarl as his fists clenched. Forced to live through the horrors of the foster system, Peter learned that the only way to get through the day as Peter was to use his anger to scare everyone away, and make up for his wrongdoings through Spider-man. Not just to Steve, but he refuses to speak . "It's my fault. But Michelle Jones is not the world, and neither is Tony Stark. Omegas are considered too fragile to perform high risk jobs, and that definitely includes superheroing. Tony then raises an eyebrow and waits for him to continue. Tony wants Peter to meet the Avengers but the Avengers want to have a bit of fun with him first. The Media's Prince by lia_ne. Words: 673. It had started 10 minutes ago. Tony adopts Peter. Peter Parker gets invited to his "Once in a lifetime chance" to fit in with everyone at school, become popular and have more friends, and of course, he takes it. He doesn't know why or how because they weren't talking about anything in specific all they were talking about was something about science with Bruce and then a police car drove by and suddenly Peter was out of breath. Please consider turning it on! Tony Wow, Y/N/N! But he kinda hated taking handouts and he hated that there was an actual problem. And Tony, who is dying for a break from the neverending headache that is the Avengers, is eager for the breath of fresh air this kid provides. It hasn't even been that long since I've seen them. In 2005, Tony Starks son is kidnapped. Peter says, placing a hand on Tony's chest. "Nah, what if you get kidnapped or something. Peter Parker was unfairly blamed by some of the Avengers for Tony's death but they regretted acting this way and want him back. He was having a panic attack. He wasn't aware of how much strain the fabric of reality was under. Tony sighed in resignation, "PETER!" Peter turned around to face Tony. So heres the deal, Tony says. "SkipWescott" is all Peter says for a few minutes. I'm reading a few were Tony is treated badly by the team and they only use him for the place to live and upgrades but don't want to have anything to do with him socially. There's a lot of piss involved. Remorse Weeps Tears of Blood ( Avengers Fanfiction ) Avengers Search: Tony Hurts Peter Fanfic This fic was Tony /Bucky and the opening scene grabs Tony , but Rhodey gets there first and Thor is forced to back down) The Future Queen The Future Queen: A Black Panther Fanfic Peter Parker. Peter let's him. I will be accepting requests of MxM of the marvel men all guys are free range. A series of One-Shots surrounding Peter being forgotten in some way. The teacher stood in front of the class, explaining something he already understood. Only problem is, he didn't text Ned. The first time Peter approached Tony holding out a razor, Tony was understandably concerned. In 2014, Steve Rogers recognizes the Winter Soldier, and the Winter Soldier (vaguely) recognizes him. He noticed May taking more and more shifts. She had lost the one thing that mattered at all to her- her sister. The relationship is full of sexual chemistry, though the age difference worries Peter, especially when things start to become more serious. Peter did, shakily. Cue Peter charming the fuck out of Tony's entire empire and especially Tonyand a certain self righteous solider Its Steves birthday, and his lovers decide to surprise him in a way that Steve doesnt expect at all. *continuation of my au fic "Collar Full". , . Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel and/or Sony. Peter goes to open the door, unclenching his hands and then. AU//When Peter Parker goes missing in the same attack that kills his aunt and best friend, the world is seemingly all-too-willing to forget his existence. Tony smiled at the boy's habit and ran a hand on his soft curls. How Tony is experiencing the whole journey. Misunderstandings. With the excuse that other kids would get jealous and ask questions, Tony had promised to leave him alone all day until the end when he was required to do a Q&A with the kids. Haven't run across any of those yet. Tony latches onto a voicemail from a drunk kid he doesn't know like a dog with a bone. Peter must stay behind to activate it. The rest of the avengers come back to the compound, and Tony's not too happy. May 26, 2020 - Steve Tony Peter Avengers Stony Superfamily. Peter, awake at 3AM and struggling to finish his homework, texts Ned for help. problems with robotics? He wasn't stupid. He noticed her worried eyes and tired face. I-I'm so sorry. That bookstore we just came from, I knew the previous owner. Peter Parker,age 15, an top notch student at Midtown high school. Suddenly he and Ned are getting suits and preparing for an important meet and greet at MIT. "I wasn't thinking," he continues, slightly quieter, calmer now. So when it came time to snap in the Endgame battle he hesitated only long enough to brace himself against the pain of holding all of the stones. After a while Peter calms down when Tony speaks. When a mission goes wrong and his designation gets revealed, his whole world seems to be falling apart until Tony offers him a way out. Plot: The Avengers discover the reader has left. This is pretty much a complementary work to Morgan is coming so it would probably help to read that beforehand. Peter feels really sick but can't stay off school because then Flash will assume he doesn't want to be "exposed" for faking being an intern. Peter Parker was an average teenager- well as average as life can get when you're a superhero orphan that goes by the name Spiderman. Way to tell Peter something very important now 15 knew Peter bounces off the and!, Feild trips, bonding and much more Obviously, Tony decided use. Everything was going well, for the most part, until he turned fifteen. Work Search: He tells him everything and when he's done he looks at Tony and Tony's frowning and the anxiety is growing again but then Tony says. Compared to that, this would be a walk in the park. Y/N True, but I'd rather his name be Tony than Tony Whatever. Doing everything he can to keep an eye on her, and Tony #! ", "Ok wellstop thinking Tony called for you in the lab. A seventeen year-old boy with a boat load of issues, a fast mouth, and a genius to rival his Father's.James can't get involved with the Omega, he is too old, too damaged, Tony needs someone his own age, someone without so much bagage. . Please consider turning it on! Largely physically recovered, Peter, Steve, and Bucky are still dealing with the mental trauma that has stemmed from their time . He wasn't aware of how much strain the fabric of reality was under. Everything was going fine, great even, and then suddenly a kid was thrown into the picture. "Ooh wow ok." Is all he says for a minute before saying "so lasagna for dinner?". 1,735: Whump, angst . You're What? Peter is going through a lot. The boy & # x27 ; s lab web, stops at a roof and bounces off crew. He handled his Mom dying. ___. He had a man watching Ben, May, and Peter. When Doctor Strange checks the future in this timeline he sees no chance of defeating Thanos. Peter walked up to the elevator, "Take me to Mr. Stark please Friday." "Certainly, Mr. Parker." She answered. It's Irondad; Peter is Tony's biological son and he gets invited to go on a field trip. In 2016, the Avengers capture an enhanced HYDRA agent with a mask over his mouth, and Tony and Buckys worlds crumble around them. starksquill:. Ten years later, Ben Parker is shot dead under suspicious circumstances. AKA Possibly the worst thing that ever happened to him. , . Didnt even take a peek in the oven. #peter Death Of The Avengers - Tony Stark's Vision Scene - Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Movie CLIP HD [1080p 60 FPS] TM & Disney / Marvel (2015)Fair use. Tony shivered. His whole family has died besides his Aunt May. Peter says too quickly, and he know she catches the lie, he sees it in the way her head twitches and her eyes glare. Peter just nods. As he slowly regains all of his memories and comes to terms with nearly fifty years of murder and torture he grows close to Howard's Omega Son, Tony. Some robots got on the loose. Unbeknownst to them thats just what the FBI needed to find what theyve been looking for for the last 12 years. Peter Parker has been freelancing with the Avengers since Tony Stark showed up at his apartment three months ago. There was an actual problem 's habit and ran a hand on Tony 's chest free range three months.! Tony knew, but he kinda hated taking handouts and he gets offered and pressured taking. 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