(Psalm 34:8 NASB), What you have been through with your mother has strengthened your faith and established the hunger in you to see this established this healing this fullness of what is promised in the atonement in the world in which you live, Lift him up so that he experiences this practically himself and out of the overflow is overflowing Your Power through him to others, to everyone he comes in contact with , Love you brother, the Lord will link you into a team with others who also have this on their heart in your location wherever He takes you . Your important statement, `the simplicity of Christ,` leads us to the very first Key. No Manuels, no charging new Christians money so they can also heal the sick, no techniques, just a very simple prayer in Jesus name and IT WORKS! Its high time we all get over the past fakes and Counterfiets we all have been burned by one way it another. Trouble with cynicism is that it always disqualifies from What God is doing. 1 Peter 3:20. Former followers, former board members of the organisation, the press, other churches, and professionals have described his organisation, The Last Reformation, as extreme, dangerous, and a cult. intolerant, hate mongers, bigots, homophobes, etc.) I desire mercy not sacrifice. Certainly going to a local village for instance and seeing the Elder of a village get healed dramatically by us, is going to get the attention of the whole village on God very quickly and allow the preaching of the word to follow without effort. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Id take issue with just one thing the gifts of healings are for the common good of both the Body of Christ (the context of 1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14, and the public at large (where the Apostle Paul also was used of God for healing, prophecy, and so on). ALL of which are used in the NEGATIVE. He also began the Jesus Center in Denmark, which trained disciples from 30 nations to spread this gospel message around the world. Mar 9:40 KJV For he that is not against us is on our part. John 9:4 Others fall into the Rather than analyse Pretty messybut pretty amazing that God loves people that much, There were plenty of historical (1700s and 1800s and early 1900s)revival preachers that wrote about being unprepared for what it looks like for a whole congregation to be deliveredit scared them, it made them doubt that it was of God because it was so bizarre. Watch this video about the people of God revealing the glory of God and you too will do the works of Jesus: http://youtu.be/03hWzOCzZ9k. Finally we are in Torbin people who move in power in Jesus name who are fully clothed and in their right minds!. Andrew J Horton, you said I didnt see anything weird or suspect or new age or whatever in any of these YouTube videos . A new Spirit-one that is more interested in making men thrilled and exhilaerated than in making men holy and heavenly minded and a new hope a hope in this world and in this age- where believers will rule and reign in this present dark age rather than the blessed hope the glorious appearing of The Lord Jesus Christ from heaven and the hope in the life to come which declares , if for this life only we have hope we of all men are to be most pitied .. When they came back to the disciples, they saw a large crowd around them, and some scribes arguing with them. What you said is correct. But it seems they had not spiritual fathers to teach them to temper themselves, and no watchmen to watch their backs, just accolades after accolades and pats on the back and a pedestal to stand upon, and so now we see the sad results. : of strange or extraordinary character : ODD, FANTASTIC, Antonyms I have just posted I know I have never heard it talked about that I can remember and so the Lord is teaching me. In short, he is part of NAR.Although my area of focus has been on American leaders of NAR, I do want to draw people's attention to this European teacher as someone to watch. Amen Jonathan, Amen Lord come Lord Jesus through Your Church to demonstrate Your Gospel the Power of Your Gospel to the world , namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Doing the REAL thing is NOT a prim and proper church serviceit is messy..take a look at the demonic deliverances in the NT. The term witchcraft is only being applied to that which is not of God, not to that which is of God. The answer to that question is I most certainly try when I feel the Lord speaking to me. They have been caught lying and now they are backtracking and removing videos as fast as they can. They actually believe what they are doing is through the power of the Holy Spirit. Gods whole plan was to tabernacle with man, and yet the Hebrews wanted Moses to hear from God and they would do whatever God told Moses to tell them to do. Both of these ditches are equally dangerous. writings and his preaching. Jhn 17:18 NASB As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. I see a specific calling for healing on his life for street ministry. Tags: Baptism of the Holy SpiritKundaliniLast ReformationSpeaking in TonguesTorben Sndergaard. 1) to be struck with fear, to be seized with alarm For the promise is to you and your children and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call. I recall witnessing two of the greatest miracles where Seymour was greatly used by God. This went on for quite some time, before he was exposed. He may have started well, got saved and followed Jesus but he as well, like many others got deceived and now is leading thousands to destruction. Frankly, if I would have seen this first, I would seriously reconsider my opinion of Andrew Strom. Trenton D. Adams wrote: He believes he is a self appointed apostle with a Last Reformation belief system. Jesus condemned the Pharisees not because they did not belong to His group, but because of their hypocrisy, untruthfulness and lack of love. Those that dont see what this man is doing, are not filled with the Holy Spirit. To show this . Why is there so many reference in the NT of God using blood(death) & water(life) from the OT in making a covenant with His people? Soendergaard was booked into the Orange County Jail system in or around Orlando, FL. Seymour replied, Im just upset because you have the wooden leg on. True Christianity is not what we do do God but what God does through Jesus alone IN US , FOR US AND THROUGH US. As I thought about this story of unchurched people coming to US I remembered how many times in gospels it says, they came to Jesus to. Or they brought to Jesus a man who. We dont have to make it happen- God will bring people to Jesus IN US if only we will yield to Jesus and let Him use us!!! And so, he just did what the bible said for him to do. Just as God turns unrepentant sinners over to their sins, He will send strong delusion to those who want to be deceived. Cynicism is cynicism and it is unacceptable. You know where I think people get this idea.from watching TV evangelists. So, you may now attack the truth once again. Since the whole of the scriptures CONDEMNS BEING FEARFUL, ANXIOUS AND WORRIED, then I would have to say that Paul was of weak faith when it came to the letter he was writing. I turn on the water in our shower and, lo and behold, all the dirt, dust etc. June 30th, 2022 by Crime Informer. Mom Chooses Life on an Abortionist's Table, Finally Meets Her Grateful Son 2 Decades Later and the Tears Flow, 'The Chosen' Creators Announce Season 3 Finale to Premiere in Theaters Nationwide - The Reaction Is Stunning, Viral Video: Mall Security Guard Tells Man Wearing 'Jesus Saves' T-Shirt 'Take It Off Or Leave', 'All Glory to GOD!' After all, Paul was not sinless like Jesus. 2) to stand in awe of, be awed Those who CANNOT GIVE UP CONTROL TO THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL NOT MANIFEST THE FRUIT OR THE GIFTS. Jonathan, as a born again believer/a Christian, I eagerly await the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ WHO IS returning for me/us/ Christians, to take us to the mansions that He has prepared for us (John 14:2), Paul said Or worst, you are possibly even demon possessed according to Torben and this is what is blocking the false Holy Spirit from entering you and baptising you in FIRE. And they said, To Johns baptism. Because His glory/presence is departing (Holy Spirit is grieved). You see, people have been so in the habit of putting Jesus in a class by Himself that they have failed to recognize that He has made provision for the same living Spirit of God that dwelt in His own life, and of which He Himself was a living manifestation, to inhabit your being and mine, just as the Spirit inhabited the being of Jesus or Paul. `in His right hand He held the 7 sealed book.`, This shows the reconciliative advocacy of the exalted Son of Man. He can also STOP anytime He wants to. How different Jesus was from those sectarians who, like the Scribes and Pharisees, search sea and land to make a member of their group, only to make him twice as much the child of Hell as themselves (Matt. Fewer religious spirits to break through maybe? Just like the Why are not all of us down at our local shopping malls praying for people? Its time to do an article on this guy. There is no such office of healer mentioned in the NT. Holy Spirit encouragement is rare these days. Error: There was an internal error submitting your form. Synonym Discussion of WEIRD July 6, 2022. As Ive stated before, true miracles and miraculous healings are not subject to debate as they are objective and cannot be challenged. Torben Sondergaard Calls the Line of Fire from Prison Call in LIVE: (866) 348-7884 He stands for repentance, holiness and reformation Christ is the greatest servant, and only He through us serves us and others. Genesis 15:9; 17:9. The Cloud of Glory Presence led them by day. We should not think more highly of ourselves than we ought. These four obligations He discharges righteously, honorably, faithfully & perfectly. At the meeting, Sndergaard says he was accused by FBI agents of smuggling weapons into the U.S. from Mexico, a claim hewholeheartedly denies, and placed in handcuffs. Oh and Moses staff turned into a snake. Im honestly smiling about this; not offended one bit, though I do feel sorry for yall. Jesus fulfilled both circumcision and baptism. Share on pocket. Accordingly, I cannot judge your motives or your walk with the Lord, nor can you judge mine. We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, WHO MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM. Amen Roger, good wordsimplicity. And this sin of jealousy among other sins such as wanting the power to speak to God in an unknown language that makes the believer feel that because he/she can now speak in tongues they are on another spiritual level or more powerful than those who cant, and dont tell me you have never thought of this! Contrary to almost any other Christian denomination, he teaches that salvation for a Christian is completed through baptism in water not using the Trinitarian formula,[19]as well as through baptism in the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of speaking in tongues, often saying dadadaadadadaa.[20][21][22][23][24]He also teaches that just as Jesus received the Holy Spirit through water baptism, it is through baptism that a Christian receives the Holy Spirit. I am fortunate to have a dedicated group of believers in my life wherein we hold each other accountable and encourage each other in a daily walk in the spirit. Torben and Ronald did say that they felt nothing when they prayed for people who were healed. It would have been more convincing to have seen the lady healed from stroke damage before and after but you cant have camera men running around everywhere all the time. Act 28:27 I pray that each persons eyes will be opened to Truly see Gods Kingdom, their ears opened so they can hear Holy Spirit and that their heart of stone will be taken out and they receive a new & soft heart of flesh, whereon Gods Law can be written. I agree jda, we ought to be leary of people like Bill Johnson. But let Gods people yield to Jesus and let their Jesus light shine out of them and the world will begin to hate Gods people, will begin to respect Gods people, will begone to fear Gods people and multitudes will begin to LISTEN TO GODS PEOPLE for the lost sheep will begin hear the voice of the Shepherd IN HIS PEOPLE AND WILL FOLLOW HIM. Just because Torben says he is doing this in the name of Jesus, doesnt mean he is actually doing it in the name of Jesus. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 2 Thess 2:7-12 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. Paul Benson A Bottomless Bucket (Part 5), Paul Benson An anti-Dispensational Bottomless Bucket (Part 4), Verily,verily,I sayunto thee,Excepta manbe bornof, ,he cannotenterintothe kingdomof God., These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have, Latter Rain Teaching / Dominionism / Kingdom Now, page recently and I find it very interesting, https://www.youtube.com/user/DanishEvangelist, The Biblical Holy Spirit vs. But it takes a lot of hard work, time, and money to do what we do. Perhaps you should read the whole passage up to verse 12. I think he purposely included those leg lengthening healings to scandalize and expose the hearts of the skeptics. happen when this is done. Maybe its just a different expectation outside that makes it more likely to see results. See also John 1:12-13. By Michael Ashcraft -. For we can do nothing of ourselves, only God. This was not the example of the early church. I went to a conference of Rick Joyners where women with extremely long hair writhed on the floor like serpents (these women were allowed on stage). i would be interested in your comments on Isaiah Saldivar who has miracles happening on the streets, in his home and in church. When you are born again you are automaticallySPIRITUALLYbaptised by Jesus Christ onto the One and Only baptism there is, where after the Holy Spirit comes to live in you. If a man comes performing miracles in Jesus name but preaches idols- money, ambition, love of the world and anything in the world money, sensuality, power or selfish ambition- THAT MAN IS A WOLF! Sidelining the teaching of sound doctrine, the preaching of the message of faith in Jesus and sacrificial living and replacing these in mainstream Christianity with the seeking of spiritual experiences , sensuality, self indulgence and the worship and focus on angels and extra biblical revelatory encounters. To all you dear brethren who choose to criticize, please repent and instead get out there and do it. USURPING the role of the Holy Spirit is very dangerous for ones health and welfare.check the scriptures. When my dad died, I lost it and wept, my emotions were running wild and I was broken. I found this with water immersion in the Name of the Lord. What was the PURPOSE of these MANIFESTATIONS? Barry Schmidt , a friend that post on this site ask me about your email because she though I might have your email. As you said we are all parts of His Body & it is to Him we look & praise for what He is doing in us & in our brothers & sisters. Try it you will like it!!! I do find it interesting how everyone attacks those trying to bring people into the knowledge of the truth. It imposes burdens on folk that they were never meant to carry, as well as false guilt that they arent doing what so-and-so is doing. I hear people say we GLORIFY You, Lord, Glory to the Lord, give GLORY to the Lord, if it GLORIFIES the Lord etc etc. Because of Jesus i: That is why we need to take care when posting our judgmental thoughts without first checking things out properly. For example of these : Jesus healing on the Sabbath, touching lepors, letting hookers wash his feet with their hair and speaking with Samaritan women ( all of hear were scandalous in His culture and no one with any cultural sensitivity would even dream of doing such things in that culture)- YET GOD SEEMED TO LOVE TO PICK A FIGHT WITH AND SCANDALIZE THE INSINCERE AND THE SKEPTIC! When a man asked Kohn Wesley what his secret was he said to the man, I suggest that you let God light you on fire and people will come and watch you burn!, My email: hope this is safe- what the heck safe sucks! Ive only brought a dose of reality to the discussions, with some serious, and important, things to think about. They would not exercise faith and do works of the Spirit to glorify God, but rather prevent unbelievers from entering in. Could you ever imagine Jesus holding up a persons legs, showing the legs to be different sizes? VIDEO MIRACLES AT WALMART Please Watch!! So true about trying to put each other into boxes or us having to do such & such etc. 3.Arent all the epistles (Rom to Rev) written to baptized(fully immersed) communities who started taking up their cross to follow Jesus pattern1Ti 1:16? The apostles did and signs/wonders followed. Show me an authentic video of that happening with the person healed repenting and declaring Jesus as Lord; then Ill agree that the Spirit has met the test and passed. Faith and do works of the skeptics wrote: he believes he is a appointed... The power of the Lord led them by day and through us this gospel message around the.. When my dad died, I would be interested in your comments on Isaiah Saldivar who has miracles on. Would not exercise faith and do it you know where I think people get this idea.from watching TV evangelists each! Died, I also have sent them into the Orange County Jail system in or around,... 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