David Boulton, UVF 19661973: An Anatomy of Loyalist Rebellion. Fire engulfed the house next door, badly burning the elderly Protestant widow who lived there. [120] However, from 1977 bombs largely disappeared from the UVF's arsenal owing to a lack of explosives and bomb-makers, plus a conscious decision to abandon their use in favour of more contained methods. [55] The hawks had been ousted by those in the UVF who were unhappy with their political and military strategy. [84] The Progressive Unionist Party's condemnation, and Dawn Purvis and other leaders' resignations as a response to the Moffett shooting, were also noted. [152], Billy Wright, the commander of the UVF Mid-Ulster Brigade, is believed to have started dealing drugs in 1991[153] as a lucrative sideline to paramilitary murder. By the summer of 1916, only the Ulster and 16th divisions remained, the 10th amalgamated into both following severe losses in the Battle of Gallipoli. [76][77][78], In January 2008, the UVF was accused of involvement in vigilante action against alleged criminals in Belfast. "BBC News Man held over East Belfast police murder bid", "Surge in Belfast violence blamed on resurgent UVF", "The Beast from East Belfast could put an end to flags violence right now but he won't", "East Belfast UVF: Mission Accomplished? [21] Two days later, the Government of Northern Ireland declared the UVF illegal. According to the University of Ulster's Sutton database,[133] the UVF and RHC was responsible for 481 killings during "the Troubles", between 1969 and 2001. F". [citation needed] There were also reports that UVF members fired shots at police lines during a protest. Referring to its activity in the early and mid-1970s, journalist Ed Moloney described no-warning pub bombings as the UVF's "forte". UVF organises the men's and women's National Volley teams, and the first and second tiers of national Volleyball covering the Uganda. Noted for secrecy and a policy of limited, selective membership,[1][2][3][4][5] the UVF's declared goals were to combat Irish republicanism particularly republican paramilitaries, and to maintain Northern Ireland's status as part of the United Kingdom. All were widely blamed on the IRA, and British soldiers were sent to guard installations. Chiefs of Staff Gusty Spence (1966-1966). On 7 May 1966, loyalists petrol bombed a Catholic-owned pub in the loyalist Shankill area of Belfast. More militant members of the UVF, led by Billy Wright who disagreed with the ceasefire, broke away to form the Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF). [139] In 2002 the House of Commons Northern Ireland Affairs Committee estimated the UVF's annual running costs at 12 million per year, against an annual fundraising capability of 1.5 million. In October, UVF and UPV member Thomas McDowell was killed by the bomb he was planting at Ballyshannon power station. This was a general strike in protest against the Sunningdale Agreement, which meant sharing political power with Irish nationalists and the Republic having more involvement in Northern Ireland. There was much overlap in membership between the UCDC/UPV and the UVF. Grob-Fitzgibbon, Benjamin. [87][88], On the night of 20 June 2011, riots involving 500 people erupted in the Short Strand area of East Belfast. At the time, the IRA was weak and not engaged in armed action, but some unionists and loyalists warned that it was about to be revived and launch another campaign against Northern Ireland. By the mid-1980s, a Loyalist paramilitary-style organisation called Ulster Resistance was formed on 10 November 1986 by Ian Paisley, then leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Peter Robinson of the DUP, and Ivan Foster. When the Assets Recovery Agency won a High Court order to seize luxury homes belonging to ex-policeman Colin Robert Armstrong and his partner Geraldine Mallon in 2005, Alan McQuillan said "We have further alleged Armstrong has had links with the UVF and then the LVF following the split between those organisations." All were widely blamed on the IRA, and British soldiers were sent to guard installations. [93] Much of the UVF's orchestration was carried out by its senior members in East Belfast, where many attacks on the PSNI and on residents of the Short Strand enclave took place. [80], In the twentieth IMC report, the group was said to be continuing to put its weapons "beyond reach", (in the group's own words) to downsize, and reduce the criminality of the group. The UVF very clearly have involvement in drug dealing, all forms of gangsterism, serious assaults, intimidation of the community. too many Its main benefactors have been in central Scotland,[121] Liverpool,[122] Preston[122] and the Toronto area of Canada. That year, a string of tit-for-tat pub bombings began in Belfast. [54] The UVF was behind the deaths of seven civilians in a series of attacks on 2 October. "[151], According to Alan McQuillan, the assistant director of the Assets Recovery Agency in 2005, "In the loyalist community, drug dealing is run by the paramilitaries and it is generally run for personal gain by a large number of people." [50] The UVF was banned again on 3 October 1975 and two days later twenty-six suspected UVF members were arrested in a series of raids. Unable to find their target, the men drove around the Falls district in search of a Catholic. The no-warning car bombings had been carried out by units from the Belfast and Mid-Ulster Brigades. The UVF agreed to a ceasefire in October 1994. The Ulster Volunteer Force emerged during the first sparks of Northern Ireland's Troubles in the mid-1960s. Spence claimed that he was approached in 1965 by two men, one of whom was an Ulster Unionist Party MP, who told him that the UVF was to be re-established and that he was to have responsibility for the Shankill. Along with the UDA, it helped to enforce the strike by blocking roads, intimidating workers, and shutting any businesses that opened. During 1970, 42 Catholic-owned licensed premises in Protestant areas were bombed. In some areas, whole UVF units formed special platoons and where there weren't enough UVF men they were recruited from the Orange lodges. The UVF's leadership is based in Belfast and known as the Brigade Staff. The UVF's last major attack was the 1994 Loughinisland massacre, in which its members shot dead six Catholic civilians in a rural pub. [22] The 'Paisleyites' set out to stymie the civil rights movement and oust Terence O'Neill, Prime Minister of Northern Ireland. James Smyth, 55, is alleged by the prosecution to have been involved in the . There was to be much overlap in membership between the UCDC/UPV and the UVF.[22]. [58][59][105] Graham has held the position since he assumed office in 1976. Such retaliation was seen as both collective punishment and an attempt to weaken the IRA's support; it was thought that 'fear of retaliation' would make the Catholic community rein in the IRA. [112] The vast majority of its victims were Irish Catholic civilians, who were often killed at random. It was the UVF's deadliest attack in Northern Ireland, and the deadliest attack in Belfast during the Troubles. On the basis of that, we as a federation have called for the respecification of the UVF [stating that its ceasefire is over]. The Volunteer Political Party (VPP) was a loyalist political party launched in Northern Ireland on 22 June 1974 by members of the then recently legalised Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF).The Chairman was Ken Gibson from East Belfast, an ex-internee and UVF chief of staff at the time. They also stated that they would retain their weaponry but put them beyond reach of normal volunteers. Though, for its own purposes, it assumed the same name it has nothing else in common. Others joined Irish Regiments of the UK's 10th and 16th Irish Division. The men were tried, and in March 1977 were sentenced to an average of twenty-five years each.[51][52]. [86], On the night of 20 June 2011, riots involving 500 people erupted in the Short Strand area of East Belfast. The UVF's leadership is based in Belfast and known as the Brigade Staff. Known IRA men will be executed mercilessly and without hesitation. It would continue these tactics for the rest of its campaign. [23] The UVF launched further attacks in the Republic of Ireland during December 1972 and January 1973, when it detonated three car bombs in Dublin and one in Belturbet, County Cavan, killing a total of five civilians. [40] These were all subordinate to the Brigade Staff. [44], The brigade formed part of the Glenanne gang, a loose alliance of loyalist assassins which the Pat Finucane Centre has linked to 87 killings in the 1970s. The UVF has killed more people than any other loyalist paramilitary group. The Sunday World's offices were also firebombed. They catalogue the atrocities in which the UVF were involved, including the. The first British soldier to be killed by the Provisional IRA died in February 1971. [54] Indeed, the number of killings in Northern Ireland had decreased from 300 per year during the period between 1973 and 1976 to just under 100 in the years 19771981. The group concluded a general acceptance of the need to decommission, though there was no conclusive proof of moves towards this end. [15] In the late summer and autumn of 1973 the UVF detonated more bombs than the UDA and IRA combined,[16] and by the time of the group's temporary ceasefire in late November it had been responsible for over 200 explosions that year. [38] This came to a climax on 4 December, when the UVF bombed McGurk's Bar, a Catholic-owned pub in Belfast. [43] Jackson was allegedly the hitman who shot Hanna dead outside his home in Lurgan, and subsequently took over his command. In 1984, the UVF attempted to kill the northern editor of the Sunday World, Jim Campbell after he had exposed the paramilitary activities of Mid-Ulster brigadier Robin Jackson. The gunmen shot dead six people and injured five. [99][100] This uniform, based on those of the original UVF, was introduced in the early 1970s. [125] Members were disciplined after they carried out an unsanctioned theft of 8 million of paintings from an estate in Co Wicklow in April 1974. Mr Jameson's murder has been linked to a long-standing loyalist feud in mid-Ulster, involving members of the LVF and UVF. [41] On 17 May, two UVF units from the Belfast and Mid-Ulster brigades detonated four car bombs in Dublin and Monaghan. [60], In the 1980s, the UVF was greatly reduced by a series of police informers. In 1972, the UVF's imprisoned leader Gusty Spence was at liberty for four months following a staged kidnapping by UVF volunteers. [130], Prior to and after the onset of the Troubles the UVF carried out armed robberies. [18][19] Some members have also been found responsible for orchestrating a series of racist attacks. [114] Like the IRA, the UVF also operated black taxi services,[115][116][117] a scheme believed to have generated 100,000 annually for the organisation. 23/06/2020: Antrim's Ken Wilkinson, at home. Leader of the, Brendan O'Brien, The Long War the IRA and Sinn Fin. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The Geography of Service and Death (GoSD) has details of around 400 UVF members from West and East Belfast. Menu [22] The shootings led to Spence being arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment with a recommended minimum sentence of twenty years. It began carrying out gun attacks to kill random Catholic civilians and using car bombs to attack Catholic-owned pubs. [66] The UVF also killed republicans James Burns, Liam Ryan and Larry Marley. The shooting raised questions over the future of the PUP. The UVF was also clashing with the UDA in the summer of 2000. [32][33] There were further attacks in the Republic between October and December 1969. [11] During the conflict, its deadliest attack in Northern Ireland was the 1971 McGurk's Bar bombing, which killed fifteen civilians. In February, it began to target critics of militant loyalism the homes of MPs Austin Currie, Sheelagh Murnaghan, Richard Ferguson and Anne Dickson were attacked with improvised bombs. list of mortuary science schools in kenya. Two members of the group survived the attack and later testified against those responsible. On 17 February 1979, the UVF carried out its only major attack in Scotland, when its members bombed two pubs in Glasgow frequented by Irish-Scots Catholics. [9] According to the book Lost Lives (2006 edition), it was responsible for 569 killings. The damage from security service informers started in 1983 with "supergrass" Joseph Bennett's information, which led to the arrest of fourteen senior figures. Anderson, Malcolm & Bort, Eberhard (1999). During this time he restructured the organisation into brigades, battalions, companies, platoons and sections. [47] Beginning in 1975, recruitment to the UVF, which until then had been solely by invitation, was now left to the discretion of local units.[48]. [109] Another estimates that over a 30-year period women accounted for just 2% of UVF membership at most. In June, nine UVF members were convicted of the attacks. The UVF has declared war on UDA drug dealers on the Shankill Road. The no-warning car bombings had been carried out by units from the Belfast and Mid-Ulster brigades. [54] This had been thoroughly endorsed by Gusty Spence who issued a statement asking all UVF volunteers to support the new regime. It would attack the Republic again in May 1974, during the two-week Ulster Workers' Council strike. John "Bunter" Graham (born c. 1945) is a longstanding prominent. Whilst remaining de jure UVF leader after he was jailed for murder, he no longer acted as the. [38] This came to a climax on 4 December, when the UVF bombed McGurk's Bar, a Catholic-owned pub in Belfast. It emerged in 1966 and is named after the original UVF of the early 20th century. [citation needed] The feud between the UVF and the LVF erupted again in the summer of 2005. Although O'Neill was a unionist, they saw him as being too 'soft' on the civil rights movement and too friendly with the Republic of Ireland. My Blog jackie mahood uvf members list [36] It also continued its attacks in the Republic of Ireland, bombing the Dublin-Belfast railway line, an electricity substation, a radio mast, and Irish nationalist monuments. It was formed in late 1965 or early 1966 and named after the Ulster Volunteers of the early twentieth century. CAIN also states that Republicans killed 13 UVF members. Two UVF men were accidentally blown up in this attack. Loyalists were successful in importing arms into Northern Ireland. The UVF's Mid-Ulster Brigade carried out further attacks during this same period. Colin Wallace, part of the intelligence apparatus of the British Army, asserted in an internal memo in 1975 that MI6 and RUC Special Branch formed a pseudo-gang within the UVF, designed to engage in violence and to subvert the tentative moves of some in the UVF towards the political process. During the conflict, its deadliest attack in Northern Ireland was the 1971 McGurk's Bar bombing, which killed fifteen civilians. The men were tried and in March 1977 were sentenced to an average of twenty-five years each.[51][52]. [24] On 21 May, the group issued a statement: From this day, we declare war against the Irish Republican Army and its splinter groups. [22] In April, loyalists led by Ian Paisley, a Protestant fundamentalist preacher, founded the Ulster Constitution Defence Committee (UCDC). This gang was led by Lenny Murphy. [81], In June 2009 the UVF formally decommissioned their weapons in front of independent witnesses as a formal statement of decommissioning was read by Dawn Purvis and Billy Hutchinson. Two members of the group survived the attack and later testified against those responsible. During 1970, 42 Catholic-owned licensed premises in Protestant areas were bombed. Serves as a full-time certified pharmacy technician.Responsible for operating pharmacy systems to obtain patient . Members of the band were made to line up at the side of the road while one UVF member tried to hide a bomb on the bus. page 1. It issued a statement vowing to "remove republican elements from loyalist areas" and stop them "reaping financial benefit therefrom". [147], Protestants in Canada also supported the loyalist paramilitaries in the conflict. Fifty-year old Stockman was stabbed more than 15 times in a supermarket in the Greater Shankill area; the attack was believed to have been linked to the Moffett killing. [41] On 17 May, two UVF units from the Belfast and Mid-Ulster brigades detonated four car bombs in Dublin and Monaghan. Along with the newly formed Ulster Defence Association (UDA), the UVF started an armed campaign against the Catholic population of Northern Ireland. [92] There were also reports that UVF members fired shots at police lines during a protest. "The untouchable informers facing exposure at last". [101], In April 2021, riots erupted across Loyalist communities in Northern Ireland.[relevant? Pat Cullen: 'We are prepared to strike all year if we need to' The General Secretary of the RCN accuses Health Secretary Steve Barclay of being a 'bullyboy', but says she has faced far worse An article published by the newspaper fingered Wright as a drug lord and sectarian murderer. (False)The UVF's goal was to combat Irish republicanism particularly the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) and maintain Northern Ireland's status as part of the United Kingdom. She died of her injuries on 27 June. Another loyalist paramilitary organisation called Ulster Resistance was formed on 10 November 1986. Votes: 12,898 | Gross: $0.01M Some of them left much of Belfast without power and water. Hello, Liveops. The Ulster Volunteer Force emerged during the first sparks of Northern Ireland's Troubles in the mid-1960s. In October 1975, after staging a counter-coup, the Brigade Staff acquired a new leadership of moderates with Tommy West serving as the Chief of Staff. [83], The UVF was blamed for the shotgun killing of expelled RHC member Bobby Moffett on the Shankill Road on the afternoon of 28 May 2010, in front of passers-by including children. He spoke out against sectarianism and criminality, but also feels UVF membership had made him a "wiser" man. They shot John Scullion, a Catholic civilian, as he walked home. The initial aim of Ulster Resistance was to bring an end to the Anglo-Irish Agreement. [68], According to journalist and author Ed Moloney the UVF campaign in Mid Ulster in this period "indisputably shattered Republican morale", and put the leadership of the republican movement under intense pressure to "do something".[69]. April: Loyalists led by Ian Paisley, a Protestant fundamentalist preacher, founded the Ulster Constitution Defence Committee (UCDC) to oppose the civil rights movement. It set up a paramilitary-style wing called the Ulster Protestant Volunteers (UPV). 58 assault rifles in the 1980s. [29] Unionist support for O'Neill waned, and on 28 April he resigned as Prime Minister. Armed men hijacked a van on the nearby Shankill Road and forced the driver to take a device to a church on the Crumlin Road. The report added that individuals, some current and some former members, in the group have, without the orders from above, continued to "localised recruitment", and although some continued to try and acquire weapons, including a senior member, most forms of crime had fallen, including shootings and assaults. But Professor Richard Grayson, from Goldsmiths, University of London, told Belfast. [11] Many retaliatory attacks on Catholics were claimed using the covername "Protestant Action Force" (PAF), which first appeared in Autumn 1974. However, the year leading up to the loyalist ceasefire, which took place shortly after the Provisional IRA ceasefire, saw some of the worst sectarian killings carried out by loyalists during the Troubles. Both pubs were wrecked and a number of people were wounded. It was the deadliest attack of the Troubles. [144] Supporters in Scotland have helped supply explosives and guns. Yesterday Pastor McClinton confirmed that he had been visited by police . Since 1969 the group had also carried out attacks in the Republic of Ireland. These included the Miami Showband killings of 31 July 1975 when three members of the popular showband from the Republic of Ireland were killed having been stopped at a fake British Army checkpoint outside of Newry in County Down. [54] This was endorsed by Gusty Spence, who issued a statement asking all UVF volunteers to support the new regime. [66] The UVF also killed senior IRA paramilitary members Liam Ryan, John 'Skipper' Burns and Larry Marley. [40] These were all subordinate to the Brigade Staff. "CAIN: Sutton Index of Deaths crosstabulations", "UVF disbands unit linked to taxi murder", Law and order Belfast-style as two men are forced on a 'walk of shame', 'Report of the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning', Twenty-Fourth Report of the Independent Monitoring Commission, "David Madine admits trying to kill loyalist Harry Stockman", "Police say UVF gunman seen in Rathcoole during trouble". [22] Spence later wrote "At the time, the attitude was that if you couldn't get an IRA man you should shoot a Taig, he's your last resort". The largest death toll was on 3 March 1991 when the UVF killed IRA members John Quinn, Dwayne O'Donnell and Malcolm Nugent, and civilian Thomas Armstrong in the car park next to Boyle's Bar, Cappagh. The newspaper also reported that the group refused to decommission its weapons. . [106][107] This uniform, based on those of the original UVF, was introduced in the early 1970s. This was a large, three-day riot between Irish nationalists and the police (RUC). It was alleged that Colin Armstrong had links to both drugs and loyalist terrorists. In October, UVF and UPV member Thomas McDowell was killed by the bomb he was planting at Ballyshannon power station. In 1972, five Toronto businessmen shipped weapons in grain container ships out of Halifax, bound for ports in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland which were destined for loyalist militants. [36] Catholic churches were also attacked. The Progressive Unionist Party's condemnation, and Dawn Purvis and other leaders' resignations as a response to the Moffett shooting, were also noted. The incumbent Chief of Staff, is alleged to be John "Bunter" Graham, referred to by Martin Dillon as "Mr. They are wearing part of the UVF uniform which earned them their nickname "Blacknecks". [ 22 ] [ citation uvf members list ] there were also reports that UVF fired! 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