Since her death, the sprawling Winchester Mystery House has become a popular tourist attraction, known for its staircases that lead to nowhere, along with its many winding corridors and doors that lead to walls or sudden drops. In fact, she has already done it for us. In 2017, The Mercury News reported a new general manager overhauled the way things are done there, opening 40 more rooms to the public, including unfinished spaces and cubbyholes created by the haphazard construction. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions There is no record or evidence that Mrs. Winchester ever met the man. Jea Yu and Russell Lockhart, Secrets of The Underground Trader, published by McGraw-Hill, New York, 2004. The top and bottom panes properly rearranged showing Sarahs Tubal-Cain Symbols. The scientific curricula that Sarah studied included Michael Faradays seminal work on electromagnetic fields, along with the scientific and mathematical works of William Thompson, Georg Bernhard Riemann, and William Rowan Hamilton. The Winchester Mystery House is an architectural wonder and historic landmark in San Jose, CA that was once the personal residence of Sarah Lockwood Pardee Winchester, the widow of William Wirt Winchester and heiress to a large portion of the Winchester Repeating Arms fortune. As we have seen, what makes E (8) exceptional is that it defines natures maximum limit for symmetric growth. Sarahs puzzle may ultimately help us discover the Theory of Everything. However, the final KEY to unlocking Sarahs puzzle is in her numbers. This symbol should be partially recognizable to the Master Freemason, but something is missing. As we are about to see, Sarah always displays 8 petaled daisies in pairs. First, it symbolizes the initiate. William Wirt Winchester (June 22, 1837 March 7, 1881) was the treasurer of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, a position he held until his death in 1881. At the outset of each Masonic Degree the initiate (Candidate) expresses his wish to receive Light. The point at the Channels, Calday Island divides the base 5 precisely into 2 and 3. Historian Pamela Haag says from the outside, the house looks impressive but not weird. In fairness to the management of the WMH, they try to present Mrs. Winchester in a positive light. The novice student, called the initiate or candidate, was required to undergo a series of tests in order to prove that he was ready and worthy to advance to successively higher levels of learning. Many species of the daisy have 13 petals. He was vice president of the, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States, Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, CT, United States, Oliver Winchester, 52nd Lt. Gov. Inside, it's a different story. The only difference with Sarahs Sun symbols is that, instead of the usual face in the center, Sarah has inserted the image of an eight petaled daisy (more about the eight petals later). As we saw with Jacobs Ladder, she has combined 44 steps with 7 turnsresulting in the number 51, corresponding to the names Sarah Pardee and Francis Bacon (Pythagorean Cipher). Later his son George C. Pardee followed in his fathers footsteps rising to the office of Governor of California (1903- 1907. It is because Sarah wants us to form an image of the windows as a cube. The misinformation is further compounded by the Haunted House tour business thriving in San Jose as the commercial enterprise known as the Winchester Mystery House which profits by perpetuating the Folklore myth. Moreover, she has employed a brilliant device in the Shakespearean Windows to drive home the connection between Shakespeare, Hiram Abiff, Francis Bacon and herself. It was exactly as Sarah had planned it. After his death, his wife, Sarah, became notable for building Llanada Villa, later known as Winchester Mystery House . Its no secret that the backside of the U.S. One Dollar Bill is a masterpiece of Masonic code and symbolism. As we shall see, Sarah provided numerous coded messages to confirm her connection with Bacon. Furthermore, Sarah adds a lesson in higher dimensional mathematics. When a man walks down 7 steps, and then up 11 steps, what has he gained? Sarah Lockwood Winchester (ne Pardee; 1839 September 5, 1922) was an American heiress who amassed great wealth after the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, and her mother in law, Jane Ellen Hope. In fact, Ramanujan numbers bear a striking resemblance to Winchester numbers. It then becomes a matter of separating fact from fictionbeginning with the elimination process. [1], President of Winchester Repeating Arms Company,, Pages using infobox person with multiple parents, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 6 September 2022, at 05:25. Their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester came into the world on July 12, 1866. Sarahs Sanctum is shaped like a cube, emulating the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies of Solomons Temple. Originally, Sarahs Sanctum Sanctorum was painted entirely blue. First, like Bacons play on the letters L, L, L in Loves Labours Lost11, 11, 11 combined, becomes the number 33. Sure, the Winchester Mystery House might look like it was designed by a ferret tripping on LSD, but CSICOP says there are practical reasons behind some of the features. Some of the Houses 47 chimneys have an overhead ceilingwhile, in some places, there are skylights covered by a roofand some skylights are covered by another skylightand, in one place, there is a skylight built into the floor. It is literally the Key to Phi. On this day the construction of the house stopped altogether. 67 54, which, when combined also renders 121. The riddle lay with the worthy ascendant realizing that there is an invisible 13th step that could only be crossed once the door had been opened for him by a divine source from within. As earlier noted, the number 777 is extremely important to Kabbalists, Rosicrucians and Freemasons. There are no existing records or any other form of factual information to establish Sarahs date of birtheven the year remains unknown. Clearly, Sarah was aware of Bacons placement of the name Winchester as the 20th word from the plays end. Using the Pythagorean Table is a simple matter of matching the letters in a name or word with their corresponding numbers, then adding the numbers together until you have one, simplified number. Notice that the letter W is equivalent to the number 5 (Pythagorean Cipher), and the letter S is equivalent is the number 1hence, 51. In 2016, the Winchester Mystery House announced it had found a new room. In showing us 9 sets of the number 13, she has forced us to multiply. But we can project some well educated theories. I knew that Sarah had concealed the number 13 in the middle, between the Shakespearean Windows, in a higher dimensional way. Then, 588 x 121 (11 squared) = 71,148. Since its founding, the Historical Society has published articles about the people and events in the city's past and present. There was a vault inside, so they opened that, too (via CSICOP). The typical reaction people have when they first look at these inscriptions, is that they dont seem to make sense. Naturally, Sarah knew that we would eventually look up at the magnificent ceiling of her Ballroom. With the exception of the decorative middle panel that supports the 13 globe chandelier, we observe 9 main panels. Since she clearly regarded her House as a living puzzle and a work of architectural art, we are compelled to examine the environment that influenced her views and her work. Likewise, the name Bacon, in accordance with the Kaye Cipher Table, adds up to the number 111. But more importantly, at an early age, she was admitted to Yales only female scholastic institution known as the Young Ladies Collegiate Institute. Two of the schools most influential administrators and professors, Judson A. Root and his brother N.W. William Winchester was William Philo Hibbard's 6th cousin once removed. Given her direct exposure to the Baconian Doctrine, along with her passion for the Shakespearean works, it was inevitable that Sarah Pardee was drawn like an irresistible force to a more than passing interest in the new theorem. The room measures 11 ft. x 11 ft. x 11 ft. Thompson never fully achieved that end. The artwork on the magazines cover featured a crescent moon in its waxing stage. The clear evidence ensconced in Sarahs ingenious design of her Shakespearean Windows indicates she understood (or, at the very least, interpreted) Bacons message to be a harbinger of her own existence by which she would carry on his legacy. Someone worth $1,000 a day can't have too many bars on her windows. When Sarah first met William Wirt Winchester, she would have found his numbers to be nothing short of miraculous. The invisible difference is 13. The ordinal numbers in the sequence are: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ad infinitum. To begin, there was Yale University (originally known as Yale College). William Wirt Winchester (June 22, 1837 - March 7, 1881) was the treasurer of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, a position he held until his death in 1881. The late Cal Tech physicist Richard Feynman said You can recognize truth by its beauty and simplicitybecause the truth always turns out to be simpler than you thought.. But, she has done something unexpected. Its a mind boggling blend of The Martian, Raiders of the Lost Ark and 2001, a Space Odyssey with Surprises, Surprises, Surprisesplus a stunning conclusion that will take you completely by surprise! Washington History (1989-present) is the only scholarly journal devoted exclusively to the history of the nation's capital. But, the matter runs still deeper when we consider that, in showing the number twice, Sarah is also revealing a different perspective as 47 47 transforms (rotates) into 44 77and, when these two numbers combine, we have the number 121 (11 squared) which then rotates (12 + 1 = 13) into the number 13. Therefore, six pyramidal bases equate to the number 24. One of the rooms is a ballroom, and in the middle of the room stands a door. Each peg held a different colored robe, consistent with the Rosicrucian practice of wearing a different colored robe for each lunar month. With the exception of the inscriptions written on the banners, the windows are exact mirror images of each other. This product can then be partitioned as 45 76, which, when combined becomes 121 (11 squared), or, it can be partitioned (from the inside-out) as 57 46, which, when combined equates to 103 (13). April 3, 1992 . Another possible scenario involving Mrs. Winchesters activities while abroad could well have included visits to esoteric, architectural landmarks such as the French Cathedral of Chartres. There's another theory about Winchester's motivations that has everything to do with revenge and nothing to do with the supernatural. Note further that the sequence is simply an endless repetition of combining a number with the preceding number in order to arrive at the next number in the sequence, e.g. Later, Oliver channeled his efforts into a firearms manufacturing venture that eventually (1866) evolved into the famous Winchester Repeating Arms Company. The most crucial room in which Sarah wants the initiate to begin his journey of discovery is the Ballroom. This is the only room in the House which was constructed almost entirely without nailsan important feature that mimics the building of Solomons Temple. The Shakespearean Windows. Legacy [ edit] Moreover, any 10 year old child, armed with a calculator, can easily become a master of Sarahs number system. How about the elephant in the room? John Dees 007 signature as Tubal-Cain, and the traditional Tubal-Cain symbol. The curriculum of The Young Ladies Collegiate Institute of New Haven placed a heavy emphasis on scientific studies. The bedrooms south facing windows overlook a beautiful lawn and garden. But Sarah has introduced another clever design in the form of winding ribbons located in the upper center that take the shape of the letters W (at the top) and S (just beneath). In fact, the term mystery is much too ethereal, implying an unreachable quality which cannot be ascertained. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven. No matter where we go, both in and around the House, Sarah has gone to great lengths to put her numbers on display. In ancient times, the initiate was subjected to a test called the labyrinth. He was the son of Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope and was born in Boston. Upon her arrival in California, Sarah began holding her own sances every midnight so that she could receive the next days building instructions from the spirits. Naturally, Sarah is making use the latter form. When we combine the number 45 (Shakespeare) with the number 55 (Hiram Abiff) the result is 100 which is Simple Cipher for the name FRANCIS BACON. Despite the fact that the Civil War was then going on in the USA, the wedding was a big social occasion in New Haven, Connecticut. 13. Three dimensional objects such as cubes, spheres and pyramids would seem impossible because our limited perception would only permit us to observe these objects as two dimensional squares, circles and triangles. Additionally, the reverse palindromic twin of 13 is 31thus, 31 x 777 yields the same result, i.e. This, of course, isnt the only instance in which Sarah has joined the numbers 4 and 7 together. The reason we know that Sarah adopted Bacons numerological methodology stands on the concrete evidence she left behind as testimony to her thoughts and intentions. The rank of Colonel was earned through his participation in the First Corps of Cadets, the organization originally formed as the bodyguard of the governor of Massachusetts. Finally, Sarahs use of the number 11 illustrates the simplicity of the cubes symmetry. Such a notion, as any practicing Rosicrucian knows, is utterly absurd. The circle isnt intersected or divided, nor does it have any of the web-like characteristics we see distributed over the rest of the windows surface. The significance of this unusual feature has to do first, with Sarah paying homage to Francis Bacon, for the crescent moon, as we are about to see, is emblazoned like a brand on the side of the boar in the Bacons coat of arms. It is natures arbitrary template by which all natural structures, from atoms, flowers, trees, seashells and star galaxies comply with specific symmetric parameters. The number 46 (i.e. Instead of a two dimensional circle, we now see a spherical manifold into which the capstones of the six pyramids invisibly merge together as one. Her apparent motive for the move was to live in close proximity to her numerous Pardee relatives, most of whom had come to California during the 1849 Gold Rush, and were scattered from Sacramento to the Bay area. Perhaps Winchester was really using those hours to spy on the help with a series of hidden windows. Everything would be completely flat. These numbers consistently show up in the number of windows in many of the rooms, or the number of stairs in the staircases, or the number of rails in the railings, or the number of panels in the floors and walls, or the number of lights in a chandelier, etc. This is important as it reveals the close bond Sarah felt for her daughter. With the exception of the inscriptions on the banners, the symbolic images in the left and right windows are exact mirrors of each other (similar to Bacons headpieces). The deeper truth about Cressida is that she does whatever she must in order to surviveand Sarah, in her own way, saw herself as a survivor. William Wirt Winchester, age unknown. Tours are conducted of both the house and the grounds on those days. The book, of course, was Through the Looking Glassa fitting title, considering the glass or mirror had been regarded as a portal to higher dimensions since Dee and Bacons time. Among the secrets Sarah took to her grave was why she insisted that so many things relate to the number 13. William Wirt Winchester was born in Baltimore, MD on July 22, 1837. In fact, his Bi-lateral Cipher was so effective it became the model for modern day Morse code and computer operating systems. Additionally, she gravitated to Theosophy. Hans Christian Oersteds discovery of the unification of electricity and magnetism (1820), along with Charles Darwins Theory of Evolution (1838) had stirred the new, scientific caldron to such an extent that natural forces were being explained as a dynamic evolving phenomenon rather than a static, passive entity. It is interesting that Wikipedia makes particular note of Enoch Pardee having been a prominent occultist. Most likely the occult reference has to do with the fact that both Enoch and his son George were members of the highly secretive and mysterious ( California based) Bohemian Club which was an offshoot of Yales Skull and Bones Society. Its tantamount to inserting the term Winchester goose (77) inside of the name Winchester (52). We havent forgotten the Baconian stops Sarah has incorporated in the Shakespearean inscriptions. [5] Sarah Pardee Winchester, age unknown. But, more importantly, it represents the tangled, interconnectedness of all things. His siblings include: Ann Rebecca Winchester (1835-1864) who married Charles B. Dye; and Hannah Jane Winchester who married Thomas Gray Bennett. To that end Sarah carefully crafted Masonic and Rosicrucian features into the structure of her labyrinthine House. There are more stories about the Winchester Mystery House than there are rooms, and it's easy to see why. For example, the names Sarah Pardee and Annie Pardee both consist of 5 letters followed by 6 letters for a total of 11 letters. Also, when we take a closer look at the words UNCLASP and TABLES, we realize that in Bacons time the only things to be unclasped were bookssecret booksbooks containing Encryption Codes with an Encryption Table to decipher such codes. : Univ. Sure enough, 9 x 13 = 117 (Bacons code number for John Dee). The dimensions are not accidental. And, of course 13, or any variant of 13, multiplied by 444 will always result in 777. He died on March 7, 1881 in New Haven, Connecticut, United Statesat 43 years of age. The scarce information that survives from the historical record indicates her birth must have occurred somewhere between 1835 and 1845. Maybe Sarah Winchester wasn't as batty as everyone thought. Son of Oliver Winchester, 52nd Lt. Gov. But why bother looking beyond the superficial orthodox Folklore when its much more convenient to embrace the myth, and keep reciting the mantra well never know what Mrs. Winchesters thoughts and motives were. However, historians and archeologists would sharply disagree, particularly when the person of interest has deliberately gone to great lengths to leave a well designed trail of clues and artifacts to follow. The co-discoverer of String Theory, Dr. Michio Kaku, says Its as though there is some kind of deep numerology being manifested in these functions that no one understands. Appropriately, theoretical physicists like to describe the String (or Membrane) as a resonating subatomic matrix of entangled lattices forming the structure of the universe in a unified configuration resembling a vast, spider-web. The pyramids, for example, are built according to the growth of the, number 13. Although the 12 steps were sufficient to bring one up to the heavenly door, they were insufficient to deliver one into heaven. There is a staircase that leads nowhere, abruptly halting at the ceiling. The House abounds in oddities and anomalous features. During a sance with Coons, Sarah was told that because of the many people who had been slain by the Winchester Rifle, she was cursed by the Winchester fortune. Finally, Sarah had 13 pegs installed in one of the Sanctums walls. E (8) x E (8). Thus, Young Sarah and William found themselves studying virtually the same curriculum under very similar circumstances. the Theory of Everything was well underway. The most revolutionary scientific development of young Sarahs time was the discovery that the forces of nature are a product of higher dimensional dynamics of the geometry of space. She has gone to great pains to leave a trail of clues that will lead us to the truth. Has the wait been worthwhile? The number 13 is hidden everywhere. Her favorite niece and secretary, Marian Marriott, oversaw the removal and sale of all of Sarahs furnishings and personal property. The Winchesters were as close to royalty as could be found in that part of the world then. The eighth ordinal is the number 13. Then, 924 x 13 = 12012. In all Masonic lodges, one is always regarded to be traveling from west toward the source of light in the east. Additionally, Sarah cleverly provides subtle hints of Pans presence as we detect glimpses of his horns blending in with the Windows overall design. A movement in France called Co-Freemasonry, which allows for male and female membership was already underway when Sarah arrived in that country. Bacon fleur-de-lis windows with left and right number 3s facing each other, Bacons Double A Headpiece with fleur-de-lis design, and the letters C facing each other. Elsewhere about the House, Sarah throws other numbers into the mix, and we begin to see that Winchester numbers, although generally connected to family names, ultimately take on a much deeper meaning. Must have occurred somewhere between 1835 and 1845 the Secrets Sarah took to grave... The Rosicrucian practice of wearing a different colored robe, consistent with the exception of the nation capital. 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